VN - Ren'Py - Rebirth [Ep.5 ver1] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Edited for Episode 2 Update 2; I originally rated this game a 4, and after playing the last update I felt the need to up that to a 5. The developer has consistently updated the game and has been able to keep the quality sky high. This game has amazing visuals, tone setting music, and beautifully crafted characters. The story draws you in and if you know anything of the World of Darkness, then you'll feel at home. I usually do a pro/con kind of set up, but there are no cons from this game in my book. I will state that it's a slow burn, but I don't play this game for porn but the story. Crazy, I know, given this is a porn game site, but it's fact. I've also supported this one on Patreon since the initial release, and if you enjoy this game please do the same! It's criminally under supported in my book.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    V0.01 Demo

    Looks really interesting so far, Life With Mary was truly and outstanding game, it had good renders a good story and really well flushed out characters, everybody felt unique.

    If LikesBlondes keeps up the same standard this should be a gem, i really hope they stick with it as in their announcement for this Demo they seemed unsure if they will continue to make games.