VN - Ren'Py - Rebellion: Rise of the Damned [v0.7 Steam] [AGHAMUS]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.7 Steam
    It is for both rise of the damned and the beginning.

    This is mostly linear game with some choices that let you decide whether you want to see certain scenes or not (there are two forced scenes from the top of my mind. One in rise of the damned at the start where MC is cheating on his wife and another scene with wife in "the beginning" which starts all the events of the game).
    There are some "paths" that player can take, that will let you see different scenes, but in grand scheme of things they don't really matter as main story is linear and those choices are usually never mentioned again outside they own path, which ends pretty fast (within 1-4 next choices).
    MC himself is a dick,
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    Girls are for some reasons throwing themselves at MC and his cock. Even going as far as to cheat on their partners without any second thought, guess it's a perk that comes with being protagonist of porn game.
    I don't think girls have any personalities except for being fuck dolls to serve MC.

    Audio just sucks, I would recommend playing with muted game. Background sounds are also very loud even with me puting game sounds on 50% and having system sounds at 20%.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    "Rebellion: Rise of the Damned" delivers a gripping and immersive plot that keeps players on edge with its exciting story progression. The narrative is engaging, filled with unexpected twists and deep character development. The game's dark, atmospheric setting perfectly complements the tense and strategic gameplay, making every decision feel impactful. However, one notable omission is the lack of an impregnation option, which may disappoint fans who expected it as a feature. Despite this, the game excels in most areas, providing an exhilarating experience that overshadows the absence of this specific mechanic. - Generated by ChatGPT since the website forced me to write atleast 200 characters.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    This one is below average for me (0.7 steam version). Played both games and the writing is bad in both, the story makes no sense, and the characters are plain and boring. There are some choices that matter, which is great, but since I can't get any conection to any character because the plot and the portrayal of everything is an insult to the history it's based on, I really don't care for those choices. And yes, I get it it's a porn game, and one closer to Spartacus the series than a real historical drama, but still there are so many mistakes that throw me off completely. As an example, the first time you see the gladiators, one is holding a hammer taken out of Oblivion or something like that, full of dwarvish runes and everything.

    Render quality is decent and character models are pretty nice, and if you don't care for the liberties taken with things like some dresses and so on, it works. Animations are numerous and are quite decent, if a bit short. The music is annoying, there are some moans and that's about it for the sound. At least during my playtime there were no bugs, which is great.

    So, all in all, it's not the worst game around for certain, but it does fall below average. But if you don't care for historical accuracy and stuff like that, or the obvious porn-logic it falls into all the time, you might find it to your liking.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent cartoon porn game. The story is really good and the scenes well done. Of course the plot hurries along but that is expected since the author needs to pack so much into this. The Spartacus story of him before being captured as a slave might be a really interesting story/game as well.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    unusual, there is a plot that is not far-fetched (in Rome, sexual life was really freer than in our time), it is drawn normally, there is variability and many characters. I hope there will be a worthy continuation
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice VN I have played. Characters are way better. Very good game with each character model. Good story buliding with the updates. History VN's are the best ones with the realistic stories. Hope the update will get earlier.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Just played the first part: Rebellion: The Beginning.

    I thought.....
    I'd would give it:

    However my only complaint is the unavoidable scenes of MALE/MALE SEX, to be exact scenes of a MALE NPC penetrating the MC's ASS!

    There is NO WARNING or TAG on the game page.


    That being said it is simple enough to fast skip any BUMBOY content by holding the [Ctrl] button (PC) having selected the 'skip content' option in the settings.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Review based on Rebellion: Rise of The Damned (I haven't played the previous one)

    + premise (the idea) of the game
    + decent renders

    My main problem in the game - unlikeable characters.
    MC - douche and a cheater, most of the time it's optional, except the very beginning of the game, he fucks some slut in the toilet and it's not avoidable.
    Wife - one moment she is all lovey dovey, saying how much she loves the MC. At the same time she is obsessed with this "Time Travel" to the extent that she is willing to cheat on MC with some old hobo.
    We can stop her from cheating, but does it make her a better person? - nope. I mean she does this willingly, nobody is forcing her, she is just a cheater per se, just like MC.

