I have a few thoughts. I liked previous Dev`s games. Yeah MC of Taming of the Brat is a bit of a manchild, but i had no problem with him mainly because he is an artist and many artists are kinda out there, but at least he has some maturity to him. He is an adult. MC of this game however is complete manchild. Child in a grown man body. Its still early in the story, but so far he managed:
- to turn his home in a dump while his gf was away for a handfull of days
- to get pissed when she complained adbou it, while it is a valid complaind - they are living together and no one likes to live in a dump
- forgot about her altogether the next day
- omitted important details about his female friend. Its not clear whether he did it intentionaly and later gaslighted the gf that he did not. Or he is just that dumb that he didnt bother to correct Diana when she assumed that its a male friend not caring for the optics of it
- organised emberassing dinner, basic bitch takeout. Maybe its just me, but when organising a first time get togother my friends and my significant other i put more effort in and not some fast food. It was not some casual everyday hangout afterall, they meet for the first time.
- and he didnt discuss the time with gf, putting her on the spot. I would be emberassed and pissed to.
He is the brat of this story. At least he felt bad by the and of the update so i have some hope, but as of now its easier to root for horny teenager from average roomates and landlady AVN than this dude.