VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Reparations [Ch. 3] [Jobeo]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is hilarious.
    The writing is terrible, the characters act without any kind of common sense and the history revolves too much around racism, but it's just too memey, the father literally says <removed> on his first sentence ever just for the heck of it and they keep repeating that word over and over.
    The main character has sex with every one of his siblings, and we have no context about it, he's also dating a lot of people at once and even has a fiancee but no one bats an eye about it.
    To be honest i'm kinda curious about how low can this history go.
    That aside, some characters look pretty good.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Jackson Goodman

    I was totally up for the cheating stuff, but the story just doesn't make any sense to me what so ever.MC has harem but somehow has the smallest dick ever?

    I also would prefer choices in storylines like this. Like why not make it where MC could either be cuck or actually get to fuck the women alongside the others. Like the story really comes off as hatred for white men then a sex story focusing on cuckolding and cheating
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I would normally give this a much higher rating for the Cuckold, NTR content. Those who love that content may or may not like this game.

    If you hate NTR or Cuck content stay far away from this game.

    So, why the low rating. Despite the Dev's claim that you can turn the Scat content off, that's a wildly inaccurate statement. I was hoping to not only opt-out of the Scat but also the Urination and Beastiality content. I especially hate scat content and based on this statement in the changelog:

    "The gay and scat routes only add content to the game, they don't take anything away. To see everything you should play with both on."

    I thought, "both on" meant I could opt-out. Gay content could be opted out of but not scat. At least nowhere that I could find.

    Also, the CBT content is way too hardcore for me. But, scat, vomit, and Beastiality . . . . you know, make me want to vomit.

    So, be warned, even if you like the NTR and cuck content, you may run into other content that you may hate.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    So, this game is batshit crazy and not in a good way. More in a “starts reasonably well by introducing the MC and their girlfriend and giving you an idea of what’s happening because he’s failing to perform” way that 5 seconds later progresses to a “you’re also in a sexual relationship with your brother and two sisters” way. Like, how?! Why!? That’s not something to drop on the player as an introduction! A fantasy maybe.

    The basic idea of a white guy getting cucked, fine. I can buy the racist father and some kind of immigration to the country is a reasonable idea but really, it would make more sense that it was because of some disaster than a politician trying to make up for slavery.

    The game essentially has the same issues as the other game by the same dev, it just drops you right in the deep end of a mash-up of various fetishes with no rhyme or reason to it.

    And this in a universe that just doesn’t make sense, like when they make it a legal requirement for white girls to be exposed at school and the girls are all just “oh I guess that’s fine”. What schoolgirls have you ever met that would react this way?

    It just goes on and on like this, getting more and more unrealistic as the story progresses. But even a fantasy game has to be realistic enough to allow the player to empathise with the characters. The more it isn’t, the more the player spends their time shaking their head in disbelief than enjoying the story or empathising with anyone.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is just an effort in throwing every single thing insulting about humanity and putting it into a game. In the first 5 seconds of the game, the author shows just how racist they can get and it just devolves into worse things (somehow) from there.

    Rape, Gore, and TONS of racism are what you get out of this game. And for some stupid reason the only content the author/developer put a toggle on was if you wanted gay content or not.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I gave it a try because I like femdom. I won't complain on the ground of the content that I dislike (cuckolding and bestiality), I knew it was gonna be there. The main reason of this poor rating is : this game is straight up racist, it's disgusting.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I got curious because the reactions were very strong for this game -- both good and bad. So...I gave it a shot.

    So what to expect? There is gay content which doesn't throw me at all but I bet it does for a lot of men so gamer beware. Some NTR, and read the tags carefully, you have some strong stuff here.

    But for me, I was most surprised that my reaction was basically boredom. I never cared about the main character at all, and I think at least for me that defeats certain fetishes right away. If the MC was a really good and honest character being forced to suffer, I definitely would have enjoyed it more.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Ok - its the same BS as in Bully - just with even more racism and pure BBC worshiping.

    It is just a clash of many fetishes and an absurd and stupid "story".

    For ppl that love beta beating BBC guys and humiliating stuff without any reason - maybe this is for you.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I was interested in this game for a bit. It hit some kinks that I like though I wanted to to wait until more content was available but it was taking awhile so I decided to check out Chapter 2.

    + The models were fine and I appreciated the ability to easily avoid kinks that I don't like which for me was the gay content.

    - The scenes felt like they were moving far too fast, just warping from one day to another and took me a bit out of it.

