VN - Ren'Py - Restore Her Career [v0.30] [Kalyha]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Games I've ever played. Excellent work developer. Excellent dialogues, Excellent scenarios, especially with the mom. The amount of effort and dedication you've put into this game really shows.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    TL: DR
    The game is around average in every aspect, so expect a fairly good and fairly boring experience at the same time.

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  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I love HS2 models and games that use them but there is like zero viariety in body types among the girls and all of them having huge boobs is a little bit of a let down, the story is nothing special really but it does move the game forward, the render quiality is quite good and consistent and as updates keep coming on there is improvement. All in all the game is quite alright for passing your time and maybe a quick fap, it's not bad in any way but also has nothing to make it special in any way. Hope it helps people debating whether they should give it a go or not.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a porn game on a porn site which provides porn with some (edgy) context, hell yeah. No bullshit. Finally. Admirable. Truly one of the porn games. Good dynamics between characters. Basically maledom stuff. Idk about making photographies, there are walls of texts, I pressed skip button and waited for two minutes for them to pass, why. H-Scenes are not animated, but there is a lot of content. THERE IS NO BLUEBALL SOY BULLSHIT IN THIS ONE. This deserves a god damn award.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    top tier concept that i wish was used more often. if you're looking for a game with a dominant mc and submissive milfs then this is probably the best there is... because theres very little competition..

    my main issue with this game lies in the dialogue. sometimes its great but more often than not its just straight up tiresome. the games not really enjoyable if u just skip to scenes but damn will it make you want to do it

    for the first few hours of gameplay this is usually how the dialogue with the mom goes:

    mc: do this

    mom: i dont want to, we're going too far

    mc: i know whats best so trust me and do what i say

    mom: does it

    repeat about 20x while somehow stretching the dialogue out for eternity.

    like i wouldnt even mind the dialogue loop but fuck would it kill the dev to cut to the chase sometimes
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: You will have a more interesting and varied visual experience if you play an Illusion game, from which RHC's visuals appear to be rendered. You will have a better story experience if you read Twilight.

    1. Every character in this story is dumber than a bag of hammers.
    The Main Character desperately wants to fuck his mom (fine), but is jealously enraged when his friend "disrespects" MC by expressing the exact same sentiment.
    MC: "I want to eat that delicious chicken!"
    Friend: "Wow that chicken looks tasty!"
    MC: "How dare you!?!"

    MC's friend then proceeds to blatantly hand the MC evidence of the friend's criminal activity.
    MC's mom supposedly had a career as a model and constantly walks around in skimpy outfits. Yet mom is embarrassed, reluctant, and shy when posing for a photo-shoot. Professional Models are neither Surprised nor Embarrassed when Posing for Photos.
    MC's mom has mounting bills to pay, yet instead of doing anything a sane/productive person might (like look for a job), she instead just prances around the house reading magazines and conspicuously bending over.

    2. All of the female characters have the same body.
    This consists of a 14 year old's face, enormous tits, a small waist, a huge ass, and long legs. While I can appreciate this taste in female form, all of the women are so similar it seems to entirely eliminate the purpose of having different female characters. Except for different hair colors I wouldn't be able to tell them apart. As paraphrased from Syndrome: When everyone is super, no one is.

    3. RHC uses a bowl full of words to convey a thimble of content.
    The dialogue between characters is excessively rambling, repetitious, is full of different ways of saying "I don't understand." Example: In one conversation Emma says "Okay...", "What is that?", "I'll just listen for now", "What is this?", "Alright? Then what?", "I don't understand.", "What is this supposed to mean?", "What the?".
    Good dialogue is Succinct and Vivid. This reads like the writer is being paid by the word.

