Others [RELEASED] "Help me, Brave Sir Knight!" - A Godot dev diary (previously just "sharing my great idea")


Game Developer
Sep 2, 2018
There we go, nearly done. I still need to work somewhat on the iris. There's 3 different eyes and 4 different mouths, not shown below.


There's also a "back" face of the shield. I'll probably work on making the actual godot node tomorrow. Might also add a bell collar to her and some other little accessories.

On a completely unrelated note, drawing with polygons within godot is actually kinda fun. Too bad I can't add bones to a polygon without a texture. Also adding shadows is a fucking pain, each has to be a separate polygon, I can't (or don't know how to) simply cast shadows of a polygon some Z levels above over whatever happens to be below. This was for a game jam that I didn't finish in time, but might work after I'm done with BSK
