VN - Ren'Py - Reclaiming the Lost [v0.9] [Passion Portal]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Gosh, that's what I was looking for! The game itself is very entertaining, has beautiful models, and has an interesting history that made me excited for more. It was definitely a great start!
    Keep up the good work!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, exciting story. A very cool and mysterious MC. Stunning renderings, beautiful.characters The universe is rich and interesting.plot I can't wait for more! Overall 5/5, a rare gem. Keep up the good work
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I would like to share my impressions of this visual novel. The graphics and character design are done at a high level, they look very beautiful and attractive. The gameplay is especially pleasing it is very exciting and exciting. The plot of the game also left a pleasant impression. He is interesting and unpredictable, every turn of events keeps you in suspense and makes you follow the development of events with passion. I couldn't tear myself away from the game until I had completed it
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Good models and renders but it's just been a lot of teasing with little payoff. I got a decent way in when I stopped for the night and I won't be picking it back up until it's complete. Not because of anything wrong but because it's just not something I want to get invested in and be left on a cliffhanger for a year. Know what I mean?

    I get the impression it's going to be a slow burn porn wise and while that's not a bad thing, I'm not going to wait around for update after update for the dev and risk the dev quitting before any hot steamy taboo action. I just don't see it getting there any time soon story wise and don't have a reason to give it my time instead of other games.

    It does have a ton of potential though. it might need a re-write and re-work from what other reviews say but great foundation. Could end up being an amazing game when finished.

    For sure will play again if/when the game is finished. Got too many other adult games to play in the meantime.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucius Logan 3D

    I've already played this game and I recommend it!
    The game has a very good storyline, with some mysteries to be solved by the MC with the help of his beautiful assistant,.
    as well as excellent images and the beautiful girls you can choose from, for example the beautiful and intelligent Emily, or Chloe a beautiful streamer girl, plus it seems some MILFs as well, with so many options, I have at least 03 saves with different paths, where you can choose a path of romance or a path more focused on actions a little more lustful, and in addition I made a third save trying to mix the choices so as not to lose any gallery.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Gorgeous renders which seem to differentiate from many other games. I can't remember a game where I have seen them before. Interesting and so far believable characters. A bit more subtle and less in your face than most games here. So far enjoyed it a lot.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, hmm ... I don't necessarily dislike this VN. It has a lot of intrigue and beautiful models, but there is almost no payoff. Most of this is the equivalent of going to a maid coffee shop. A whole lot of teasing, some blue balls and you might enjoy some coffee. There's a little bit of adult content in there with the "best friend's" wife but outside of that it's a lot of "will they, won't they" action.

    And that's the main problem and really my only critique about this. That and the updates seemingly take forever, but given the integral way choices actually make a difference in this VN it makes sense. And that where my praise comes in. The Dev seems to truly grasp the idea of consequences when it comes to the MC's decisions, ie the reader's choices. Rarely have I experienced a VN that truly has a good handle on the story, it's characters and how they should interact with one another. What's been created here, while not entirely grounded, is a believable story with likeable characters which is the real reason to keep coming back.

    If you're looking for a VN for a quick fap I'd say look elsewhere. But if you're looking for a VN with, frankly, a lot of build up, plenty of intrigue, but very little pay off at the moment (v0.8) then this is one to look out for and to keep revisiting as it goes. If I could I'd give this a 3.5/5 I would. And if there was a little more to this VN (more adult content or a more fleshed out story at this point) this would be an easy 4/5. And maybe when this VN gets closer to being finished It'd be even better, but right now it's good. Not great, but good enough to keep coming back to. Which is more than I can say for the majority of VNs here, so that's saying something.

    Do the dev a favor and leave your own review. Don't let anyone's opinion change how you see this one. Let the dev know what you enjoy and what you don't. Keep in mind this was uploaded for us to enjoy for free so if you like this VN try to kick some monetary support to the dev when you get a chance. I genuinely hope the dev has found their audience and wish them all the best. Cheers.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Generally a good game, but...