    Conclusion: If you want to see some big 3D tits and asses in a few different costumes and hair styles, this might hold your interest in Fast Forward. If you're looking for anything more you'll probably be disappointed.
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2614205

    This game is for those who enjoy incest, milf corruption, netori and maledom.
    The game focuses on the mom of the mc, but also has an aunt and other milfs. The mc is not a good guy and uses blackmail and force to get his way. So, people who don't enjoy that stay away.
    The art is great, but there are no animations or voice acting which is a bummer.
    The story is good, without any branching which is nice.
    Overall, a fantastic game in submissive mom tag. Need more such games.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game for guys that dont like having multiple choices and playing game over and over to get the scene you want. Game is perfect for blacmail, male dom, submissive girls lovers and in recent updates the best scenes came along. At the beggining it was slow corruption at its finest, but now things are getting more and more spicy.
    Art - 4.5/5 ( its getting better and better)
    Characters - 5/5 ( literally all kinds you can imagine and if you like the tags of the game, there will be atleast 1 character that will get you your kink)
    Story - 5/5 ( people are forgetting this is a game and are reading too much into it, its perfectly written for what it tries to do)
    Progression - 5/5
    Content - 5/5
    Enjoyment - 5/5
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is slow Dark themed Mom corruption game with side characters.

    Well but son is how i say yeah Asshole really really big Asshole he takes whatever he wans and manipulates to gain that so this is really Dark and Violent story so if you dont like that maybe this is one is not for you.

    Sex scenes amazing and Story is even more amazing with slow pacing and corruption of Mom like believe me Author dont rush things here you can savor everything here and corrupt your Mom slowly without rushing.

    Even side characters good they have diffirent stories and ambitions thats really big plus for me here with lot of sex and corruption.Even bimbo chick have some personality here and none of this womans innocent here like Aunt cheats before even meeting with MC or dumb neighbor done something dumb in the past without thinking much.

    This games strong points is Mom character plus slow pacing here really slow unlike other games where you can bang mother in a hour this one does really good job with slow dark themed corruption.

    Summary is if you like incest and mom action this is for you believe me corruption is really good here i cant wait to play more of this game.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    If you're into Corruption, Degeneracy, Anal, Abuse, Degradation, Humiliation and Domination, this is a pretty good story to deliver your jollies. There's even a sprinkle of Exhibitionism in there to get your kicks off. All in All, I think this is worth a read.

    • Artwork is decent
    • Variety of Sexual Scenes/Acts
    • Very good use of methods used by abusers to groom victims
    • MC is an asshole, so it really sticks to the Abuser character. Would've been bad if the MC was too nice or came off weak.
    • Lots of "fun" female characters of diverse back stories that are Abused and "corrupted" in a variety of ways. (don't get me wrong, almost nothing is realistic, but the fantasy is delivered nicely)
    • MC has, however shallow, some level of Character development/motivation for why he's doing what he's doing. There's a "reason" he's Corrupting some of the women and why he's doing his business ventures.
    • Plays around with a lot of different kinks and fetishes like incest, exhib, rape, spanking, anal, cheating, cum play, etc.


    The entire Gold Digger angle. I felt that a lot of potential was wasted by using the Gold Digger. Maybe if she was introduced early, it could've made sense. For instance, say, stan started the Photoshoot and started to feel all hot and bothered by them, but didn't have an outlet to release yet, so he got this Gold Digger and was playing around with her/bimbofying her, that could've been alright for some time. However, by the point she was introduced, he was already getting his kicks off on some other girls.

    The Translations, Grammar, Dialogue and story line were all poorly written and there were several inconsistencies/plot holes at points. However, since this isn't some Best Selling Novel, and just some porno, it's alright. There are worse written porn and there are better written point. All in all, the general plot points are delivered well enough that you can follow along. If you're expecting a well written masterpiece then this isn't it, however if you've read poorly written stuff and can look past this, then it's worth following due to the degeneracy.

