I create "update files" for a test about the changes to fix the overview map from update 23.03.25. You can apply them like the usual update files, when you have the newest public release 23.03.25. The .zip is attached to this post.
- The max storage limit was removed.
- All resource production happens automatically in the background now once you have the necessary building for it. Research, training, and constructions still take real time.
- Removed the constant decrease of Reputation, Faith, Freedom, Safety, Magic, Knowledge, Health, and Happiness for your country.
- Fixed a bug with the Paper research.
- Increased Reputation for easy requests from 20 to 30, and for medium requests from 30 to 50.
- Expeditions don't „consume“ the soldiers you send anymore, but expeditions take longer now.
- I created buffs for when you collect country values when they're already at 100:
Faith (+5% M.DEF) [Church, Shrine of Flunis]
Freedom (+3% crit chance) [Streets, Newspaper]
Safety (+5% DEF) [Watchtower, Fire station, Police HQ]
Magic (+5% M.ATK) [Laboratory, University]
Knowledge (+10% experience gained from battles) [School, Library]
Health (+5% M.HP) [Bathhouse, Clinic]
Happiness (+5% ATK) [Bar, Park]
These buffs last for 40 turns in battles (the count is continued from battle to battle and individual for each party member.)
- The Shrine of Flunis now generates Faith, and the laboratory and university generate Magic. (Knowledge comes from the school and library buildings)
The UI still shows the „Storage“ amount, but that'll be removed.
The titlescreen was not changed to the new version number.
I hope these changes will solve a lot of the issues player had with the new system before. Feel free to give me your feedback again, to let me know what turned out well or bad, and if you still see major problems.