First time picking up this game. It's really damn good, I'm a big fan now.
I like Naho, but I really hope we'll have chance to do some good work with her. Don't take me wrong, making her a pet is fun enough, but it feels kinda.. wastefull.
I mean, Naho was the strongest in her tribe, she was capable of soloing Ravager in act 2. She was rather badass tbh.
I really hope we could get some nice development in not-broken path for her. I would like to have Naho as some baddass bodyguard for myself. Like, screw Wolf-pack, Naho will now become part of Dragon-pack.
One more thing, I somehow can't visit Mina in Act 5, shouldn't she be part of harem? Was trying it on happy Mina save. Anyone with similar problem?