I'm glad to see someone else like me think its bull shit
It really is bullshit. Why even act like most people didn't fund and support because of the H content? Without it, the game is very generic and even janky. The levels aren't interesting to look at, the story is almost non-existent, the combat is average and there's not a single thing that makes the game memorable. If this was a game like Gravity Rush with a small budget but interesting mechanics, I'd be ok with the developer wanting to separate the adult content, but this game truly offers nothing. It's ok and playable, definetly good for porn game standards, but as all good porn games, the gameplay is just decent enough so you can get to the next H scene. No one plays these kind of games expecting to get fully immersed in the world or the combat, which is why they don't need to be special.
And apparently the listed reason for this is that the developer doesn't want to do more H content. That's ok, but that only means the Steam release will be a disaster since fans of TPS won't think it's anything special and the original audience has been cut out of this. By all means and purposes, everyone will know this is a porn game without the porn. Good luck with that.
And as much as I don't want to get into the morality of porn games, I do feel cheated since I did support the dev before the release. He used the H scenes as a big selling point after all, so is this out of fear of being cancelled by western audiences? Because even on release day no one really cared. I just don't see the point in trying to expand but also outing your audience while offering nothing for newcomers, the updated gameplay looks the same so I doubt the all-age version will have anything but more outfits.
I hope it'll be possible to move the assets from the updated version to the old one or at least have them as replaces.