VN - Ren'Py - Realm Invader [Ep. 2 P1] [Invader Gary]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Might be the best VN I have played yet. Funny, original, clever, hot.

    I have to be honest, I skip a lot of dialogue in porn games. Like a lot. Hell, I even skip forward in most movies and tv shows. But writing here is insanely good, dialogue is to the point. Almost zero filler, unlike most VNs. None of that deep lore dive, no unending lines on describing their trouble in school/work etc. This is a game about the MC, the girls and the sexual/romantic dynamic between them. That´s what porn games are about (to me anyways) - about sex, about those doing the sex, and everything that leads to/stems from the sex. Be it romance, horniness ... being a slave... Interactive erotic romance novel (usually) aimed more towards the guys. Something lot of other developers don´t seems to get.

    But don´t take me wrong. There is lore, there is world building. But to add depth to the characters, not to be the star of the show. Every character has plenty of personality, including the main protagonist. Dialogue (and internal monologue) is funny and engaging, while keeping our primal side of mind occupied with tasteful H type of humour/tension/meta.

    Music is amazing, lots of tracks, each chosen with lyrics in mind specifically for each scene.

    Despite me mentioning "sex" like five times earlier, there aren´t actually that many H scenes, but those that are there are amazing. The scene in the swimming pool/competition might be the hottest piece of animation I have ever seen. The attention to detail when it comes to the girl is incredible, it´s very well textured. Animation is done with high level of polish and thought as well (looks really realistic, with the way the character is changing between several motions without a cut).

    The only downside is it´s far from finished (room for plenty more chapters). Also no voice (or sound effects) in H scenes but that´s both kinda rare and personal perference. Otherwise, nothing but praise. It was so good I had to write my first review. Kudos do the dev and good luck with the development, I truly think this is a special game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    (Disclaimer: Review is for version Ep2P1 and is subject to change upon the game's completion)


    ...Okay, before anything, can someone tell me what drugs were the dev taking when he made this thing, and can I have some?


    Anyway, I'm...honestly impressed with this game. The story's pretty unique, the humor is simply insane and is absolutely right up my alley, the renders are decent, the worldbuilding is just flat-out bonkers, the music is awesome, and the characters feel like they're so alive with all of the animated expressions and movements that they showcase outside the lewds.

    Only issues I have I suppose is that the Dev character feels overdone (like, I don't mind that he exists, but he feels like he's a character who overstays his welcome and would've been better had his presence be used sparingly), the opening is a bit on the weak side and had to be powered through to get to the good stuff, the main character looks a little TOO generic and it would've been better if the dev gave him a little bit of love, some of the camera angles look a bit "off" like some closeups look out of center and such, and the UI feels sluggish at times.

    Other than that, I absolutely adore this thing and I would play it even without the lewds. Will definitely watch this thing with great interest. 4.5/5 stars.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I´m speechless... Wordless... Flabbergasted... Sad, happy, glad, thankful...

    As my rating says - IT´S EXCELLENT in every possible way.

    I want to thank you SO MUCH Invader Gary for making this AVN... You can´t imagine how happy and glad, amused and joyful it made me, that I could play it and so immensely enjoy it.

    This is for me one of the BEST AVN I have ever played. If not TOP 3 (And I played almost one hundred of them)...


    Sorry :)... It´s just... So impeccably crafted.

    1. The LIS are beautiful, loveable, cute and believable as well enjoyable and fun to be around... And did I already say just CUTE and ADORABLE ? :D
    (Chloe is the most adorable and BEST girl I have ever seen in AVNs and Stella... Cadence :DDDD Grace, Noelle, ´Neeta.