    The Art/Scenes could have been better. Of course, this probably comes down to the fact that this is clearly rendered from some game engine instead of Drawn, but there was a lot of Context, Depth and Features that could've enhanced the visual experience. For instance, some times, it would've enhanced the scene by having MC's pants lowered below his hips, or releasing his penis from his zipper, however it seemed that MC's clothes were either on or off. There were hand positions and body postures that could've also been used in certain parts to convey emotions better. However, all of this would just be slight enhancements, what would've really been a big improvement is better facial expressions. A lot of dialogue fell flat with plain faces.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    After seeing many many many games with same and same family style plus inces i was like really bored but this one is really refresing.

    Models good.
    Story is long and high quality.
    Mc is not classic same haircut plus goes to gym character.
    Story goes slow and sex scenes not insta

    Yeah Mc super edgy and thats can be bad but its little bad.
    İ wish theres more choices for going bad or good path.

    Why 5 star ?
    Story is really good plus its long really long even longer than other popular games with 3 4 years development.
    Characters feels real and they are not some empty sex figures they actually matter.
    Sex scenes well done and teasing is good too i dont know why people complain about tease.
    Budget is small even games with 20 30+ k month dont have this quality thats sad.

    So this is why i give 5 star its really worth to play and feels like actually really real for me i cant wait to see more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is long game so be warned Spoiler alert.

    After seeing 3.5 rating i was skeptic though this one same like many others where MC fucks everyone then nothing but i was wrong.

    Story looooong really loooong for a low budget game this is gem amazing gem and teasing is good i seen people comlaining about tease and story plus MC but thats for me meh this is really good.

    MC is asshole thats bad thing for some for me i dont care he is not asshole he is very control maniac and want Moms everything maybe for some people thats can be bad but for me thats plus here.

    For people money complain let me say this money really easy if you can gather hype in onlyfans or patreon i am not joking in real world many people done that so thats not minus for me.

    Main characters is really well done really they are so good especially mother is goat here she is not classic Mom character that give away bussy in a hour or two she really cares about MC maybe she naive but thats good because she gonna be rich and well with mc plus mc not doing any illegal thing other than Rape but this is fantasy so you know whats gonna happen with that.

    Every character have a reason in story like Amy suffer because of stupid son who uses drug plus drinks lot even more plus is that he using cheat program for grades in uni thats bad and because of that Amy suffers.

    Aunt characters is even more makes sense she is cheater and prob if not for Mc she gonna cheat even more maybe become adult video actress because of she is dumb and no idea what people can do.

    Linda is even more dumb i dont wanna spoil but she is naive and sacrifices too much for family.

    Even gold digger is good character i am not joking she knows what she is and supports Mc.

    Plus few characters here but for now they are not that deep maybe in future.

    So tease ? hmm yeah its takes too much time but this is realistic like %90 of games here with incest Mothers plus sisters sucks dicks faster than flash here and i am not even joking but in this game tease is good thats raises quality and when Mc gets bussy even me playing feels really good about that so thats even more plus for me.

    So if you wanna SUPPORT up to you and same for playing to game plus budget is low really for this game even with that quality is good and yeah Author using hentai game models but thats not bad people complain about models but this game models is really good i dont understand why theres complain no idea.

    This game deserves solid 5 and this is not me being stan or fan to this game this is one of the best ones i played since Superhuman thats game good and long this one too still its up to you if you pass first act with more scenes you gonna enjoy it so i wanna say thanks to Author this is really good one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie, mostly here for the visuals, male domination, and Netori aspect. But humans are generally visual creatures. Nothing wrong with coming for the visuals when I'm reading a visual novel, right? Hope that the whoring out is kept as optional for all characters if I do ever get to see the completed version of this game and there are multiple endings for the MC's refinement and temperament. Bad endings can rot in existential crisis but otherwise I'm all for it. Wish for the best Dev.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Having a lot of fun with this game so far.

    It is a porn game, there is no elevated purpose, griping mystery story or anything like that, but in this case I would say that this is a strength. The game doesn't take itself too seriously and is here to provide an experience and that it does.

