VN - Ren'Py - Realm Invader [Ep. 2 P1] [Invader Gary]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this one's really good. Easily one of the best AVNs I've played and it's only two episodes long (it's still surprisingly long tho, took me a while to finish). Story's great, so are the characters, the renders are beautiful, writing's nice and I love the music. It's actually funny as well, without trying too hard. Just play it, it's worth it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Welp this instantly is going on the short list of best VNs currently out there. Animations, art, writing are all top tier. Having a bunch of custom animations woven in really helps to connect you with the characters. Love the chances the game takes on alternative sexual routes. Most VNs we see are far too vanilla wish just different faces on the same 3 sex scenes. Hopefully the updates keep coming.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep. 2 P1]
    I'll be brief, as you can find extensive reviews from others already - it's a masterpiece, a must play.

    The only negatives I can see:
    - Breaking the fourth wall. Some people like it, I find it annoying, but it's a matter of preference and there's not a lot of it.
    - It's a slow burn, but the story is actually really good. Far better than 90+% VNs you'll find on this site and I've played hundreds by now. Just don't come in with the expectation of a quick fap.

    I applaud the dev for his bravery on including traps in the game. I hope it's gonna be a deep and interesting route as the rest of the girls. Can't wait!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A truly fucking incredible VN, this one is going to be huge i can already feel it, this bad boy deserves to be up there with those 4.9 star games when you sort by rating, a year from now it'll be there im telling you. Beautiful production quality, sound effects, music, plenty of high quality animations, comedic timing, all of it is *chef kiss*
    The characters are fascinating and the premise is extremely well done, the story strikes the perfect balance of endearingly light-hearted with tense and dramatic stakes, keeping you invested and amused. It's a pretty impressive feat to have me actually laugh out loud while im just sitting alone at my desk.
    For those invested in it there isnt much lewd content as of Ep2P1 but what DOES exist is pretty fucking hot.
    For any and all Visual Novel Connoisseurs (read: horny shut ins) This is seriously a great game and i guarantee you'll be hooked just like i have been.
    Can barely wait for the next step of the story Gary, love your work, peace Xx
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Someone *really* likes Caribdis, although can't quite reach the highs of their inspiration.
    It's clear a lot of work went in to this project, with custom animations and camera work right from the start. I'm giving it 4 stars based on that alone. The writing is...fine. If we're using other porn games as a metric, "fine" is actually the best you could hope for. There are lots of attempts at humor and a lot of failures. The models look nice, but the sex is not really at the quantity I'd want after spending 3 hours with the game.
    It's got a lot of promise, but perhaps wait until a few updates drop before checking in on this again
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Played : Ep. 2 P1

    In my opinion, this game has potential to be one of the GOATs. Inspiration from other such games can be seen, but it does have it's own spin on them and doesn't lack in comparison - main thing is, it's fun.

    Good story, good dialogues, good comedic timing, solid music. Good but still early stage lewds.

    And that's my main gripe with this game - pacing.

    Sure, there's quite a bit of content so far, depending on your reading time at least 4 hours, and the lewds are good. But, and it's a big one:

    The game's been in development for almost 2 years, and this Part 1 of C2 took ~10 months if my math is mathing - considering how far along in the story/lewd department we are, there's 2 main options :

    1) The game's story/lewds gets crash coursed which would be sad.
    2) The game takes ages to complete, and maybe gets abandoned in the process, which would also be sad.

    I don't know which would be worse tbh. There's an another option though, which is unlikely - the dev manages to speed up his process and retains the pacing of the game but speeds up the releases.

    It feels we've just scratched the surface of this world and its narrative.

    In any case, what's there is great fun to play, but where will it go and how long will it take is a separate matter.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good quality models and animations as well as funny dialogue. The Story so far is intriguing and well presented. The female characters are varied in body types and styles. Very much looking forward to future updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    What a top tier VN!
    Where else can I get a MC that has a disdain towards kids and can thor's hammer a pan, whos haunted by an omniscient chad god.
    And dont forget about the cast of submissible women with stories that has layers. Will continuous look forward for the future Xx
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, actual good animations and models. What a strange combination these days.