    2. The HUMOR oh my god THE HUMOR... I have laughed DOZENS OF TIMES... Dozens... Like atleast 50 times... My whole Tuesday and morning of Wednesday was interwoven with laughing, chuckling, giggling and literally LMAOs :D:D:D:D:D.
    The humor in this AVN is so perfect, so funny, so astute and complex and just so damn enjoyable and perfect, perfect, perfect... Nothing else. The Funniest AVN... (Now imagine if this was the only positive trait of this AVN, it would be gold just for this... But it is not - we have LIS, Humor, Music, Story, Atmosphere and grammar - almost flawless and well made and fit syntax and such, AKA Easy to read. ((if you want)). And THE MEMES :DXDxdXDxD (((Friendship ended with Chloe, now my best friend is... xdXDXxD)))

    3. Music... Again, on point, everything about it... From those little sound effect to add to the scene or meme sounds, or just goofy samples etc.
    All of them added to the overally amazing AVN scenes, and convey what it set to do. The music was goofy, funny, sad and beautiful just in place it needed to be and enhanced this AVN to another level... (DOOM and Spider, Meme sounds, Breakdacing in cinema, Ice-cream parlor, End Credits for Episode 2 part 1 and soooo muuuch more).

    4. The story... It´s interesting, gripping, I couldn´t pull myself from taking a break (I did though), just that interesting and well crafted it is of a game. The flow was perfect, never did I ever felt bored or that the dialogue was tedious, or pointlessly prolonged or stretched... NEVER... I admire your writing skills among all the others required from you for this AVN, as I have read your post about you beginning part 2 and taking a break before starting and how hard it must be for you...

    BUT JUST KNOW: YOU ARE DOING AN AMAZING JOB AND PIECE OF ART, AS THIS CAN BE, I BELIEVE, ON OF THE BEST AVNs EVER... And I am not even stretching this praise... Far from it, as my feelings of everything, as I have stated before, I have got from this AVN were, and are, genuine and for that I am thankful Invader Gary. ;):D

    5. The Atmosphere overally... And by that I mean all the aspects, I have already mentioned combined together: Perfection , nothing less, rather much more.
    Yeah... I could write bilion adverbs and adjective and such... So just: Perfection... And masterpiece and work of art and and and ... xDXDxdxD

    You have my deepest and most sincere gratitude Invader Gary for making this. Can´t say more than that... I am glad I have experienced it. Thank you.

    And who reads this and read it till the end, just go with your guts and give this a try if you yet didn´t . You WON´T REGRET IT. IT´S AMAZING and well worth your time...

    Thank you. :love:
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, I don't know how its possible but it's even better then Eternum. 10 stars in every level!

    1. High Quality Audio Experience
    2. Very good humor, maybe the best i've seen
    3. All Characters are well produced, beautifill and with personalitty
    4. Animations are top-notch
    5. Great dialogs

      Resuming, Its a fantastic game, i just hope the developer stay motivated because with these stantards you will have a lot of success!
      And bring us new titles like this one! Thank you very much for this game!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Ep. 2 P1
    Alright, let's dive into "Realm Invader." This game has really impressed me on multiple fronts, and here's why:

    Immersive Audio Experience
    First off, the music and sound effects are top-notch. The background sounds really pull you into the game and make every scene come to life. It's one of those things you don't always notice until it's done right, and here, it's spot on.

    Hilarious Moments
    Now, let's talk about the humor. This developer has a great sense of humor, and it shows. Remember Carlos and his cow from the intro? I was in stitches. The jokes aren't just thrown in for the sake of it; they add that extra layer of enjoyment and show the dev's dedication to making the game fun. I actually laughed out loud on numerous occassions

    Top-Tier Animations
    The animations are another highlight. It's not just the sex scenes that are animated; there are random scenes throughout that add to the immersion and quality of the game. The animations are smooth and some of the best I've seen in a game like this. It's clear a lot of effort went into making them look great.

    Likeable Main Character
    The main character is another big plus. He's goofy, funny, and really likeable, which makes playing the game even more enjoyable. You can't help but root for the guy.

    Engaging Characters
    The way characters are introduced is fantastic. Some love interests even get a full animated intro, which makes you feel more invested in them right from the start. Each character has something interesting about them, which keeps you engaged.

    Unique Storyline
    I went into the game thinking it might be another cliché "living with four women" story, but I was pleasantly surprised. The storyline is unique and interesting, keeping you hooked as it unfolds.

    Fantastic Dialogue
    Lastly, the dialogue is some of the best I've seen. The addition of thoughts and well-timed lines creates genuinely funny moments and adds depth to the characters and story. It's clear a lot of thought went into writing the dialogue, and it pays off.