    So, MC is pictured as an asshole, and the wifey is no better. Good premise for NTR path.
    About NTR btw, even though it is optional, I would say, it feels like NTR path should be a canon here. I mean, they both are unlikable, despite being in a marriage and telling each other "I love you", in reality they don't really care about each others feelings.
    Personally I don't feel any sympathy for neither of them.

    So, yeah, it's the game with interesting idea, but main characters are just unbearable, I dunno how it goes in a game later, but when you play for a shitty MC and is stuck with a shitty main LI (aka wife or GF), it sucks, unless you play it purely for NTR content.

    Also a few of my thoughts.
    As MC you can be faithful until the end... except the 1st scene in a game, which is forced. I mean, why bother to make all next encounters with side girls optional for MC, if he is already a cheater because of the forced scene at the start. Why is that? To justify wife's cheating later? I am not sure it works like that. This way you're just ruining both chars.
    Also, on NTR path MC behaves like cuck, absolutely pathetic, why? Isn't it a story about gladiators, strong willed MC suits this story, yes, but not pathetic MC.

    Anyway, all of this is based just on a Demo, I am willing to change my mind if the game becomes better.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Revolving Mania

    Pretty decent overall (at first). The MC struggles at first, but then becomes a badass and gets hella pussy. There are likeable male characters as well. The story development is so-so and there are some plot holes, but it was still enjoyable until then.

    Unfortunately, it kinda goes to shit in the new version "Rise of The Damned." Some spoilers here and there from now on.

    The MC becomes a complete retard and the wife is insufferable. That is where the NTR comes, she gets so obsessed with going back in time to get herself killed that she's willing to cheat on you with some ugly old man who ends up dying because of her stupidity.

    I honestly went that route because I hate the wife so much I couldn't care less who she fucks, and I thought the choice at first makes the MC act accordingly, but apparently, MC is a cuck. The new version is all over the place and kinda destroys the good character development the MC went through.

    He was this badass that went through hell to stop being a pussy, but immediately regresses when he goes back to Earth.

    If moving forward, we can have the MC stop caring about this insufferable bitch, I would love to keep playing and going back to the old gladiator ways, because MC, the cuck husband fucking sucks, but MC the gladiator was cool.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Rebellion the beginning

    Loving this one. I love to play games like this. This one start as poor if you can bear first few minutes it's worth. Always wanted to play games that involves roman culture, war arena, and more importantly blood. There was a game here before it got abandoned. Story is similar to spartacus series. This is a harem game but you won't get all scenes in one playthrough but this don't have big branching path either. You have to try out other choices too for getting scenes. To unlock sekha path earlier when they ask you to kill Spartacus you have to say no.

    There is no NTR in the game. If moderators change some preview pics this will get more attention

    Overall I enjoyed the game. Keep up the good work dev looking forward to next updates

    Edit : Rebellion the rise of damned [demo]

    Bad thing is your saves on the previous part is not imported here. This one is demo everything happened on the real world not at the rome. Only in the end they got teleports to ancient Rome. In this one there is avoidable NTR scene. I enjoyed rebellion beginning but rise of damned is mixed bag for me. Waiting for the events that gonna happen on ancient Rome then I will review it again
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    While I agree with most points mentioned by reviewers giving this game a very low rating, you can also view it from a different, less critical angle and it will work for you.

    Yes, the story lacks complexity, and women never stop invading MC's dick, nothing like in the real world. But the question is, why look for a real world in an adult game, and why look for historical authenticity?

    For heaven's sake, these games are meant just to entertain you and get your juices flowing, and The Rebellion does this very well.

    The renders and animations are very good, the characters are beautiful, girls sexy as hell, and there is even some human emotion that develops if you are not too judgemental to downplay it.

    There is a clear picture of absolute disregard for human life an utter cruelty of the Roman culture, still very noticeable in this day and age.

    If you are looking for a clever, engaging story with a lot of twists and turns, you should probably go elsewhere, but otherwise it's a fun and sexy game that at least doesn't force you into corrupt behaviour or NTR.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The most accurate description that can be offered is a porn parody movie of Spartacus. The most important part of that is 'movie', because it is VERY kinetic.

    The story is entirely inconsequential. There is nothing important about this story. The story TRIES to make you care by adding completely random and arbitrary "emotional" moments, but it's truly meaningless in the actual grand scheme of the story.

