Ren'Py Abandoned Rehabilitation [v0.02 Alpha Demo] [DrSweets]

Saint Blackmoor

Saint and Sinner
Oct 26, 2017
Could you please explain what you mean more clearly?
Sorry, if I wasn't clear. I'm not concerned with the terms VN, Kinetic Novel, etc... I call them all, Games or VNs.
Some people here get into the tiniest details about labeling. That's not a bad thing, it's just not me.
I enjoy the games more if the DEV put his sweat into it. to me, these games are like throwing paint on a canvas, not much forethought. I understand if someone is learning the craft, the mechanics of the process. People instinctually understand the effort someone has put into creating the art, not in all cases but most.
I'm not pointing your game out in general, yours is structured better than most.

The game I mentioned is called.
Once upon a time in dream town.
It's exactly what I mean, acting to the dialog. it's like a silent film with subtitles. acted especially for that script.
For all, I know it could be a student film that has nothing to do with its current story, but it's done well enough to make me believe that's not the case.

This whole genre of VN, Kinetic Novel, etc... is amazing to me. watching the progress of the art
and technical improvements is very cool.

I wish you good luck in your game.
Edit: I got this from the developer's notes just now.
We create the world's first adult visual novel with real actors. We urgently need your support. We cannot continue without you.
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Just some dude
Game Developer
Nov 26, 2020
I enjoy the games more if the DEV put his sweat into it. to me, these games are like throwing paint on a canvas, not much forethought. I understand if someone is learning the craft, the mechanics of the process. People instinctually understand the effort someone has put into creating the art, not in all cases but most.
Thank you for taking the time to clear things up, its a rare thing to see.
I think I understand you better and I am very self-aware at how the game looks like it was hastily slapped together but that is because it kinda was... I do spend very little time on the images/graphics because, for the moment at least, most of my time is spent writing the actual code to create something unique.


I enjoy the games more if the DEV put his sweat into it.
... it does break my heart slightly that you wrote this. I realize that nobody can see it but I spent over 3 months writing beautiful code that can react to players interests to create unlimited options to mod the game.
like my previous game Ketchems, I spent the better part of a year making a dungeon crawler and custom card battle mechanics and a dungeon that endlessly gets more difficult and capture mechanics all from scratch.
Most of the stuff I work on is very experimental while I improve my coding skills.

I guess my point is that I realize this game might not be right for you right now, but I am trying to focus on making something interesting and fun first, then hopefully I can work with an artist to bring out the visual aspects. maybe then you would be willing to give my games another try to see if they appeal to you.

But thanks again for your input, and feel free to share any other insights you may have.

PS. I don't think I could ever convince my wife to do porn like this. lol
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Saint Blackmoor

Saint and Sinner
Oct 26, 2017
Thank you for getting back to me, I was worried I'd upset you, your response and words to me shows you are
going to be a very good Game DEV.

You brought up a good point about how the game looks. the old saying, don't judge a book by its cover.
We are visual animals first and foremost, judging what you see can save your life or cause you to miss possibly the best experience of your life. what I'm saying is people are going to judge your game visually first and the mechanics secondly.

Something I've noticed also is you can have a visually appealing game and start reading the dialogue and realize it's been poorly translated from another language and that to me kills the immersion. some members here don't seem to mind that issue.

I'm sorry about the part about putting your sweat into it, frankly, I did not give the game enough playtime to see the amount of work on the code you put into it and I haven't played Ketchems yet.
There are so many games available it's easy to just go to the next one that catches your eye.
It's a juggling act to have the visuals, mechanics, and good story at the demo or first release to capture most of the audience.

Did you enjoy, Once upon a time in dream town?
I think that it is a good example of using real actors to tell the story. I read that the game is on hold for financial reasons.
I enjoy talking to someone that is open to constructive dialogue and hopefully, it has helped.
I defiantly will keep an eye on your games.

P.S. yeah, you'd have to get actors for the game, but then your wife will say why are you spending so much time in the studio? LOL... Women ;)