    I started disliking the MC (he is a complete prick and I would even say a psychopath) but this is probably caused by me having played lately a lot of more serious games, once I got into the flow of things and stopped taking it so seriously, I had a lot of fun with him. He is blunt and fucking asshole, but again, at least the game doesn't pretend to be something else.

    In that particular, I actually respected that the game is not one of those with a "magic dick" MC, the girls do not like what he does and even call him out on his behaviour and resist him, but his manipulating and blackmailing them without scruples.

    I had some lough out loud moments with the game and the writing is decent in general, even though it is clear that this was written by a non native english speaker.

    I gave it a 4/5 and not a 5/5 because there are no animations at all and the sex scenes in particular would benefit from them. Overall though I find my time spent in this game to have been enjoyable.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Holdem High

    This game is amazing. The scenario that the dev created to achieve the slow corruption is so believable.

    Yes the game suffers from some rather large flaws:

    - mostly the over the top jerky MC at the start of the game. This gets much better and more believable later
    - dev missed the opportunity to drive the slow corruption using user comments during 'photo shoots'
    - Some of the extra characters are superfluous

    And yet, there are few AVN's that I spent more sessions on than this one, it just keeps on giving and, tbh, keeps getting better. The addition of phone images and stream images of the photo shoots is extremely hot btw, hope to see more of that.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a good work that maintains the reader's interest even though it has been developed for a long time.
    Even in this field, where many games are produced every day, it is not easy to find a heroine as attractive as Adriana.

    The card game and "Truth or Dare" game scenes were great. I'll be glad if there's another game scenario in a more advanced form later on.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely the best game, especially update 0.23. The characters are top notch, although I only like Adriana and look forward to the update with her only. Best of all, it's a great narrative for this type of game. Everything runs its own course and doesn't rush anywhere. But hopefully the game won't slow down in terms of fetishes and continue to please everyone, for the more content the better, even if we have to wait 10 years.

    But deeply saddened by the fact that the game has no "exhibitionist" tag. I hope there will be something similar between the main character and Adriana, given that close to it is already in the game with Katya, as well as a second scene in the locker room. The closest thing to a surprise is Adriana undressing drunk Adriana in front of girls she knows and at 0.23 in front of strangers. And the way Adriana came out with cum on her face after the locker room gives hope for more. But I would like more in that direction, especially now after the last update.

    Add some kind of scene in a public pool, grocery store, gym, or movie theater. Or public transportation or the subway, like in those Asian videos. Open nudity in restaurants or cafes. Or being seen on a TV show. Or that the main character will order her to walk down the street naked. Maybe even get caught (it's even more interesting that way) so that there are legal problems (you can develop the idea there, too). And then just watch sex in public, like in the old Ficeb commercials or other erotic shows.

    Well, and urolagnia, rimjob for weirdness and in addition to Adriana's shelf of humiliation, because we'd like more of those, too. Also, a gross breast squeeze. And really, a little more rough or brutal is not enough at this point. Or maybe Adriana could get a piercing? But here I got carried away.

    In addition to my weird gaming fetishes, I recently read the manhwa "Keep It a Secret from Your Mom!" from which I wrote a couple of ideas, chapters 59 and 62 respectively. I recommend it. I also recommend the first and other chapters of "Pervert diary" and "The office lady's secret account", sex on public transport and perverted nymphomaniacs is delightful.

    Although these are just my own weird wishes, what's not to write here. But given the presence of fetishes like Cumdrink and others in the game. (which for the first time I was pleased and surprised me, because you rarely see), I hope to see this here, so that the game will take first place among the others. I sincerely hope Adriana becomes an unimaginative monogamous whore suffering from a lack of sex with her son.