    The only thing that matters here, is the sex. They just throw women at you. There's an attempt to try and be more, but the dev just isn't good enough to pull it off (unfortunately). If you just want a quick J.O, play it, but that's all this will ever be good for.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I finished the first season I must say that this game is pleasantly surprising.
    I gave it a try with very low expectation that I would endure more than 10 minutes, and my first thought was that it would just be a porn game combined with barely readable English, but no the story plot has a hook to it that kept me going although the writing is very basic.
    The scenario and story plot is very interesting it could be more immersive if had a prolific writer that would be able to write a more in depth story and dig deeper on character development, unfortunately it stumbles on basic writing but at least it has been proofread and the English is fully understandable.
    I'm not sure if choices fully matter at the moment, I do believe it will as it progresses, it does gives you choices to spare the life or kill characters.
    Renders are good and the girls are gorgeous and voluptuous.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Bro In The Game

    Well, I finished playing season 1 and found this VN very attractive

    Very beautiful character

    The MC seems to be a Chad =))

    I will be satisfied if in the next part we can have new powers instead of having to return to modern times =)) who knows =)) maybe having new powers and conquering Rome sounds very cool hahah
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    So this game is basically just like Spartacus, which obviously is what its based on. To make things quick and easy, there is sex, a lot of sex, you fuck girls, a lot of girls. The girls are pretty hot and there are quite a lot of them, but the sex feels similar. It's basically the same thing over and over. However, since there's so much of it and with so many different women it does feel unique in its own interesting way. However, the reason this game gets a 4 is because the writing is soooooo bad. You can just tell it doesn't take itself seriously, nor the story. This means that the writing, dialogue, and story are all disconnected from each other and makes you not give a shit what happens, just when you get to bang the next girl. I think if the writing was more mature and not saying shit like THIS IS SPARTA and goofy out of place humor that doesn't land, this could be a very very good game. However, due to the awful writing and mediocre story, the game is only "good" and not "great".
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very interesting. The setting and storytelling are very good. The renders are beautiful and the girls look unique at least for my experience. I could do without the 'Triss' character to be honest its a little weird but something i can look past.

    But there are some problems i got with this game. For the brutality of the game the sex scenes are pretty vanilla as of now. With this setting the dev could honestly go wild and put in some fetishes that wouldnt feel natural in normal games.

    The other problem i have in the 0-100 relationship jumps. One scene everybody hates and makes fun of the mc and a literal 'montage' later their all buddy buddy. And there are two montages like that. I was still perplexed with the first one when the second hit and i died laughing. "Seriously youre gonna do this to me twice?"

    The same with the girls. you dont get any story between them and mc. They just jump his cock once and now they all care for him in one way or another.

    One extreme example is the blue eyed chick that the master steals from that other guy. You literally dont say a single word to her and one montage later she and one other slave clean you after a fight and she tells you how worried she is about your wound and how much they care for you.

    Its a little strange but isnt worth more damage than one star from this review. Its just a warning to people that, when they give this game a try, which they should, they shouldn't expect a lot of relationship development.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Strobe Adverse

    Interesting premise, beautiful renders and top notch animations make this game a solid 5 star that is definitely worth playing. The only criticism I might have is that the dialogue can get a tad long winded when it's talking about all the side plots, but that's a pretty minor issue and is more than made up for by the sheer volume of sex scenes (there are so many it's hard to keep track of all the women).

    I highly recommend playing this game.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This game in a nutshell is Isekai Spartacus. If you liked the show you'll probably like this game. I'd recommend you give them both a try.

    The animations were much better than I anticipated. And I liked the pacing between events.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    really awesome. like the way it is going so far. good job. the girls look really hot. both the slave girls and the dominas look really good. i hope it follows the hbo story more or less. but so far so good. can't get enough of lucretia, seka, hadriana and philomena.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    quite bland.

    i think dev got confused with the gay routes so he removed them. it started as a straight guy with coerced/forced gay, then somehow it became a romance gay, which he probably didnt like so he rather remade it... bad choice, should have kept as a straight guy but with keeping the coerced/forced gay scenes. at least then that would make this game not a copypaste of the same stuff. i would rate it lower for how much of a miss he did there, but honestly there are a lot of sex scenes, models looks good (some are excellent, like that P-named someone) animations are "okayish". so it cannot really be realistically worse than 3. sex scenes are just boring imo, but at least the game doesn't bore you too much with other nonsense stuff, way more focus on sex.