VN - Ren'Py - Restore Her Career [v0.30] [Kalyha]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Not gonna lie, kind of nice to read a story where it doesn't even attempt to hide how messed up in the head the protagonist is. Not a huge fan of the drastically oversized breasts but the story is actually surprisingly good. It could also do with a good English proof-reader, but at no point was the English so bad that it was hard to understand or follow.

    Either way, definitely looking forward to the updates on this one!
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    if you expect it to be something it isn't. This game almost perfectly knocks the ball out of the park for what it is trying to be, a slow paced but rewarding corruption Visual Novel. The slow pace does a great job for character development and for really making the player feel rewarded when they finally get to a scene.

    That is not too say there aren't many scenes. Quite the opposite, there are a ton. But the text between them is long to meet the characteristics I previously mentioned.

    Don't expect this to be a game whose main focus is quality of sex scenes with sound and animation and perfect renders. Its really good, but its not the best of the best and its also not the main focus of the game, the story is what is the best part of this game.

    That being said, renders are still really good. The models are great and the developer avoids a common fault with big breasted models where arms go through tits what not.

    Good variety of clothing for each character, all which suits the story well and fits the characters well.

    The group events are great. The party event was one of the best instances I have experienced in this sort of VN format. I personally think another sex scene could have been made possible with maybe Linda (note I may have just missed this in my playthrough). The small double character + MC scenes are great as well; they flow nicely and doesn't feel as if the dev is trying to shoehorn it in.

    I would rate this game a 4.5 instead of a 5 if I had the ability, and that is just because of the following issues:
    • Lack of background music/sound. The game is long and requires a lot of reading, some simple music or sounds would be great to better set int he atmosphere of whatever scene (e.g. light music during the party event).
    • Spelling/grammar/wording errors. Most of the dialogue works well and is fine. But it could be better and there are sometimes some minor mistakes. Nothing that really ruins the game, but there is room for improvement.
    • Deviation from the main women. There are some characters (cop and scarlet) who are important to the overarching story about his dad, but I find them quite boring compared to the main 4 and I often try and skip past any of their parts that aren't too necessary. I understand the need for more important side characters for the story, but you don't need to make it so MC has to have sex with every single female character that speaks more than 4 lines of dialogue. I would much rather see current stories with current women fleshed out before the dev opens up more branches with more women that leads to updates that take longer to produce and end up advancing the story less than desired (this happens to way too many creators.

    If the dev reads this, keep up the great work, you are making a great game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna lie: at first I thought this was not a very good game/VN. But it grew on me. :)
    As the developer admits in the description of this game, "the MC is kind of an asshole" -- which should be considered as the understatement of the year!
    But here's the thing: you ended up rooting for the guy. At least if you have a kinky mind as I do!
    That fact that this happens is a tribute to the writing or, at least, to the way the story develops (which is not the same thing).
    I really don't care about incest fetishes, but you can simply ignore it and imagine something else is going on here.
    The result is intriguing and... very erotic. I can't wait to discover what the developer will come up next. Keep up the good work @Kalyha !
    I only hope there is no pregnancy involved or, at least, no visible pregnancy, which is pretty much one of the biggest turn-offs for me.

    P.S.: I still play and enjoy this game, but I must shave one star from my original 4* review. Compared with others here, the lack of music and the fact that are no animations whatsoever, among other issues, makes it not deserving 4 stars, when compared with other games and VNs I reviewed here.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Kog Astarta

    well, it's not really top of the top by graphics especially - nothing different from what you can see by screens. but, not worse, not in a single step. the story is fine. it's a just mid incest game, what needs another approval :D
    upd. actually not, I was unfair to the game, it's even better than just a mid game. my feelings tells even more clearly now - I'll not miss any one update of the game, that's smf like quality sign for me.

    the game is very perverted, which is a plus for me. I really hope for anal scenes in the future, but it already has a nice mom-son fetish content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally something different in incest games. The only thing missing is the animations and pregnancy for me, but the pregnancy stuff is going to be implemented I think.
    The frequency of updates is really good. Developer is someone that respects his patrons and he is going to release another game in January.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Dev already warning you about sociopath MC in description on the site, I can only add that MC is worst of the worsts, seriously that bastard have no moral orientation at all, so you should be at least fine with that before downloading game. But if you don't mind that, this game have a really hot mom-son corruption story and others stories generally sexy as well.

    Despite below average quality of renders and no animations sex scenes are really hot and dev surely knows that with this kind of MC main points of the game are male domination, incest, corruption and blackmail.

    Sadly it can not be said about overall story and dialogue, since many times it don't even remotely make sense and other times they are just reiteration of what already happened or was said.