    To the author of all earthly blessings and success in the second project (but I wish not to forget about the successful firstborn).
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. It is a story driven trainer/corruption game. I love how MC is just turning his entire family into dumb buttsluts. Girls are all skinny with huge boobs, which I fancy. Hope dev will do more anal and buttplug action.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Relatively enjoyable experience, however one that suffers from its flaws greatly.
    The MC is jerk, which can be positive or negative, depending on what you're into. Not going to list that.
    Overall, the story is very rough around the edges, at points nonsensical.
    Character designs rather rough too but that comes from being made in Honey select.

    - Realistic corruption
    The corruption is very slow. The characters are unsure for most of the time. They are often discouraged and have to be pressured. It starts out simple... and there's so much to go for as characters are starting to accept their new positions
    - No shying away from rough content
    I think one of more stronger sides of corruption stories and incest is when you truly differentiate yourself by including some rougher content or humiliation elements. That may be up to an individual but to me, it's great. It's something rather rare.

    - Corruption has consequences and progression
    Some actions have actual consequences which inevitably end up being reflected upon characters. Like mother slowly over time getting used to being called slut or getting used to swallowing.
    Or aunt being at first unwilling during anal sex. However, ends up later buying anal beads.

    - Repetitive character designs
    Oh look. It's a big boobed milf. Nice. Not entirely anything ground breaking but nice. Oh what's that, another character? She has also massive tits? And wait, that one too? And that one? Oh...
    Yeah. The character designs usually devolve into X woman with big tits. Very little variety on what you can pursue, more so with the sameface honey select models

    - Too. Many. Characters.
    One of the main problems is the fact that story lacks focus in its way. Tries to cram as much content as possible with way too many characters nobody asked for. First the family and neighbours are introduced. Fine.
    But one chapter after another, you get randoms like gold-digger slut, a secretary, police officer or some random strippers. There is no need really for more. Focus on the ''main'' characters and leave new ones alone unless really neccessary.

    - Story is all over the place and not very good
    PREMISE of the story is good. Son corrupts mother into becoming basically an onlyfans mom. That is good.
    However, shit progresses so quickly it's not even funny. One day you're nearly getting evicted, the next chapter they're so loaded, MC can afford a damn plastic surgery for gold-digger nobody gives a shit about.
    You jump from Onlyfans plot to owning a strip-club that goes into your hands for the most stupid of reasons.
    Alongside the fact that everything MC thinks of is accomplished and goes barely without a problem. There is barely any conflict.

    - There is very little choice
    Basically, one of the gripes I had was the fact that you can't very much interact during the sex scenes.
    Let's be honest here. There are many VNs that beat others in their renders. So, one of the ways to make up for lack of... spice is to have interesting dialogues.
    Give players during sex options to say or DO something.
    Branching choices that result in different dialogues.
    However, in the end, lead to the same result.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a niche story and acquired taste for sure. Especially when first getting into the story the MC takes some getting used to. I too had my time of thinking "You are a cunt dude". But then you start accepting it and sort rid yourself of these notions of normative behavior. Then the story becomes more and more engaging. This whole self acceptances of "this is how I am so be it" makes for a much more pleasant experience with the themes that are touched upon. Instead of lulling into the usual heavy internal monolog debating morality and consequences the MC is focused on his goals and we instead see how others respond and deal with their morals and how they change.

    The different characters have very different attitudes and MC approaches them differently, even though the goals for them are sort of the same the different paths getting there gives a nice broad experience.

    The story is not timid about the themes it chooses to incorporate like the cum feeding. I don't think I have seen other VNs just taking it head on and just making it a thing, a main thing, unpacking it and letting it live instead of this little naughty element that "we sort of do in the dark".

    For me I like that this VN is a debauchery fantasy more so than many other VNs. This VN is very much something where I feel like just giving in and enjoying the ride, not getting into morals, consequences and outcomes.
    It is the only VN I always keep the latest version saved locally as I usually delete a VN after reading it. (A little back up if there are too many sugary VNs and one needs a dose of FILTH :p)