Request for a barmaid game without side bullshit things


New Member
May 23, 2020
There are plenty of games with barmaid gameplay but only few of them are playable with a pleasure

In many games focus is shifted or blurred from the main topic to some side stories / quests, stupid grind, another world battles etc. bullshit.

Кecently I've checked Pizza Hot: overall idea is good, but blurring focus from the main story to some grindy stuff like visiting a massage salon, cohabitants stories etc. makes the game so-so.

It's ok to add side things to extend the main story but don't shift focus on side stories too much, develop the main story first! than add something else.

The request is for a game about barmaid in tavern and events with guests, manager etc. without shitty things like go to forest, do battles, solve pazzles etc.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
you perhaps may have not understood why the tavern idea exists in gaming. its one and only function since ye grandad's olde d&d board game was to act as a HUB for picking up the quests DM had written for you. it's been there for 50 years for the sole reason of doing the things you don't want it to do.

which is not to say that you can't want something else, but it is a bit like complaining why santa clause is a fat fuck dressed up in coca-cola red, cruising in a sky-sled pulled by bunch of flying gay reindeer pissing on little children below. it's just what it is and has been since your dad was in your d&d-playing grandad's nutsack.


Dec 3, 2019
It's ok to add side things to extend the main story but don't shift focus on side stories too much, develop the main story first! than add something else.
It seems like bad idea. In every game I've played, when I finished the main quest I've moved to another game, instead of doing some side-quests. I mean, non-porn games, like FarCry or Fallout.

But in porn games side-quests add new NPC's to have sex with and new places. It seems better to have 10 characters with 1 hour of content each, than 2 characters with 5 hours of content.

Maybe the only valid reason to wish main quest update, is when its left on a cliffhanger. Thats really a problem. Some devs and moviemakers abuse it to keep audience engaged and waiting for new update. But if the game is abandoned it becomes a huge unsolved problem for anyone willng to play it.