    1. Nice looking models
    2. Interesting story so far, few unexplained things do make the player more curious and invested, which is good.
    3. Writing is decent and structured well, some typos I noticed a few times though.
    4. Characters are reasonably developed and choices in the game seem to have significant effect, at least usually obvious early on, long term we will need to see as the story unfolds.
    1. Gallery is stills only that are not seen in the game from what I could tell. Nor is it a gallery in the true sense where replays should be of lewd (H) scenes.
    2. No actual sex scenes, don't think I even saw a proper oral or attempt at it even, considering the dialogue and happenings, the MC just doesn't score, this despite the writers best attempts to make the guy seem like a player.
    3. On previous point, the MC seems very conflicted and makes it hard to relate or understand him, he is friendly and decent most of the time but has no reservations of hooking up with a random person even significantly younger than him. Not that this is an issue, just seems odd when he comes across as this mature figure.
    4. On previous point and spoiler
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    5. The latest update, I find frustrating, at least regarding the MC's personality, he becomes very agitated, on the level of completely ridiculous and actually very immature, so much so that his newly appointed secretary needs to rein him in from doing or saying stupid things...this the same guy who gave her such good level headed advice at the start of the game. He also gets bent out of shape from what, some of the things going on are suspicious sure, but then you logically want to get behind whats going on before jumping to conclusions, the only mature one is the new girl now...doesnt make sense.
    All round I like the game, but its a slow burn and the MC is a bit erratic and things are struggling to flow nicely for me. This could also be due to my own playthrough choices making things different than someone else, however, the choices should then be structured to flow and make more sense. If the MC is being a flirt and becoming more aggressive, it should become a personality trait or feature that is consistent from the start, or something that is addressed in the game directly as its obvious to the player, it will be obvious to all characters in the game also IMO.

    TLDR: I'd rate it 3.5 but not 4 and 3 just seems more fair. The game is fine, just frustrating me a bit now, more than other games in its dragging on and not getting anywhere while the MC becomes an emotional nut case.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    the game itself is made very cool the plot is very intriguing emotional atmospheric you read all this and feel yourself in the place of the hero the characters are beautifully designed the game is very interesting and easy
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. It has some minor flaws but they don't interfere with enjoying the game.

    - renders are great
    - LIs are beautiful
    - interesting story
    - even though many people "know" who the daughter is, I believe that everything is not so clear-cut
    - different girls' outfits for different days. I like that

    - there are multiple tracks in the game but the main theme started to annoy me because of the huge time it plays. More themes would be great, and there were rare moments when the music theme didn't fit the events on the screen.
    - I played for MC as a caring and attentive character who cares about others' opinions. So I believe the event with Evelyn in the MC's apartments was rushed and doesn't fit MC's character.

    I believe this game should have more attention from the community.
    Thank you dev for it.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR Visually it's great and the premise is decent, but the longer the play, the more the cracks show.

    The visuals are fantastic. I mean I'm not sure what else I have to say. Models look good, posing is well done, lighting works well. No complaints form me, no notes to make. The premise is also pretty good. "Try and find your mystery daughter". Works. Although, I think this kinda movie plot doesn't work AS well in an AVN, because there's no natural flow that can be used like in films.

    A big thing for me is that there's a LOT of needless repetition. There are instances where two characters will say the same fucking thing in different ways, back and forth to each other. The dev seems to think that adds, but if anything it detracts from the experience. I'm here, rereading the same thing over and over, while I'm waiting for the plot to actually move along. The easiest example is the father of the MC's ex and Emily. They repeat almost exactly the same sentiment, five fucking times, in the most wordy way possible. It is ridiculous.

