VN - Ren'Py - Rebellion: Rise of the Damned [v0.7 Steam] [AGHAMUS]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I am not a fan of visual novels, especially those with linear plots and few choices, I prefer sandbox adventure games. However, this is one of the few exceptions. The story line is original and very intriguing. The dialogues are brief and to the point not like the visual novels that feel like illustrated books. The models are gorgeous and the animations are decent though not exactly top notch. Highly recommended.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I really liked this. The setting is interesting, and the female character models are very arousing. It does a good job of presenting interesting and eye catching (and arousing) images during dialogue, which a lot of games don't do.

    I reserve 5-stars for VNs with more slick graphics and unique characters, but I hope this game moves forward and keeps moving in the same direction.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game has quite nice models and an interesting premise & setting, but unfortunately falls flat on following through on that potential with very poor characterisation, particularly with the MC. The story feels very contrived with the characters being all over the place in their behaviour and motivations. Initially, they shift from trusting to downright hostile and back at a coinflip with little motivation given., before finally somehow the MC becomes everyone's favourite person despite being a slave who's the centre of political/religious intrigue. This happens while the MC is being at one moment a well-educated and stable person trying to rationalise travelling back in time before suddenly reverting to the mind of a horny teenager thinking only with their dick with no thought for what would in most likelihood get them killed.

    The only reason I'm giving the game 3 stars (really 2.5) is that the models and sex scenes carry it otherwise the lost potential would warrant a 2. If you care at all about how the game got to that sex scene then you'd probably be face-palming up to that point. Note that I never played the original version so I can't comment on the remake aspect of the game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is so straightforward that I really enjoy it. This is a time travel historical AVN but who cares about everything being historically accurate in an AVN? Everything is enough to not distract that we are in ancient Rome and wankers are now being savvy in history. Gimme a break. This game sells when it comes to ancient Roman sexuality, no bullshit of slow burn or teasing, going straight to the point. Romance in a slave theme when everything should reek of rape, domination and forced sex? Well this game is exactly how it should be, violent and depraved.
    Likes: Juv3
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I haven't completed the current version yet but after looking at reviews just wanted to give a heads up that some of them could be biased as the dev removed futa/gay content it seems that irked some. that content wouldn't have bothered me as its kind of historically accurate but i'd probably have skipped it because its not really my thing.

    I seen some reviews talking about the writing and how it's not realistic and honestly I'm glad it's not lol if this game was wrote with historically accurate dialogue I doubt i'd even play it... i've read some older books and it feels like they talk in riddles, not sure about anyone else but I don't really want to have to look up half a dozen un-common words every paragraph worth of text.

    - To me the game is great, good renders, sexy women, and the story is easy to follow while having some serious moments and funny moments, which to me is enjoyable. I hope the dev keeps up the good work and provides us with more updates soon :)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It's nice to see a game that changes from the normal games we have here ; the historical focus is really a great idea, and putting the hero alongside Spartacus is also a nice touch, since most players will know him, at least by his name. This shows that you can be creative and enjoy a nice story while also have very good art ! Continue like that, it's a pleasure to play it so far.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    yeahhhh noo... The game had a lot of potential but it went into a very, "standard" direction, which took away a lot of what made the game unique. That being said, the reason for the low score mainly relates to the lack of interesting plot and relatively bland characters that replaced the old ones. Writing seems to be on a decline due to the changes, which is quite sad.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Version: Remake v0.2

    Missing tag parody? The writing is so bad, it's funny.

    MC is supposed to be a educated man in his twenties, but behaves like a 12 year old horny boy with brain damage (maybe later it is revealed the timejump lobotimized him or something?)

    The setting is nice, but most of the characters interactions are so out of place (and time) its very cringeworthy.

    After fighting "Crixus you were really a good guy all along?"

    While being washed by big titted slavegirls "You boobs are very big", our MC a master with words.

    A nubian (female?) gladiator (living more than 2000 years ago) trainer to MC "You think you are funny mr.joker?"

    And my favorite, before having sex with Lucretia MC thinks "But getting someone pregnant requires a lot of thinking beforehand" Priceless!

    Who makes up these lines?

    They would be right at home in a 80's porn movie.

    So much potential here, but I fear it will not be fullfilled.

    But despite all these shortcomings I keep on playing so it's not all bad.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Played again after the rework. Seeing a lot of negative reviews and i understand the sentiment behind it. Even i was disappointed by the removal of gay/futa content.
    But still the game is good enough. Story remains the same mostly and renders are decent, with good looking girls. MC is a chad and no issues there :D.

    Please stop the hate against the Dev. By creating a VN, the ultimate goal is to earn money through it. Give them a chance. Its a learning process and maybe in future the dev will improve on this and create a even better game which satisfies everyone.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    With this remake the devs may have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. It certainly turned this AVN into subpar mediocrity

    The good
    Relatively interesting setting

    The bad
    • Mediocre render quality, e.g. grainy renders
    • Mediocre looking LI's
    • Poor story writing
    • Poor depiction of a Romanesque setting and Roman society, e.g. clothing, architecture and interaction with and among characters
    • Forced and over-the-top humor
    • MC tries to be alpha, but acts either like an idiot or an a** hole or both
    • Random lewd scenes for the sake of lewd scenes
    The ugly
    Killing off characters and removal of (avoidable) kinks and fetishes in this remake

    To further elaborate: for me this has never been a five-star AVN. The minimum rating is one star. I award additional stars for quality of the renders including things like attractiveness of the models used, post production, etc. (one star), kinks and fetishes (one star) and story including things like character development, atmosphere, originality, pace, etc. (two stars). Even before the remake I would have given this AVN no more than two stars. Removal of the only element earning it an extra star (kinks and fetishes) brings my rating down to one star.

    edited 9-6-2023
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's unfortunate that the developer gave into the pressure of the loud minority over kinks/tags, which were avoidable on the players' part (futa/gay). There are several games on this site, that possesses optional futa/gay/NTR content that the player can take part in, or avoid when said choices arrive. Yet, no one is complaining about their inclusion in the story.