    All in all, "Realm Invader" is a fantastic game that excels in audio, humor, animations, character development, and dialogue. The unique storyline and likeable main character make it a joy to play. If you're looking for a game that goes the extra mile in every aspect, this is it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The sex animations are amazing I really didn't expect that, it's probably top 3 of any I've seen around here. Most of the time I see animations in games here and I feel like : "Well, that's a little awkward, I would have preferred renders..." But here it really adds something

    The plot is ok. I'd say I'm somewhat interested in it.
    MC is ok.
    The girls are great, I like their models, I really like their different personalities, I like the choice. Their dialogues, the different dynamics, everything.

    I saw some complains about the unskippable scenes, I haven't had an issue with them.

    The world setting I like it, I don't know how to say it but it just feels right.

    I like the humor in this game too.

    The sex animations really make this game standout for me. Overall I really appreciate this game and hope it will keep being updated
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of E2 1 P1.

    This almost is a 5 star game for me but I feel like I want to see more of the plot unfold before I give it that last star. Since right now this game is mostly a slice of life comedy that is enjoyable.

    Good Animations +
    The game is long and has alot of content for 2 episodes +
    Every character is likeable +
    Great characters so far with a variety of personality +
    Choices Matter - Example a character told me not to tell someone else about something. I did anyways as a result I missed out on a scene with her. +

    There is a I patch I didn't realize till after I played the game it isn't needed at all to make sense in this one. +

    The only negative I can think of so far is more just a me issue. It is when the developer character appears I really hate it as I find it annoying and not funny. Mostly cause I just dislike his model
    Likes: Zenim
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I never thought I'd find a game that compared to the likes of Oceanlab and Power Vacuum, but this game is definitely at that level. Funniest porn game I've ever played. It feels more like you're playing a game with a sexual component rather than a mindless porn game to get your rocks off, which are the exact type of porn games I hunt for. Animations are gorgeous, soundtrack is amazing, relationship-building is perfect, overall writing is fucking brilliant, and to top it all off, it's somehow it's all being produced from a solo dev (who's a pretty cool guy on discord). Absolute 10/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is good, the animations are perfect and for me the humor is top notch. The characters are very lovely and well written. Im glad i found this game by accident and im gonna follow the progress.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Funniest AVN of all time. Sarcasm, 4th wall breaking, absurdism, stupidity, cringe, memes. It takes all kinds of humor and uses them to its full effect like the avatar. The renders are second to none and characters that my 6th sense tells me will never be seen again leave a lasting impression even after reading the whole thing. This story is not unheard of but the way that the author builds the world, its faculties, the magic, and society are all done in a way that feels new. Great work Invader Gary
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This quickly became one of my favorites as I played. The MC actually has a personality which is great, the music is pretty solid, the girls in this are unique and lovable. and the humor is top notch. Honestly, this is probably the funniest game I've played on this site. Looking forward to more updates!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Ep. 2 P1

    This game has potential to become top 15-20 best games on this site in the next two year or so of development.

    However it needs two vital things imo, first taking a step fordward with sexual scenes, so far we have zero sexual scenes with penetration in maybe 5 hours of game. And second, tone it down with the comedy. I will get more concise on that later, but first thing first, pros and cons.


    • Renders in 4k with really good animations. Good visuals.
    • Likeable cast of characters, this includes main LIs, secondary characters such as the swimming team and the professor and the mc.
    • The mc feels really like a young adult, it has a very realistic personality of what a lot of 18 y.o are like. He is not a Gary Sue, neither an stupid fuck. He is smart, laidback, cares for others and sometimes he is bold an inmature, really a relatable 18 y.o mc.
    • The writing is pretty good, such a shame the dev doesn't want to do a more serious story so far. It has it's moments.
    • Cool sound effects and nice soundtrack.
    • The game made me laugh instead of just cracking a smile at some scenes.


    • WAY. TO. MUCH. COMEDY. This is mainly why I substrack one of the two stars in my review. The plot losses itself between comedy, sometimes it is well received, like the professor and the mc interactions, or the mc just being silly. But it painfully fucks up serious scenes, like there's one moment in which you discover that certain LI has childhood trauma and a fucked up thing happens, next thing is the mc comically hitting the said LI. Mc is having a heart to heart conversation??? Wait for the running gag to ruin it. It shorta remind me of the tv show "The big bang theory" where the writters were uncappable of doing a serious scene without it ending whit a joke. Like I said in PROS it is a shame that the dev does not use a more balanced approach, because they are capable of creating good writing.
    • Two years of development, 5 hours of content and very little sex scenes, that's the other star substraction. In fact mc is still a virgin, and I feel like dev should quit the exagerated slow burn at least with the character outside family.