    A big thing for me as well is that each character doesn't feel like they evolve beyond the first pitch. Sure, a lot of words are said, but I don't feel any real evolution or change beyond the possible 'gets more horny'. Again, there's the issue of the dialogue feeling very bloated, which is a real nail in the coffin for me, especially in an AVN like this which focuses A LOT on a slow burn/build up.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall the game is very good, the renders are top quality except the animations which are laggy, and yes the intimacy with the girls is too slow but as this is only the second part of the 7 part series, we can expect decent development in the coming updates.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Sooo, game is good and i like it. Attractive girls, quality of renders, some music and intresting story, so far so good. But, as I proceed in story, some events just miss, for example, I choose stranger path for Chloe, and go strait to restaurant, part with stream just dissaper and I won`t even know about it if not see other people comments, and before restraunt event, thehe should be house event with Chloe, If I`m not mistake, this part also miss. I understand that decisions affect event, but not cause them to dissaper)).

    Also one more moment, game just throw us between event without proper transition between them, as I see It`s a problem for many devs to do it right, like riding a car with MC throught about something or a walk to cafe/work/mom and sis house, it will be nice and smooth the sharp angles, appera to a place without a little background a little confusing.

    It`s the problems I see in this , in other aspects game is very good and promising. Thanks for your work dev (y)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Very erotic even though not too many scenes but they work really well and need so much more with Grace, one of the most attractive I have ever seen. The models all look really beautiful and well done job on getting very erotic energy vibes in the scenes. Look forward for more of this.

    Great work!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    good image and story, wait for new version and longer story. Imo dont like single playthrough for each scene, maybe more choice, more option or at least a walkthrough to unlock it, i dont want to play again and skip to choice right option to unlock it because i passed it
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    What starts off promising ends up getting lost. The renders are top notch and even the dialogue and story seem to start off well. However, that quickly goes downhill.

    There are several issues with this game:
    1) The pacing and transitions from scene/event/location is a discombobulated mess. You start getting into what is happening at that particular location and then all of a sudden you're somewhere else for some unknown reason, trying to figure out what is happening in the story. The restaurant scene is the worst offender. Zero build up to it. I felt like the game glitched and I lost a whole chapter leading up to it. It was also kind of a dumb idea anyways and should be scrapped.

    2) There is no real explanation of the stats and how that may affect what you're interested in doing, just that the tree will update with notes every once in a while. To be honest, I dislike most games that use points to open up paths. Just let it flow naturally in the writing.

    3) The game is a cock tease. Seriously. It's one of those games that gets you going and then all of a sudden shuts it down. I don't mind long drawn out escalation and build ups leading to the pay off. But don't sprint to the payoff and then do a complete 180 turn around. It seems to be a trend in the game.

    This game looks like it could have been good. The art is really nice. I love that there is actually an older woman (who may be a LI in the future) who actually looks older. Different ages and body types are so important for me in these games.

    However, with it's current issues I just don't thing there is any way to reclaim what was lost.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    -Renders are decent
    -UI is nice
    -The premise has potential

    -Pacing is terrible
    -Not nearly enough set up/build up
    -Characters are hard to believe
    -Dialogue is often cringy

    Edit: it seems like it does get at least a big better after the intro bit.

    I think the basic premise of the game sounds interesting enough, and the renders are pretty good. I especially appreciate the fact that the mom character actually looks older instead of looking like a 35 year old supermodel. But that's about where my praise dries up.
    I'm really trying to like this game, but there are a few things that are consistently taking me out of it.

    Firstly, the pacing is way to fast. Too much happens too quickly, and it the relationships develop way, way, too fast. And the second is probably a consequence that poor pacing - the characters are unbelievable and flat.

    Take Emily, for example. The way you meet her is by approaching her in a coffee shop where she is sitting alone, looking nervous, directly after she had rebuffed the waiter. Being the completely not creepy dude you are, the first thing you do is go over to talk to her.
    Then later that day, continuing your very normal, not at all unhinged behavior, you happen to drive up along side her while she's walking down the street, again alone, at night. Of course, in a not alarming at all way, you roll down your window and offer her a ride, which, in defiance of all common sense, she accepts.
    Now, as if our credulity was not already being stretched dangerously thin, we are suddenly informed that MC is looking for a secretary, who he wants to accompany him on his impromptu road trip to his home town, the following day I might add, and he offers the job to Emily. And somehow she misses the massive pile of red flags from this strange man she'd only met that morning, and accepts the job. Girl, I'm sorry, but you're just begging to get murdered.