    I wish you could skip the long transitions or opt into skipping short scenes that link two other scenes without having to rewatch all of it to see the end picture.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I decided to wait till the second update to rate this one, just to make sure it remained consistent. I'm tempted to just slap 5 stars on this and call it a day, no explanations needed.

    Before saying anything else, I have to congratulate the dev on the quality of the updates. I'd go as far as saying that he raised the bar on what is considered a "good update". Ep2p1 has sizeable content considering how long it was in development, extremely polished, without bugs or grammar/spelling mistakes.

    It's a fairly straightforward VN. You mostly choose your attitude towards the love interests and gain relationship points with them. The dev has implemented a system that flashes color to let the player know if a choice is important for the future, or if the current scene is a result of a previous choice.
    There is a currency system that allows you to buy things which may unlock scenes or be relevant to the plot at a later point.
    There also exist choice driven games/events, where you try to navigate through a problem and make the best out of it, with various results depending on how well you read the situation. They aren't really distinct from the rest of the choices and they seemingly don't have any special mehanics though so don't expect something ultra specific. I expect to see more of them in later updates.

    While it's too early to understand the scope and the prologue is a bit confusing, this is a modern world with high fantasy elements, including magic, fantasy races like elves and anthropomorphic animals.
    A significant percentage of the population is magic users, magic itself is a scientific discipline taught at universities, with well documented history, types, effects and limitations.
    There also exists slavery, or indentured servitude, which is enforced by magic, binding a willing recipient to the caster.
    The mythology is expansive, with many races, a lot of detail concerning magic and mysteries yet uncovered.

    The story follows a young adult fresh out of high school, who is talented and fairly easygoing, but has no defined goals in life. He lives in a mundane modern world, similar to real life. While out to buy some medicine, something happens to him which makes him see a vision and seemingly transports him to a magical parallel world.
    From there on he pretty much finds a new purpose understanding magic, tries to understand his new condition, explore this new strange world and get in some peculiar trouble seemingly related to the event that started this whole mess.

    There is a lot of humor here with tasteful use of memes. My highlight has to be when a girl is lying on her bed using her phone, and the phone drops on her head. I'm ashamed to admit how often this happens to me and that scene was a shock.

    There's also a fair ammount of commentary. I appreciate that the MC is mature enough to at least think of some issues before sticking his dick in the hole, it adds to the fantasy if anything. There exists some hyperbole and big words thrown around, mostly for comedic purposes.

    There exists drama but it's on the backburner currently. I expect that it will progressively become heavier as it's obvious that a lot of characters have emotional baggage and will eventually have to face their demons.

    Exceptionally high quality HS renders and the sex animations are a whole new class. While the game still doesn't have much sexual content yet, and what it has is mostly foreplay, I guarantee that you will never see a better titjob animation anywhere and I don't even care about titjobs. These tits are alive. I know you are skeptical right now, but the experience will humble you.

    The backgrounds are detailed and the characters are beautiful and proportional. Don't be quick to judge the looks of the girls from the first scenes. The dev constantly changes hairstyles, make-up and clothing depending on the occasion. The differences between the various versions of the characters are profound.

    A lot of whoosh sounds, meme sounds, comedic ambience, mystery ambience, epic ambience, metal. The sounds are mostly used for dramatic effects and impact. You will find a lot of switches between dramatic and comedic music that attempt to create a semi-horror/gotcha moment, to various effects.

    Generally speaking, a lot of care has been given for the audio to have a clear and important role in the game. Hearing the intro of "The only thing they fear is you" can leave a lasting impression.

    The only feedback I have to give is that the stronger scenes could use some stronger music. Right now they are mostly forgettable. I can't really recall the music during sex scenes, or the Leliana scene, training segments and the few action scenes the game has. I had to replay the scenes just to confirm that they had music for this review.

    The Girls:
    The foundation is built on the common incest family trope. Absent father no one talks about, repressed mother and quirky sisters. MC doesn't really have friends of his own to pursue but he makes a few along the way.

    MC's relationship with the various characters is well founded and organic. Certainly some characters are harder to approach romantically, others are still in the "getting to know them" stage. The incestuous desires kind of.. exist. There is no good way to explain this but you won't really find the classic "but he is my brother I shouldn't think about him that way" monologue. I can't tell if this is a design choice or it's just too early, but at least one sister doesn't seem to care much.

