Unsure if its been asked for before, but could we get a examine/analyze skill that allows the player to view the attributes of monsters during battle? I ask because there many cases in which one would have to pick through the game files or run many testing cases to figure out what certain things do. A compendium of effects on the walkthrough would probably also suffice.
For example, I still have no idea what wet/paralyzed/disgusting food/etc... do in general, but more importantly to what extent certain effects alter certain values is almost entirely unknown to me.
edit: just found wets effect on the walkthrough, it mods ice resistance by -300%
edit3: found paralyzed reduces evasion chance by 100%
edit2: following that previous post, nothing I've tried has gotten past that cutscene bug. I've tried running fullscreen/compatibility mode/changing party formation and empty party slots/downloading & using the full windows version for 22.01.12/not fast forwarding/turning sound effects to 0%/ and reloading several different saves from differing times to try and get it to work.