So yeah, obviously this is a low effort rip-off. Not just the character models (which are pretty blatant) but in the name of the town "Sunhaven - the city of sunshine", the inclusion of a (much more boring looking) world map, the layout out of the house... the list goes on. It isn't just the art either. This game feels like it was written by an AI as well. Events happen, people engage in dialogue, but everything just feels soulless and by-the-numbers. Oh, our MC walked into the girl's changing room by accident. Better have a cheerleader turn up and call him a pervert. And that's it. End scene. Dialogue is robotic and perfunctory. There's no characterisation to be had anywhere unless its served up in the most blunt manner possible. One character literally introduces herself and her sister with "I'm Zoe, the firecracker of this joint. Emma here is the shy one." Like, fucking hell. I know writing characters can be hard but this isn't even trying.
This game reminds me of those low-budget studios that rip-off popular movies. Only in those you might at least enjoy the bad acting and terrible VFX. This game just feels dull. And yeah, some of the art is technically competent. AI is improving all the time. But it isn't anything amazing either and it can't disguise how lazy this whole game is.