    Currently the cast contains 7 girls with confirmed romance routes and a femboy that you can increase your relationship points with. I expect at least double that by the time all the characters are introduced.

    It doesn't seem like any relationship is mandatory. As far as I'm aware you can opt out from all of them if you want to. I'm not sure how it affects the content though as this type of playthrough doesn't interest me, so I never tested it.

    The MC:
    MC is an odd fellow. At first he sounds like he is going to be a directionless loser, but almost immediately we see that he is actually fairly competent, goal oriented, a quick learner and surprisingly savvy. He feels like a much older person in the skin of a younger one. Pair him with a generally good disposition and enough power to outshine any conventional magician and you get a semi-righteous and well-intentioned beast that doesn't take shit from anyone.
    I wouldn't call him very realistic, but he is relatable in the aspects that matter I guess. It feels like he is going to completely dominate whatever competition he enters which can be a bit boring. Hopefully I will be proven wrong and the stakes will be enough to give him pause and drama.

    Closing Comments:
    Don't be fooled by the lack of tags or how new this game is. There is a ton of high quality content to go through relative to it's development time. If you enjoy Harem games with a formidable protagonist, great banter, great visuals and a splash of supernatural/fantasy, this game is for you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    If I had unlimited time, there is absolutely no shortage of compliments I can give this game. The writing, the audio, the animations, the characters, everything is TOP. TIER. Invader Gary has begun creating a legit MASTERPIECE and I'm not at all unwilling to say it ranks as my #2 best ever HS AVN so far, just behind the current #1 HS game. The amount of content in the 1st and 2nd releases (Ch1 & Ch2Part1) is astounding, given the quality and care put into them. If you want a good laugh (and I mean at times, loud, obnoxious hyena cackling), and also GREAT eye candy, PLEASE give this game a chance. As of Ch2 Part 1, there is no "sex" as in traditional penetration, but there is PLENTY of spice. This isn't a "fuck'em'all", but it is a harem game with a solid pacing that makes sure you're invested in these characters before MC puts his dick in them. The buildup and payoff is worth every second, and I've already played through this new update 3 times, and will absolutely replay it at least several times more before next release.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating: 5/5

    Realm Invader is a mesmerizing journey that defies convention and leaves an indelible mark on the player. Boasting a captivating storyline and remarkable character development, it stands as a testament to the heights gaming can achieve.

    What sets Realm Invader apart is its narrative intricacy. Unlike many games that follow predictable plotlines, this one offers a refreshing twist at every turn. As players progress, they're drawn deeper into a world teeming with mystery and wonder. The characters, each with their own unique stories and motivations, evolve in tandem with the plot, creating a rich tapestry of experiences that players won't soon forget.

    Complementing the captivating narrative is the game's breathtaking artwork. From sprawling landscapes to intimate character moments, every scene is a visual treat. The attention to detail is evident, with each environment meticulously crafted to immerse players in the game's world.

    Having embarked on this enchanting adventure, I eagerly await each new episode. The promise of what lies ahead fills me with excitement and anticipation. Realm Invader has set a new standard for storytelling in gaming, pushing the boundaries of creativity and immersion.

    In conclusion, Realm Invader is a triumph in every sense of the word. Its compelling narrative, coupled with outstanding character development and stunning artwork, make it a must-play for any gaming enthusiast. With each episode, the game continues to captivate and inspire, earning it a well-deserved 5/5 rating.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ep. 2 P1] Review

    Randomly decided to take a chance on this and was utterly blown away. Definitely one of the better games on the site, and it was pulled off in "2" episodes no less (quotations because I still can't believe it's only 2). It's shocking this almost fell by the wayside for me because of its quality, but I am so glad it didn't.

    There are so so many good things going for this game right now that it scares and excites me to think that the rest of the game has to live up to it. The renders and quality of the game is sublime: I played in 4K and it was phenomenal. The many animations to flesh out scenes made the game feel so much more alive and grabbed my attention so easily every time. Nothing felt out of place in terms of the imagery and the music complemented the scenes immensely well. There is also so much content for not even an episode 2, but episode 2 part 1. I was pleasantly surprised by how much story there was; I kept expecting the game to end several times but it continuously delivered. Hopefully that doesn't become a negative with update frequency though.