    -The dialogue also felt like there was a bit left to be desired. I'm kind of assuming that English is not the author's native language because the conversations didn't feel natural and were a bit forced.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is underated, and anyway it's 5 stars for me.
    This developer has some balls, combining NTR + bestiality + graphic violence in one game (and many other fetishes of course). Keep it going Jobeo, I really admire your boldness and the fact you gave up on Patreon to do your own thing, that's what a lot of developers should do !
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    It's actually just disgusting, nothing even slightly erotic about it.
    The racism is vile and there is really no story what-so-ever, I mean something like this is clearly just designed for people who feel inferior in THAT department.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    So it's an interesting enough concept ... but everything is just a little over the top and all the characters are such caricatures that it seems comical more than anything else.

    You start as a dude, who seems to be fucking everyone, all the members of this family, teacher, girlfriend, etc ... and your family seem largely terrible and racist (including the character you're playing)... the white folk have tiny dicks and the MC seems to suffer from both impotence and premature ejaculation ... then the president decides white women should fuck black dudes and suddenly there's a ton around with huge hogs going to town on everyone.

    I thought from a cursory glance at the reviews people were mainly giving it a poor rating due to the women having pubic hair, which isn't something I'm particularity into but I'm not against it either, and only in one case did it seem a bit much, though not bothersome ... but really just how silly it is and poorly paced means I couldn't get into it at all.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with content that is quite different. May not suit some people but you can read tags. :) Kinda crazy story but really funny. ^^
    The renders are good and some characters are quite different from he norm.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    it is annoying that this game could be way better if he stops forcing shit and give the player an option just like we can take the straight or gay path we should be able to choose a clean or hairy pussy and the size of the dick, making the girls with extremely hairy pussies is disgusting and making every white guy with a micro penis is ridiculous, 1 star for this bullshit, make options and it will be 4 or even 5...
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This isn't a game. It's force-fed fetishism.

    The only options presented to you are between deciding to allow gay content or not. Sure, there are hints of options later on, but it doesn't seem to actually change anything.

    It's immediately clear where this story is going with the introduction of the main character. It's then immediately followed by the MC having sexual relations with every single one of his family members. Then followed by him being forced into a submissive situation, with him just automatically accepting the shift from a very dominant personality.

    The concept of this had me interested. The idea of being made to serve black individuals as a means of providing reparations. I'm not one for racial superiority, but the concept seemed amusing... But this forces you to indulge the authors various fetishes without even providing an out or giving any type of actual progression. If this had been an actual story, I would have stopped reading after the first few pages. I kept going hoping there would be some redeeming factors, but quickly realized the story was going to progress just as rapidly down it's forced path.

    TLDR Version: Unavoidable fetish content with unrealistic progression. Unrealistic story scenario with white stud fucking EVERYONE immediately turning into white cuck. No actual game play elements and minimal effort on story telling.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has potential to be great, but the dev is obsessed with EXTREMELY hairy pussies and assholes, which completely kills any erotic excitement. The game goes from great to terrible. In his previous games he gave the option to have a cleanly shaven vagina & ass area, I hope he brings that option back.

    This game is 4/5 stars for everything, but I was forced to give only one star because of the excessive and over the top vagina and ass hair.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My Rating of this Game (Ch. 2) is:

    - Great Renders
    - Nice Story
    - lots of different scenes
    - Long Game Play
    - Great Animations
    - Even the Dogs look Fantastic
    - here you can find many fetishes
    - animations are fantastic

    - The White Guys dick is way to small

    You either Love Jabeo`s work, or you hate it, me......I Love his Work.....Period.
    I myself dont get into Racism discussions, I,m here to play Games that are based on fiction,that is what his Games are about, and the Guy has some wild fantasies, which some I love, and others I dont.
    But this game has Fantastic Renders, which all his Games have, also just love his Dog scenes, that are hardly found nowadays, which I appreciate also.
    The Only thing I dont like is the white guys dick, I mean serious Jobeo?, make the Guys dick bigger than a newborn, if he gets lucky to screw a chick than at least lets us see something.....
    Also this Game has Topics that you wont find in other Games, so if you cant handle it,then its better to move on.....
    Otherwise I missed his work and I,m Glad that he has returned to making great Games for us.

    For me, damn worth the Download.... Thanks Jobeo....
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of best ntr game.
    It will be nice if the pubic hair could be a choice of the user like in Bully.
    Maybe some gangbang scene in the future? Cant wait for more.
    Scene with dog schude be as a punishmant.
    Any pregnacy in the next update?
    It could be some typical cuckold actions.
  19. T
    1.00 star(s)


    Compared to the tone of this game, Joseph Goebbels was a meek choir boy.
    This has to be the single most racist thing I've ever seen...
    Besides the racism, the game progresses way too fast and is not believable at all.
    The game could maybe have been saved somewhat by presenting meaningful choices, but, alas, that's not the case here.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story inspired by the real world where white females are shocked, stunned for words and crazy horny for big black cocks.
    The renders are great and only bested by the characters the creator (Jobeo) decided to include, I can't wait for the coming updates and the following family drama that could potentially happen.