4.10 star(s) 28 Votes


Jan 16, 2021
I am confused by this update. Pure runs are borderline impossible from what I can tell. You spend significant amounts of money on reducing your lust just to avoid the game over, and that's before you account for 45% extra damage and health for the enemies. If you insist on remaining full pure you also take severe penalties to key units' damage output on top of that. The RNG needed to survive against that is actually ridiculous.

In the face of all this you saw the need to make a CORRUPT run easier?!

I literally beat story mode on my second play by going full corrupt, and I didn't have several powerful corruption skills unlocked. I have played Pure several times and never made it past the low 20s in days.

If I am missing some massively overpowered PURE build please enlighten me and I will happily try it, but my experience is that PURE is a hopeless and doomed strategy.
So.. the point of the porn game ISN'T to avoid the porn?! Shocking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
How considerate you are. In fact the story mode is not a challenge. I just feel amazed of the guy that gets ATK from the lust and has the most potential, and being inspired planning to have a modification of infinite lust.
True, and they just made it easier for some reason. I kinda hoped for more difficulties since endless mode still makes absolutely no sense. (You can already get scrolls and flames - well, using the JSON names, "bags" and "diamonds" - without even trying by simply losing after 5n+1 days for optimal benefits. It's just slightly faster with less dialogue and events, but that's about it.)

Credit where credit is due though: That's three updates in very little time. Thanks again to BaasB for sharing and, artNameOrNum, your idea actually is fun. Didn't check how exactly that lust scaled on Calvin. Definitely not enough to keep up with hordes of monsters though. It's still hilarious that a common unit has the most potential in the game with Ahern literally having a "passive" skill that says "hey you get me for free at the beginning, isn't that awesome? you just saved 100 gold!!"
Is this game basically complete or still have a long way to go?
From the looks of it, they're going to update it a lot more - but as for additional content, I wouldn't be so sure. I'd actually laugh if it was DLC.

Beth still is disappoint that she doesn't even get to make an appearance as the final boss. (Neither does Celine as the main unit to be honest.)


New Member
Jun 16, 2020
I am confused by this update. Pure runs are borderline impossible from what I can tell. You spend significant amounts of money on reducing your lust just to avoid the game over, and that's before you account for 45% extra damage and health for the enemies. If you insist on remaining full pure you also take severe penalties to key units' damage output on top of that. The RNG needed to survive against that is actually ridiculous.

In the face of all this you saw the need to make a CORRUPT run easier?!

I literally beat story mode on my second play by going full corrupt, and I didn't have several powerful corruption skills unlocked. I have played Pure several times and never made it past the low 20s in days.

If I am missing some massively overpowered PURE build please enlighten me and I will happily try it, but my experience is that PURE is a hopeless and doomed strategy.
Long time lurker but this game definitely piqued my interest and stole my weekend.

Try knight spam with 2x Julia.
Beat the game with a pure build with Knight legendary skill+ Anno, Dahl, Ahren, 2x Iris, 2x Julia and 1xAnnabelle all 2 star.

Julias will redistribute shields among the other characters and stack their own for infinite shield, but you need to stall time for them to build shield and for Dahl to basically become a MOBA hard carry. They also synergise with Anno who will do extra AOE damage based on her shield. Not really sure it was worth upgrading Anno to 2 star or to keep as 2 Annos because the AoE damage is strong (upgraded her and used an extra Iris instead on wave 37/8+). The damage debuffs you get matter but aren't runbreaking because the true victory condition is to stack shield faster than they can do damage and Julias are easy to come by.

Still got lost a wall durability on the last wave (Wave 40) potentially due to the Anno upgrade but I didn't use any buffs like sacrament (on cooldown). That being said, I definitely wasted a whole bunch of money due to poor optimisation because it's hard to tell when the difficulty spikes are so it should definitely be very beatable if optimised properly with the knight playstyle. Still super RNG though. Pray that Recruitment Letter 2 gods shine their light on Celine and you didn't just waste a skill slot.

That all being said, the pure run is a slog and shouldn't really require exploits like double Julia to win. I honestly can't imagine beating the pure run with any other class composition. Will try and see how we go.

Mage and shooters work too. Working on warriors
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
To (re-)add to what NoAIr said, Julias don't need to be active to be able to spam-share shield. That effectively means you can keep them in the reserve and they'll be shielding active units on the battlefield unless this was fixed.

Julia is indeed blue rarity (uncommon) so can technically be obtained immediately if I'm not mistaken, can't recall the initial % distribution. You *can* actually savescum by moving around your savedata but you might as well directly edit the JSON instead of rerolling like a gachage junkie. If editing isn't your thing, Cheat Engine also works.
...The Frozen Throne? I don't see it.
Teamfight Tactics I guess. People are obsessed with that "auto-chess" thing and I didn't even know what it was until I saw this thread, lol. I prefer traditional auto-battlers with minimal variance and no breaks between each wave for pure strategy.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2021
Awesome game. I no longer need to play TFT because I have this now.

Adding items at some point would be cool.

I have 3 fully chaste good ending runs (including event characters all powered down):

1) 5 Knight 6 Terran. Very fun, lengthen the fight so Julia can spread gigantic shields to Anno and Dahl. Anno becomes unkillable, so long as you don't let her get bursted down in the beginning. Take the scroll for 20% damage reduction when Confidence is 100. Be surprised at how Iris quietly does a good amount of work doing damage.

2) 5 Mage 6 Elf. This comp is the complete opposite, as there's hardly any frontline so you blast everything away as fast as possible. It's fun watching Crystal lasering the whole mob of enemies, Anabelle's damage suddenly skyrocketing when she hits 2* (because her ability targets all), and 3* Angel suddenly shredding through the enemy team and contending for the top spot on the damage charts after feeling super weak and useless at 1* early on. Do this with the scroll with the quest yielding bonus damage for Mages in the first 8 seconds of combat.

3) Full lust Shooters + Anabelle & Sana. Surprisingly, this might be the most fun (or funny) comp of them all. Take the scroll that gives Shooters 1% spell vamp for every point of lust over 90 that you have, and all of the lust scrolls. Put Sherry in the farthest back and watch as she cleans up the fight shooting faster than Legolas. Amazingly, Rose is the solo tank, completely alone at the top center, with everyone else in the back two rows. At 3* and lust pushing 200, she has enough dodge and vamp to survive the majority of most fights. Hilarious thinking about these monsters all chasing just her while her friends shoot them all up.

I spent several hours afterwaed trying to make 5 Warrior 6 Orc work with their relevant quest scroll (lose 8 battles and have only 1 wall durability lef5) but kept making boneheaded mistakes and failing. A major problem is that Sana stops attacking in order to cast, meaning she stops lifestealing, and therefore can't solo a group of enemies. Whether this is changed would make her make-or-break 1v9 or decent carry.

Ahern is OP, seriously. He outperforms pretty much every other 100 cost. Getting 2* Ahern early is basically a free ride through the first 8-10 waves, and even after that 2* Ahern can be a crucial mid-game lone tank for all those other comps that don't even synergize with him.

Celine really is special. I love her. It certainly looks like she draws inspiration from Jean in Genshin Impact. But Celine definitely hits a distinct sort of character. The dialogue and internal monologues are very detailed and deliberate, which is nice if you really connect with psychological aspects of situational sex. The overall conversation between Beth and Celine does make you think a bit, and the Good Ending contains some interesting info that hints at perhaps this world getting much more development.

Celine teaches me how to be a better man. Falling to temptations, especially lust, is a glaring weakness for me. But the time I've spent with Celine, experiencing her larger-than-life nobility and fortitude fighting the weaponization of her own body against her.

I have to say it's affected me in a profound way. The story makes a point to juxtapose the clean and dirty, the pure and impure. Choosing Chastity *increases* your lust gain. It's the complete opposite of the usual in h-games: "do horny stuff, get hornier".

The extraordinary nobility and purity of Celine (and Anno too) is precisely what makes the curse so incredibly potent on her. Yet, she's not a quitter. Even in the Indulgent endings, she is still consciously fighting, even when her body has already been conquered. I love the purity of heart that Ahern has too, with a devoted and reverent servant love.

If only I could be a man as kind and strong as Ahern. To devote my entire life to serving a noble lady, rushing to comfort her when Dahl forcefully kisses her, and even attempting to stop her from defiling herself by having sex with me, even if I want it myself more than anything else.

Celine reminds me of one of my all-time favorite heroines: Himekishi Lilia.

The multiple endings really helped paint a motif of virtuousness triumphing through actively fighting and struggling. She could have yielded at any point, but she kept fighting even when it felt futile. Even when Beth exposed all her deepest insecurities, Celine drew wisdom upon accepting her role and her responsibility.

The beauty of the conversation is, Beth is right.

She's correct about Celine's true nature. The rogues' true nature. Humanity's true nature. Her purpose was exposing Celine to herself.

However, she did not anticipate what followed: self-acceptance and love.

Celine learned to accept the truth - yes, underneath she is depraved, has insatiable desires, and doesn't deserve what she's been given. However, those don't define her. Humans are much more than their basest desires.

As Beth questioned in the last conversation, why fight so hard and risk lives to protect and defend people who are just depraved and unappreciative? Who, as we see in another ending, are capable of torturing and raping their lord Celine and taking out their bitterness on her?

She has the compassion to understand that those vile urges within those men stem from their own weakness, their powerlessness and defenselessness in a cruel world. And so they are to be protected. Not because they deserve it, but because they need it.

If noble lords like Celine can go through being raped by demons and tentacles but still come out of it having retained their purity, their character, and their hope, then perhaps I can go through being a despicable loser who jerks off to rape and ntr hentai and vr porn as a man renewed and made clean, who protects women and treats them with respect. And doesn't savage his own mind and body, freed of objectifying real or fictional people.

Thank you, Celine. Your struggles will be with me, as I claim them for myself. I strive to live just a little bit more like you.


Jan 10, 2018
Issue with launching in ultrawide. The settings button is offscreen and I could not find a config file to change.

To fix resolution issues, create a shortcut and add -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 in the target line after what is currently there.


"C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\Resist the succubus—The end of the female Knight\ResistTheSuccubus_TheEndOfTheFemaleKnight.exe" -screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080

Can change the resolution to what you want.


Jun 30, 2021
Awesome game. I no longer need to play TFT because I have this now.

Adding items at some point would be cool.

I have 3 fully chaste good ending runs (including event characters all powered down):

1) 5 Knight 6 Terran. Very fun, lengthen the fight so Julia can spread gigantic shields to Anno and Dahl. Anno becomes unkillable, so long as you don't let her get bursted down in the beginning. Take the scroll for 20% damage reduction when Confidence is 100. Be surprised at how Iris quietly does a good amount of work doing damage.

2) 5 Mage 6 Elf. This comp is the complete opposite, as there's hardly any frontline so you blast everything away as fast as possible. It's fun watching Crystal lasering the whole mob of enemies, Anabelle's damage suddenly skyrocketing when she hits 2* (because her ability targets all), and 3* Angel suddenly shredding through the enemy team and contending for the top spot on the damage charts after feeling super weak and useless at 1* early on. Do this with the scroll with the quest yielding bonus damage for Mages in the first 8 seconds of combat.

3) Full lust Shooters + Anabelle & Sana. Surprisingly, this might be the most fun (or funny) comp of them all. Take the scroll that gives Shooters 1% spell vamp for every point of lust over 90 that you have, and all of the lust scrolls. Put Sherry in the farthest back and watch as she cleans up the fight shooting faster than Legolas. Amazingly, Rose is the solo tank, completely alone at the top center, with everyone else in the back two rows. At 3* and lust pushing 200, she has enough dodge and vamp to survive the majority of most fights. Hilarious thinking about these monsters all chasing just her while her friends shoot them all up.

I spent several hours afterwaed trying to make 5 Warrior 6 Orc work with their relevant quest scroll (lose 8 battles and have only 1 wall durability lef5) but kept making boneheaded mistakes and failing. A major problem is that Sana stops attacking in order to cast, meaning she stops lifestealing, and therefore can't solo a group of enemies. Whether this is changed would make her make-or-break 1v9 or decent carry.

Ahern is OP, seriously. He outperforms pretty much every other 100 cost. Getting 2* Ahern early is basically a free ride through the first 8-10 waves, and even after that 2* Ahern can be a crucial mid-game lone tank for all those other comps that don't even synergize with him.

Celine really is special. I love her. It certainly looks like she draws inspiration from Jean in Genshin Impact. But Celine definitely hits a distinct sort of character. The dialogue and internal monologues are very detailed and deliberate, which is nice if you really connect with psychological aspects of situational sex. The overall conversation between Beth and Celine does make you think a bit, and the Good Ending contains some interesting info that hints at perhaps this world getting much more development.

Celine teaches me how to be a better man. Falling to temptations, especially lust, is a glaring weakness for me. But the time I've spent with Celine, experiencing her larger-than-life nobility and fortitude fighting the weaponization of her own body against her.

I have to say it's affected me in a profound way. The story makes a point to juxtapose the clean and dirty, the pure and impure. Choosing Chastity *increases* your lust gain. It's the complete opposite of the usual in h-games: "do horny stuff, get hornier".

The extraordinary nobility and purity of Celine (and Anno too) is precisely what makes the curse so incredibly potent on her. Yet, she's not a quitter. Even in the Indulgent endings, she is still consciously fighting, even when her body has already been conquered. I love the purity of heart that Ahern has too, with a devoted and reverent servant love.

If only I could be a man as kind and strong as Ahern. To devote my entire life to serving a noble lady, rushing to comfort her when Dahl forcefully kisses her, and even attempting to stop her from defiling herself by having sex with me, even if I want it myself more than anything else.

Celine reminds me of one of my all-time favorite heroines: Himekishi Lilia.

The multiple endings really helped paint a motif of virtuousness triumphing through actively fighting and struggling. She could have yielded at any point, but she kept fighting even when it felt futile. Even when Beth exposed all her deepest insecurities, Celine drew wisdom upon accepting her role and her responsibility.

The beauty of the conversation is, Beth is right.

She's correct about Celine's true nature. The rogues' true nature. Humanity's true nature. Her purpose was exposing Celine to herself.

However, she did not anticipate what followed: self-acceptance and love.

Celine learned to accept the truth - yes, underneath she is depraved, has insatiable desires, and doesn't deserve what she's been given. However, those don't define her. Humans are much more than their basest desires.

As Beth questioned in the last conversation, why fight so hard and risk lives to protect and defend people who are just depraved and unappreciative? Who, as we see in another ending, are capable of torturing and raping their lord Celine and taking out their bitterness on her?

She has the compassion to understand that those vile urges within those men stem from their own weakness, their powerlessness and defenselessness in a cruel world. And so they are to be protected. Not because they deserve it, but because they need it.

If noble lords like Celine can go through being raped by demons and tentacles but still come out of it having retained their purity, their character, and their hope, then perhaps I can go through being a despicable loser who jerks off to rape and ntr hentai and vr porn as a man renewed and made clean, who protects women and treats them with respect. And doesn't savage his own mind and body, freed of objectifying real or fictional people.

Thank you, Celine. Your struggles will be with me, as I claim them for myself. I strive to live just a little bit more like you.
Very sound. However, when I've tried the endless mode further, I just pray to get stronger tanks. Only the most defensive knights (with unlimited shield) can save the team from crash.


New Member
Jan 8, 2019
I am confused by this update. Pure runs are borderline impossible from what I can tell. You spend significant amounts of money on reducing your lust just to avoid the game over, and that's before you account for 45% extra damage and health for the enemies. If you insist on remaining full pure you also take severe penalties to key units' damage output on top of that. The RNG needed to survive against that is actually ridiculous.

In the face of all this you saw the need to make a CORRUPT run easier?!

I literally beat story mode on my second play by going full corrupt, and I didn't have several powerful corruption skills unlocked. I have played Pure several times and never made it past the low 20s in days.

If I am missing some massively overpowered PURE build please enlighten me and I will happily try it, but my experience is that PURE is a hopeless and doomed strategy.
5/6 shooter + 2 mage (orc/elf). Try to 2*/3* Sherry and Bertram asap
Orc mage give team bonus atk speed and active race buff, make sherry dps higher
elf mage just in there for race buff.
I think 6 shooter + julia and orc knight will work too.
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Active Member
Mar 16, 2021
Very sound. However, when I've tried the endless mode further, I just pray to get stronger tanks. Only the most defensive knights (with unlimited shield) can save the team from crash.
I got the farthest (82 days or so) with Warrior-Orc Sana spam. Two or three of them to keep healing each other up while slowly working through the enemies once everyone else falls.


Active Member
Mar 16, 2021
I am confused by this update. Pure runs are borderline impossible from what I can tell. You spend significant amounts of money on reducing your lust just to avoid the game over, and that's before you account for 45% extra damage and health for the enemies. If you insist on remaining full pure you also take severe penalties to key units' damage output on top of that. The RNG needed to survive against that is actually ridiculous.

In the face of all this you saw the need to make a CORRUPT run easier?!

I literally beat story mode on my second play by going full corrupt, and I didn't have several powerful corruption skills unlocked. I have played Pure several times and never made it past the low 20s in days.

If I am missing some massively overpowered PURE build please enlighten me and I will happily try it, but my experience is that PURE is a hopeless and doomed strategy.
You need to take one of the class buffs (20% damage reduction to knights when Confidence is at 100 for example or the Spell Vamp for Shooters for every point of Lust over 900). Get 2000 gold right away by destroying and weakening your walls and snowball your gold.

Easiest and most straightforward comp is probably full Knights-Terran. As for unit specific debuffs, you don't need Calvin, and Anno is just fine doing less damage especially since she's tanking and spamming shields to stay alive.
4.10 star(s) 28 Votes