>Apparently I can't understand japanese, so I downloaded a text hooking software and translated every sentence with google and bing.
Well, I do know something or another about japanese myself and I'm also interested in RE108095. However, I have absolutely no clue about how translating engines works, I'm not sure if I'm up to the task, because even thought it's just a short VN it's still walls and walls of moon runes to interpret and it's a known fact machines can't understand context, which jeopardizes the translation of more complex dialogues, taking in account japanese is a heavily context related language.
So if someone here in this thread could give me some clue in VN Translations Engines and how to work with [TOUCHABLE] games, it would be a big help. Maybe I could even give it a try on "translating" RE108095 since I'm also a machine rape enthusiast.
Best working method to translate is to put every sentence through deepl and google.
Deepl is good with building understandable and nice sounding sentences but tends to make raw sentence parts vanish sometimes.
And it misunderstands quite often, so you have a nice sounding sentence, which isn't right at all.
Thats why I'm using Google as well.
It's good to check for deepl eaten parts. It understands moaning a lot better as well.
Both translators can't understand who is speaking. They mix up the person very often, so check who is meant in a sentence.
Sometimes I translated multiple sentences together, deepl tends understand it better like this.
Brute force method is to just turn the sentence into words and combining them randomly.
It's surprisingly dumb, but effective.
Another note, for Touchable games you don't need a text hooker.
the NScripter2 exns2 from asmodean and some fiddling around, you should be able to extract all raw data from the game.
My "eng_part1v1.zip" posted above also contains partly translated raw text, it's the "02.txt".
Just replace the text and it will instantly appear ingame (after restarting game), so testing is very easy.
If you look into my file, you will notice that I did add some extra space into the sentences.
That's to prevent line break from splitting words in half. The game engine is not build to check splitting english words.
Another note, best use a text editor (like note++) that shows the linebreaks and stuff. Deleting those can cause some bugs.
All in all, just try your best, if it sounds and looks nice, no one will notice if it's slightly wrong.
If you have further questions, just ask. But don't expect me to answer quick, I'm not always active on F95.