Render Quality Vs Game delivery


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 9, 2017
This is my advice. May not be the best. Do what you feel is right. If the renders aren't hugely important to you then move on focus on what you love about it. If they are then maybe take the time and make sure a few really stand out. That doesnt mean every shot has to be perfect.

For me, I don't just make the game for patreons and fans but also for myself so as @klx said I am pretty hard on myself with renders. But it's something I love doing and I really like to make them as best I can. Yes, I still call it quits on certain things and have shots that could be better. But if I am okay with it, that's what matters to me. Thats why I spent more time on a render of a shoe flying in the air than any other shot in my game... That fucking shoe.