    Like you can see the game has more pros that cons, but those two cons made me had to power through the game when I was maybe a the 65% of the total content. Specially the first point. If the dev intends to make a more serious story and give us some more lewd content than a few bj I will change my rating consequently.

    But nonetheless I think this game is going to be a big thing if the dev doesn't fuck up and updates regularly. I will try it again in the next update or two and edit my review.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The animations are hands dowm the best I saw. There are a lot of those, and I mean A LOT. The story is nice and characters are very hot. Interactions are interesting and most of all this game is actually very funy.

    Best of luck for the dev, this game is one of my all time favorites now.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for Ep. 2 P1

    Realm Invader follows the story of [insert your name of choice here], a loser boy who ends up with lots of free time for his newfound friends, love interests and family after getting sorta kinda Isekai'd into an alternate "realm" where magic has existed since almost always (and Jesus' surname was Greg); Enjoy his time learning about his newfound magic powers and all the fun that they may bring, find personal bonds there where always meant to be and enjoy yourself while kinda sorta ignoring the looming possibility of very serious consequences for slipping into a reality that isn't "yours" (...and also ignoring the Chad Developer self insert but not really).

    Overall, the characters are hella lovable and the atmosphere is absurdly funny, with almost too many jokes per second (which is perfect to my taste but YMMV). The renders are simple but get the job done, while the animations really shine and are a cut above your average AVN. The overarching plot isn't very developed for the moment, with some sections still feeling disconnected - but it's already possible to see how the writer intends to intertwine everything into a cohesive mess mass of text.

    The only real complaint would be that, sometimes, all the characters end up sounding "too similar" - the MC and his newfound slave have some scenes on Ep. 1 where it is almost impossible to discern who is the one talking if not for the name above each sentence, for example. Also everything is hella verbose - which may be either good or bad - again, YMMV.

    ... IMHO, It's one of the most promissing games released here in the past 3 years.

    Animations: 6/5 (really superb stuff)
    Renders: 4/5 (good, but we've seem better)
    Plot: 4/5 (cool, yet contrived and secondary)
    Characterization: 3/5 (style compromises it)
    Jokes: 6/5 (most land hard: made me ROTFL)
    Sexy Times: 3/5 (~half a dozen no-sex scenes)
    Entertainment Factor: 5/5 (a really good read)
    Route Branching: 5/5 (dialogue/scenes "respond" to choices)

    Overall: 4.5/5 (rounding up to 5, as there is no half star rating)
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Ep. 2 P1

    Seems like I'm going to be a bit controversial here, but I am incredibly conflicted with this game. Generally speaking, AVNs are at their best for me when they can get me immersed within them. If I can get captured and locked into your game, you're probably doing something right. What is probably my biggest problem with Realm Invader is that despite my genuine effort to get into it, it is NOT an immersive game. Why is that? The comedy. If you're like me and the comedic parts of this game don't 100% work for you, getting through this becomes a chore.

    Now the game starts well enough with the intro. We are a sort of aimless post-highschool graduate that the game puts as "a total fucking loser." Suddenly some magical hoopla happens and we find ourselves transported to a sort of alternate reality where things like magic and fantasy races exist. We still live with the same family in the same house and all that, but now the world has a new history to it along with everything else. I have no issues with the premise, it genuinely was an interesting enough hook with how it played out.

    But then our life resumes in this new world, and here is where I'll elaborate on the comedy stuff. This game takes the comedy dial, turns it up to eleven, and then fucking smashes it so you can never turn it down. The MC, for like the first two hours of the game, feels like a comedian who never stops telling jokes and trying to be funny. It's not only him though, but it's quite literally baked into almost every single scene. A lot of it is fourth wall/immersion breaking too, which is why it's so hard to be immersed in the first place. Every single moment has to be sandwiched by jokes and it just never stops man. Some of it is honestly funny or made me smile at the least, but then for every one of those times I laughed there was another five I clicked past as fast as possible because my patience ran out.