    I personally didn't take part in the gay content, because that's not my cup of tea, but the futa content, I actually felt was a decent segment of this game. Additionally, Rebellion: The Beginning is still a infant within its development cycle, so I was excited for said content to be more fleshed out, but the developer pulled out early, so I'm doing the same in return.

    Again, I don't see the need to remake a game, which possesses OPTIONAL kinks. Especially, within a market on this site (harem) that is over-saturated with cookie-cutter bimbos, and seemingly no conflict between themselves or the protagonist(s). Personally, the game would have been a noticeable standout on this site, but now I'm not sure anymore. There is not even enough emphasis on the story, world building, or characterization of said cast.
    The characters don't stand out too much, besides being the trademark of a tag associated with the game. It wouldn't hurt to attach more downtime between sex scenes (they come too easy and frequently by the way in my opinion) to flesh out these characters to really bring the audience into something else besides inclusion of less popular kinks on this site.
    Now, I have major concerns if this developer will continue to devote himself to a vision (a remake) that is no longer his, but towards the few individuals that cried wolf over decisions they had control over.

    Finally, I wish the developer the best of luck, and I hope he can prove me wrong about his devotion to this project, but I have already been let down too many times from developers on this site and others to proceed further. Thank you for anyone who took their time to read and have a good day.
  12. 2.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Rebellion: The Beginning is a time traveling kinetic novel in which the MC is transported back in time to Spartacus' rebellion in the Roman empire and must find a way to get back home.

    It's a cool idea in concept, but the execution is pretty iffy. The story is basically a dumpster fire with wafer-thin characters, nonsensical decision making, and no development of relationships. There's only the barest minimum of story strapping together the sex scenes and I couldn't tell you a single character trait for any one of the dozen or so characters introduced in the first hour.

    Even the character traits that the game tries to develop tend to get taken back a couple minutes later. The near rapist alpha-chad slave is calling you brother moments later. The domineering slave mistress becomes a sub in minutes. The hard ass battle trainer is secretly a huge softy. It's like the game goes out of its way to take sandpaper to any character who tries to show an iota of personality.

    The art is pretty, but that's mostly the software. There's plenty of pretty girls and I actually like the outfits, because I've got a thing for delightfully impractical (and slutty) dresses. There are animations, but they're choppy and awkward.

    Overall, there's nothing in Rebellion: The Beginning that brings me to recommend it. I'm a huge nerd for Roman culture and the general Greco-Roman time period, but even that feels like nothing more than an excuse for the game to name drop Sean Bean Spartacus. There's just nothing of interest in this game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    learning Japanese

    Pretty good game, and love some of the characters. A bit overplayed but one of the best premises out there in my opinion, and the setting is criminally underused.

    Overall this isn't going to be the next Eternum, but it's a very decent game, and I look forward to following it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Best new work I've seen in the last few months.
    The story is tight and historically accurate, but at the same time the author's own brilliant creation.
    Some of the depictions of homosexuality and exposure in history are stunning but realistic , It's good not only to pander to the player.
    Each character has a unique look, this is one of those rare games where every character is instantly remembered.
    It's only three chapters, but it's more than I could have imagined.Very professional and extremely wonderful.
    I'm very optimistic if you don't give up halfway.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game with many choices and divergent paths. All scenes are optional, so if you do not like certain scenes you don't have to choose them. Looks promising. Render quality is also good. Writing is good and lacks cheesy or engrish mistakes,
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Batiatus and Lucretia from the Spartacus series *lol*
    story looks interresting , nice renders and sharp animations.,
    hot for the eyes.
    games has good music and voices in the szemes
    i recommend to try it!
    5 Stars rating from me
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    In my opinion render wise amazing, animations are good but sometimes the sex scenes wouldn't play properly and come out laggy. I dont know if that's because they're that high quality and I need a better PC or because of the way you made them. First time that's ever happened to me on my PC playing an AVN game, also my PC can play most triple A games comfortably with low-medium settings, so idk.

    Also I feel like that Spartacus scene where his wife gets uh... needs a bigger warning .

    Writing is decent so far, could improve, a bit more character development as in the case of the MC's wife. We dont know how she feels, but also the major fact of how MC is lusting after every woman even though he is still married, you could have developed some inner conflict there.

    Decent start but a lot can be improved.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Spartacus the Game..
    Amazing. Already has more scenes and story than so many hundreds of repetitive games on this site.
    I want two things in a porn game:
    Breast Sucking (along with other kinks)
    Futa (not shemale)
    This game has both...
    Hence already a favourite.

    Congratulations to the Dev for thinking out of the box and making it worthwhile
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    great 0.1 version. lots of promise. it might be my most watched game to look for.

    gay scenes are avoidable. so far there are only a few H-scenes(but they are quite frequent, text-to-porn ratio is perfect). the story is interesting. the english can be improved in multiple places but mostly you get what the dev wanted to say so it's fine, just a bit distracting sometimes.

    the renders and girls are beautiful, there are multiple animations and still photos, i think this is a very decent first version of a game.