    And the game continues in that vein, with the familiarity between her and MC seemingly coming out of absolutely nowhere. It's clear that the game is trying to set up a romance between them, but there's just no foundation for it. The only real set up it gets is, in fact, my third issue with the game: the dialogue. Oh boy, is it rough in places. Particularly the MC's dialogue.

    It's pretty clear that the dev is trying to write him to sound clever and thoughtful, and charming, but it comes across more like what your average 15 year old thinks all those things mean. A good example is when you're in the bar with Emily and you start telling her about your oh so interesting and original passtime - watching people in public places because, oh, just what could their stories be? Guess what? Every romcom made in the last 100 years called, they want their quirky personality trait back.
    There's nothing insightful or interesting or charming about anything the MC ever says. It's just the same cookie-cutter, cardboard nothing that hollywood has been tossing in their bargin bin runoff forever. The kind of stuff that filters down into the psuedo intelectual minds of overly self-serious 14 year old fanfic writers, and will make them shudder with embarrassment when they think back on it later in life. It's just cringe and it completely take me out of the story.

    So, that's where I'm at with this game right now. I'm trying to enjoy it, and maybe things will pick up once we're through the, "set up" bit, but I have to say, I don't have high hopes.
  18. 3.00 star(s)



    Only 3 stars because it is really broken with the restaurant scene that comes out of nowhere.

    It is a bit to obvious who the daughter is .... mmh, we named 2 characters ...

    The renders are great and the potential "targets" are well placed and nice looking. The pacing is quite nice, and I like the buildup, even if it is at times a bit chewy.

    When the game logic gets fixed, this might be a 4 star game.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Beautiful renders and art, coupled with good writing and a compelling story. This game is truly beautiful, even the menus have this really nice flowing abstract art on them and the colors blend wonderfully. This really is one of the best looking games I've ever seen on here, it's great. However, despite the great art good writing and compelling story, this is definitely a story focused game and not a sex game. There is almost no lewd or sex content yet and I don't think there will be much by the time the game is done. That can be seen as a positive or negative thing depending. Also, the characters have 4 different stats that can be tracked, Love, Friendship, Lust, and Submission. However, the choices are not clear at all in what you should pick to pursue a certain type of "stat" with a girl. It would really help a lot if it was shown what these choices do. Some choices will also be greyed out I assume from not having a high enough stat for the girl which just compounds the problem. Also, it's not really shown what these stats will exactly do. Will they change the story, the way the girl talks? Is it just to access certain choices? What do these stats do. This is not explained at all. This means that the game can be a confusing mess when choosing choices in dialogue because you never know exactly what happens. Overall, it's a pretty good game with some of the best art and renders I've ever seen in a game. It's simply beautiful. Highly recommend you play it if you are looking for a good dad daughter detective mystery game, but not if you are looking for sex content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game so far I'm enjoying it, the mystery about the whereabouts of the protagonist's daughter is still a mystery but I'm thinking that I don't know about Ashiley out of nowhere, she appears in the protagonist's life but it's not yet confirmed, just what awaits us from now on. of history.
    Chloe is really fun, I love her as I see her relationship with the protagonist here and if they're going to take the next step.
    Emily is breathtaking :oops: very provocative on her part, the protagonist also has his way, his friend apparently and that husband who cares more about his work than his wife if he continues like this and is capable of losing her to the protagonist, the way she was looking at the protagonist almost every moment, let's see what her relationship with the protagonist will be like from now on :unsure: but also the husband doesn't pay due attention to his wife ends up becoming a cuckold in the end :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: