I saw a fairly high rating on this game, looked at the sample images, read the description and warning about MC, then decided to pass on this months ago. When I saw it show up in the promoted games carousel on the main page, I thought this might be worth my time if the staff saw fit to give it some extra love. I thought the story must be great because the CGs, while good, aren't extraordinary. I checked the reviews with a lot of praise for the graphics and how hilarious and refreshing the dominant MC is. My interest grew as I'm constantly irritated by idiotic, dull, pushover MCs. After playing the first few chapters, I really wanted to quit. Now after having played all available content, I now know I should have stuck with my first decision to ignore this game.
The point of the game is to take as many worn-out porn tropes with paper-thin set ups as possible, turn them up to 11, and cram them into an Oedipal narcissist's sexual revenge fantasies, while laughing at how absurd it all is and snickering at how stupid every character is. Plot points are often nonsensical or are presented unbelievably. For example, MC nuts on his mom's sleeping face pretty regularly and doesn't clean it up. Every time, she notices upon waking, and wonders why she's sweaty and/or has globs of her face cream curdling on her face. If pressed on the matter, the lame excuses from the MC are accepted without much suspicion. These times and others, she dismisses any misgivings she has about her creepy son, despite a growing mountain of experiences she has with his thinly veiled lust for her and lack of respect for others.
The writing is readable, but awkward phrasings, wrong verbs, wrong tense, incorrect plurals, and omitted words abound, not to mention plenty of spelling errors and unnatural/questionable word choices. It turns out that that "aaaaw" is meant to be read as "aaaaah!" and its variants. It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure you those were gasps and moans of pleasure or surprise, not dejected whimpers. Setting aside the character of the MC, the biggest problem with the writing is pacing. The dialogues and monologues are so drawn out, repetitive, and poorly planned that I lost my will to keep reading. I had to take breaks for days to muster the resolve to read more. There's so much needless repetition. So much, in fact, that details are often changed in a bit in the retelling, or characters discuss topics again as if they hadn't alreaady spoken about them. Once the characters have settled a matter, in the next scenes taking place maybe 5 minutes to 12 hours later in-game, don't be surprised when they're revisited again, sometimes tweaking the details inexplicably. Characters frequently forget previous conversations with each other and act surprised, shocked, and confused at the same revelations over and over again. There are times when in the middle of a conversation characters will forget facts told to them just minutes earlier. For many in-game days, every time the MC sees his mom, whom he lives with and most scenes involve, he has long internal monologues about how hot she is and how bad he wants her. Every time. Often you have the option to check her out even more to see more CGs and usually more groaning about how horny she makes the MC. When these optional scenes are chosen, time stops or MC gains an omnipresence mode where he can check out her and other women from every angle. It's never described that way, but that's my head canon explaining why we can see a woman from the front, back, left, right, top, and bottom when peeking on her from the doorway behind her.
The images are good, nothing exceptional, but nothing glaringly weird or bad looking (other than business signs hand lettered with a paint brush tool), and only a few inconsistencies. Even though there's a lot of better work out there, it was a decent use of HS with the usual disregard to details, like hair clipping through bodies and objects, default textures, and poorly chosen light sources. Occassionally, there are some bigger posing issues though too, like walking in 6-inch stilettos across a small room with a power walking stride, arms clipping right through gargantuan tatas. It's a little weird that clothes often teleport away as soon as the MC starts to undress someone, but HS must not make it easy to deform clothing layers. I'm not sure why MC uses paper bags to bring clothes into fitting rooms, but my guess is the same reason as the teleporting clothes problem.
The girls themselves are hot. HS is good at that. Basically every female character with a speaking role has a nice, round ass and absolutely enormous breasts. I like curvy women, and huge boobs are great, but it did get monotonous. The game goes out of it's way to tell you how great the girls' asses are, but early on they're rather unremarkable in the world of porn games, even more so because the massive chests distort the proportions. I may have imagined it, but it seems like the dev filled out the backsides a little bit as the game progressed, but even then only Linda is truly thicc. The MC doesn't look as dorky as a lot of HS male models, but he dresses in ladies' blazers and capri pants from time to time to provide us an additional visual reminder that MC is, in fact, a little bitch boy.
The MC is not a good guy, sure. I'm okay with bad guy MCs, and even with good guy MCs I prefer dominant ones, with personalities falling somewhere between confident and alpha/Chad. Full Chad MCs are usually boring or unrelatable, but better than incompetent milquetoast Nice guy MCs that build a harem merely through common decency and magical MC dick. It's satisfying when a bad guy hatches an evil plan and intelligently pivots to overcome the challenges he faces, or when he cleverly manipulates people to do his will. But this MC is not a Chad. He's doesn't portray confidence. He's lazy and whiny. He's not smart, and he makes many foreseeable mistakes. The plot gifts him his victories despite his failures. Blackmail material either falls into his hands or is easily uncovered by simple internet searches, lucky guesses at people's passwords, and contrived plot. He's not actually dominant, but he is sadistic. Controlling people who have no recourse isn't dominance. He's not a smooth, charismatic, silver-tongued devil, yet somehow he "brainwashes" (his word) his mom by simply continuing to beg her to model for him, and whine about how he wants to help them solve their financial problems. Even a dumb, submissive mom would ask their 21-year-old NEET son to go down to the convenience store and get a part-time job more than once or twice if they found themselves facing eviction, before giving in to his dumb plan. But since the game is apparently a parody Eric Cartman's and his mom's relationship for the MC-mom relationship here, any time mom resists or even questions the MC's demands, he essentially just whines "But Moooooooom!", and she caves. My tier list for turn-offs in porn games has crying, sociopathic bitchy man-child MCs barely losing to deflated, saggy grandma tits and coprophagy.
I think the relatively high rating of this game must be more a statement about the overabundance of games with Nice guy MCs winning at everything for no reason. The high praise for this game about a loser, asshole MC winning at everything for no reason makes more sense to me viewed as a vote against those other games. From my perspective though, this game is one of the worst implementations of a "dominant", asshole, bad guy MC. It's the how and why of dominant bad guy MC's actions that make them interesting, not the what. Blackmail blowjobs and drugging victims to wank on their faces isn't dominance unless accomplished by outmaneuvering a capable and despicable opponent. It's not alpha. Perpetrated against kind and trusting people, it's spineless abuse. Dominance is about confidence and personal authority, something this loser MC has none of. People don't do what he wants because he's reliable and proven to be a competent, strong leader. He blackmails absurdly naive divorcees and housewives with impotent husbands. For me to root for a bad guy, he needs to stand for something, something interestingly controversial. That or he needs to be an anti-hero, taking sadistic revenge on other cruel or abusive people. This guy's life ambitions are to not get a job and to fuck his mom. He takes revenge on his aunt for friendly teasing. He takes revenge on his best-friend for joking about MC's hot mom. He takes revenge on the neighbor wife for helping his mom get a job interview when he wanted his mommy to stay home and make porn with him. On that note, when the neighbor and the mom have a conversation about the interview for the secretary job, they discuss how the president was excited by the fact that the mom is a model and had asked for a photo to be included on the resume. I'm somewhat ambivalent about NTR. Not usually a fan of it, but I've never been so excited about the prospect of the MC getting hard NTRed in any game. It felt like the logical payoff for this bratty MC to get schooled in being an evil bastard by some company president mother-cucking him. Opportunity missed. Truly, this MC deserves nothing more than to cry in the corner while forced to watch his mommy ahegao from Mr. Big, his bodyguard, and his limo driver making her airtight.
Edited (July 13, 2023): I lightened some of the pejorative phrasing in the review. I was being a little too mean. Rating unchanged.