    Now of course the comedy is something very subjective and everyone will feel different about it. So now I'll try to get to the more objective parts of this.

    I don't think the game knew what it wanted to be until around a couple hours in where we acquire the slave girl. Ignoring the comedy really does cut out a huge chunk of this, but when I'm taking a look solely at the more "normal' events that start to characterize the love interests I realize the game almost never spends enough time on them. I think each of the main girls so far do exhibit some endearing personality traits, but there was only one girl I felt actually somewhat invested in. That was our youngest sister, the scruffy gamer girl shut in. She's great and very cute, but the entire reason I feel this way is because the game gave her more focus than anyone. In hours of playing, I feel like I got absolutely nothing from the mom, barely anything from the athletic sister, and maybe just under what I needed to start really liking the older sister.

    It's the same way with a lot of the plot moving events. The game just blows by them so fast man. It's missing fluff, it's missing transitions, and ultimately felt lacking in direction. I felt like shit was happening almost at random sometimes. But then we get to the slave girl and it felt like the game finally had some semblance of where it wanted to go. The MC suddenly flips a switch to turn off comedian mode and actually displays... intelligence maybe? And it feels like relevant shit is actually happening without delving into spoilers.

    So those are my key issues, and my review probably reads like I hate this. Honestly though, I really don't. There is something good here with the plot. Some of the characters are genuinely endearing in ways that make me want to see more of them. The renders are phenomenal and it is especially rare to have a 4K version (which I used and appreciated). The animations are very solid. Despite the "average" rating I give this, it's not an average game.

    I can genuinely feel that a lot of effort going into Realm Invader, and I think the dev has a certain talent you don't see often. However upon reaching as far as the end of the first episode, I just couldn't find a desire to keep going and play the next one. Some day I probably will try the next episode to see if my opinion shifts, but I'd be forcing myself if I did so now. Still, if you do find yourself enjoying the comedy this is probably a game you'll love.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Cute and sometimes funny. But after 2 years of development, it didn't even get to sex, just a bunch of foreplay. It would be better to have no content at all than these ridiculous teasers that expose the MC mindset of a 13 yo girl, who afraid of sex. There is no interactive content either.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Top 5 AVNs
    - Both the h and non-h animations are excellent
    - Superb music choice that wonderfully complements the scenes
    - humor's subjective but I find it funny
    - diverse character personalities
    - story's good so far
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    First off, the graphics are fantastic. Everything looks so good, lighting is on point, animations, just really really good looking game.

    Second, the story is very entertaining and I am genuinely curious to find out what is going on.

    Third, characters are great. They all have their own personalities and quirks, and most of them have really funny moments as well. Grace is best girl for me, but really Chloe and Noelle are very close seconds.

    The humor really hits in this one and I found myself laughing out loud more than once.

    Amount of content for two chapters is already longer than some devs with 5-6 chapters.

    Long story short, this is one of the best AVN that I have ever played and I highly recommend it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I didn't have high hopes for it when I first started it because it adheres to the anime style of storytelling, sticking close to its tropes and conventions, which I honestly hate, but this one surprised me. It's really funny, with good production value. You can tell there is serious effort put into it.

    The one thing I didn't like was the relationship-building aspect of it. The MC is a good character and it's one of the main reasons I like this one, but he's too passive when it comes to the relationships. His relationship to his slave can be summed up as an exchange of favours. He goes to her when he's horny and she blows him. She drops hints that she wants more, but the MC is perfectly content with just asking for blowjobs. That felt too shallow, plus, the one time he decides to do anything other than allow her to suck his dick, she completely overwhelms him and again he does nothing.

    He was also way too passive with the other LI. They got to the point where they were fooling around all thanks to her efforts. He literally did nothing. At least, this time, when they were fooling around he became more assertive.

    Either way, great game except for the relationship building aspect. I think if we get more choices and more control over how the MC interacts with the LIs, this game can easily reach the level of the big AVNs.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this one's really good. Easily one of the best AVNs I've played and it's only two episodes long (it's still surprisingly long tho, took me a while to finish). Story's great, so are the characters, the renders are beautiful, writing's nice and I love the music. It's actually funny as well, without trying too hard. Just play it, it's worth it.