    The plot is very well written as it progresses. The intro sequence was a bit confusing, and it was followed with a bit of a lore dump, but most of extra info is optional content, and the pacing adjusts very well after the exposition. I absolutely love the story, its a spin on classic OP protag narratives, with lots of humor and gags mixed in. The game definitely draws from its contemporaries in the comedy department (*cough* Caribdis *cough*), but it does have its own charm and I only see it as a positive.

    The characters are very well thought out, there's a good mix of personality and LI tropes to satisfy most, and some optional non-vanilla stuff seems planned, which will definitely be a plus for those who enjoy it. Each character is fleshed out well, will some good wiggle room for subplots and overall development. Personally, I'm on the Cadence and Noelle train, but Chloe and Stella also super adorable.

    As for the current lewd content, there is quite a bit more than I was expecting, which parallels my feeling about the overall length of the current build. Some of the early scenes are not as delivering as I would have liked, but just because I wanted more. They only get better though, and I can't wait for when things start heating up with some of the LIs. Scenes are animated well and are super hot by the end of it, and I can only imagine what it will be like in a few updates from now.

    Overall, it's clear that this game will be near the top of the best games on this platform if things keep going like this. It's almost criminal how underexposed this game is because I fully expect the majority of this platform to love this game. Super excited to see how things play out! Good luck dev!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This was a very nice episode. I would say its one of the top-tier games up there with the big boys. The humor is exceptionally good. I hope the story arc proves to be good as well. @Dev Please continue making this. You have a talent for this. Very few people do. So do continue if you like doing this. The money will eventually come rolling in, if you are in for the long haul.

    Also, I love the premise. There's a lot of possibility for some nice juicy dom and sub dialogues. I personally don't care much for the physical depiction. The dialogue and the chemistry between the characters is what makes any work of adult fiction satisfying.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. WOW. That's what i could muster after finishing the first episode. I have never ever seen a debut with this quality. This is genuinely on the same "hall of fame" quality level as Eternum and Pale Carnations.

    The dev is so talented that they can make even an utterly vanilla scene interesting by their camerawork and dialogue. This is a very rare talent and I'll be following the development with great interest.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, the quality is great. The use of all the non-lewd animations is amazing. The humor is fucking fantastic, first time an AVN has made me laugh. Not lacking in story either got me hooked right away. And damn the girls are hot.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Really really good so far, good writing helps elevate it a lot, and the jokes landed quite a bit - more often then they missed, which is a great sign.

    If output of episodes is steady I can see this being a big hit.

    One minor complaint is the odd texture on the male MC's... uh, dong. IMO at least.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    REALLY good game:
    • Funny, fast paced writing
    • Engaging plot, good pacing.
    • Interesting world building and magic system
    • Story has mystery, comedy, action, drama
    • Lots of sexy girls with distinct personalities and character traits.
    • Fairly well written and concise - not overly wordy like some games on here.
    • Mostly great models, with really solid animations, lighting and camera work.

    Only three sex scenes in the first episode, definitely leaves you wanting more!

    I'll be keeping a close watch on this one. Very recommended!
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Giggling Raven

    I just finished playing the first episode and I can confidently say that, if the quality I've seen from episode 1 is the minimum to be expected going forward, this is definitely going to be one of my favorites and alongside the big names of the industry in the future.

    The characters and story are extremely well written, the comedy is pure gold, the music and sound effects are on point and the animations are incredibly smooth.

    I love the magical theme combined with the modern world, elves and animal people (I just wish there'll be a fox girl somewhere in the future). MC being op in the making is also pretty in line with the kind of narrative I enjoy. The girls are also very lovable and Chloe is super adorable.

    Developer Gigachad cracks me up every time he shows up and although I was totally expecting that first wallpaper, I still laughed my ass off when I checked the folder.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I did not expect this game to be as good as it is.

    The writing is top-notch, with well-crafted dialogue that kept me engaged and entertained throughout. The game's humor is spot on. The characters are lovable, and seeing them interact with each other never felt boring or drawn out.

    Overall, I enjoyed my experience and recommend this game to anyone looking for a fun and entertaining experience.