The update turned out to be more complex and time consuming than I expected when I started it. I'm going to post a test version on discord soon, so that people can give me feedback on the new overview map system changes while I work on the last pieces. I'll go back to the usual content and update schedule once this system change is finished.
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Overview map update progress:
The main idea behind the following changes is to give the player a more active role in the country development, and to give you a reason to come back every one in a while.
Variables like your reputation, but also the "Safety" or "Freedom" of your citizens are slowly decreasing when you do nothing against it, but they can be improved on the overview map.
Reputation is planned to allow Ryen (and maybe other party members) the use of new, powerful battle skill(s), but only while it's very high.
What is done:
- The country overview map now has a real-time based system, instead of a turn system. This means all productions and constructions happens in real time while the game is running.
- The player has to actively gather resources that were produced once the production is done in this map.
- All timers run even while you're not on the map. Which means you can start a bunch of slow production, leave the map, and come back later once they're done.
- When you gather a produced resource, it'll show what you got with a picture that fades away, rather than a text message. You can move while the image is shown. This is intended to increase the pace of the system, otherwise it would be too many text windows that stop the player constantly.
- The overview map doesn't use your gold anymore, but has it's own "Budget" system. You need a certain amount of available budget for construction projects. Budget is automatically generated over taxes, which the player can collect every few minutes, or by one of the new constructions.
- Several new resources and buildings were added.
- All resource producing buildings have the option to show the recipes for their type of resources.
- You can only have a limited amount of construction at the same time. Building the new "construction guild" will increase your amount of construction teams.
- The values for things like "Safety" or "Happiness" of your country were changed. Buildings like watchtowers create such "Safety" over time, and the player has to gather it like a finished product.
- The construction costs for all buildings on the overview map were changed, to fit to the new resources and the production speed.
- It's not necessary to repair Bitterroot Farm to produce resources there anymore. Instead, the production is just slower until you had the events to repair the farm.
- A storage screen shows you all the resources you have. You have a maximum limit for all resources together, but also an individual limit, to prevent people from spam producing everything without thinking about what they really need right now. You can throw away resources on this screen.
- The costs to recruit new vanguard leaders has been adjusted to the new system.
- The costs of the fortification upgrades in the command center screen were adjusted to the new system.
- You get budget instead of supplies now as a possible reward for bonus battles.
- Bonus battles now don't appear randomly anymore, but have a cooldown timer. The timer can be reduced with a research.
- The laboratory and university now have separated research screens.
The screen of the lab of the overview map and the general research when you go into the lab in character aren't connected by a "switch" button anymore.
- The user interface shows you in the top left corner if constructions, training, researches, and requests are available, working, or done. It also shows the storage limit, your budget amount, and your reputation.
- You don't get gold from mines and taxes anymore. The taxes are now generating "Budget" instead.
- Variables like reputation or "Safety" currently decrease every ~2,5 mins by a random value from 1 to 4.
- The crafting for vangaurd equipment in the armory, and the trading caravan in front of Aldlyn were removed from the country overview map. They'll be replaced by the new trading screen, once it's done.
- Intelligence service upgrade removed from Witton.
- Horses were removed as a resource on the overview map.
- Val's event which gave you +20 Recruits was removed.
- Fire events were removed, but might return in a different way.
[Some buildings on the overview map need to be constructed again, even if you unlocked them earlier in your save, since the trigger which saves what building is done was changed in some cases.]
What is not done yet:
- Change to the "Finances, Laws, and Policies" screen to adjust it to the new country system.
- The trading screen, which you can access near Havaria Port.
On this screen, you'll get offers to sell or buy resources with your country budget, some from other countries (which'll improve the relationship with them).
You'll also be able to send soldiers on exploration missions from this screen, and exchange your personal gold into country budget.
(1 million gold = 1 Budget? Or 100,000 gold? Maybe with a cooldown.)
- A "Request" system which gives you a few randomized requests for resources. These requests can be very complex, and increase the reputation value.
- The reputation related skill(s) for your party.