    This game is really hit or miss and if you still reading my review and doubt about playing the game, I can just say: "JUST DO IT!".
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game would be like 1-2 stars but I'm giving it 3 because the plot and writing are just so absurd that the game becomes funny. Half the characters are probably braindead and the MC is a completely batshit crazy sociopath with split personality and he probably has schizoprenia (because of those choices without meaning where he just hallucinates the bad one and then goes back to the choice select menu) and I find it fucking hilarious.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Girls looks great, despite being your typical honey select models, dev managed to insert some uniqueness into them. However, more-so than the girls, the most entertaining part of the game is the main character. At some point I just stopped reading for the wank material and instead for the sheer amusement with the MC, guy is completely fucking bananas, I love him. Definitely one of the most entertaining MCs from games on this website, way up there with the likes of Waifu Academy MC.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    "MC isn't your typical nice guy and is a kind of sociopath." That sentence certainly shows a lot of promise to me, as i feel there are enough lovey-dovey, perfect MCs on this site as is.
    And the whole game is certainly plenty rapey to deliver on that promise. Sadly what isn't told, is that the MC is also just plain stupid. The actions of the MC are in complete disregard of any logic whatsoever, which in turn means the logical hoops that happen to make anything somewhat realistic are just enormous. This really destroys any feeling of immersion, which is a shame.
    The renders are fine, actually quite good, if one considers the Honey Select style. I personally prefer the more "realistic", at least when well-made, DAZ3D renders, but thats just me, and i obviously knew that beforehand, so i won't let that influence the rating. Absolutely insane Breast sizes are an issue, as pointed out everywhere else. Bigger isn't always better. ;)
    I personally felt, the Adrianna Corruption story line, was the one that actually took some time, and was (while improvable), fine. The other ones just straight up felt bad, because they were rushed to give sexual content and made no sense whatsoever.

    Overall three stars for now, the game has some good parts, esp. the renders, but the texts were nearly unbearable to read at times, and giving something as idiotic as this MC my own name, just straight up felt bad.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Game version: [v0.19]

    This game made me feel embarrassed for having played it. I saw someone recommend this game, and I'm into its themes and fetishes, so I gave it a try. The writing is absolutely fucking atrocious. It's not just hardcore Engrish, it's also completely juvenile and lacking any kind of actual choices. What's the point of a choice between (say the thing that advances the plot) and (say something obviously rude or obnoxious that will lead to just looping back to the choice)? Maybe you can enjoy this if you skip through all the dialogue and just watch the sex scenes, I couldn't be bothered.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    best game ever, my personal favorite. I've played all the mom-son games but I keep coming back to this one. Keep up the awesome work! I loved how the relationship with the mom slowly-but-surly progressed from the start where he only watched her, to the point where he pretty much treats her like his personal fuck toy, slaps her around and gives her orders.. but there are still ways to go... I can't wait to see the mom become a full-on submissive sex slave!
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Just finished v0.19

    I gave this game 2 stars almost gave 1 star but I have seen worse this was just not my cup of tea. I liked the backgrounds and the different outfits the attention to some visual details was good that is all I liked about this. Your experience may be different I just could not immerse myself in this story for a few reasons which you will see in my rant below but just remember this is only my opinion.

    For a game that is 6 gigs I had high hopes it was good but it was tedious to follow and read. A painfully slow story that is not interesting and hard to understand with the writing and grammar when the story began to pick up it was too little too late for me. The MC is boring with a lazy personality most of the story I felt trapped in his mind wanting to just turn off all his idiotic thoughts and just do something... anything interesting or gratifying. After so much time with the boring story and the constant barrage of the MC thinking about how hot the overly chesty models are to him almost feels like a salesman trying to convince me to buy something. I expected some good scenes with the ladies I was sold on but I was just left disappointed and feeling cheated out of my time.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Played this game. And I really cannot give more than two stars.

    First of all, the concept is great. I love Corruption Games and it is alright that the MC is not a nice guy.
    Second, the Renders are great. Big boobs everywhere, especially Adrianna is just hot as hell.

    But thats about it.

    What is bad:
    The MC, while an evil character (and it is alright) is just a dumb brat. Really, he is not smart or anything, he is just annoying. At some point he is like "This is boring", which reminds me of a 12 yo who is not having fun in a game.

    Also, the ways of Corruption... Corruption needs a build-up, but this basically happens instantly. The MC would probably been able to fuck everyone right at the start how it is written.
    And highly unlikely that the women would do that to that extend. E.g. the woman with the porn shoot would just tell her husband she has done porn in the past instead of getting raped by a kid.

    The Corruption of the mother is a bit better, but also way too fast. (Fast only in the sense of erotic scenes, overall the process does take a while of gametime)... And even to her the MC is just a douchebag.

    So yeah, overall, really bad MC and not a good Corruption-process which really hold that game back.

    Also, more on the technical site - 6 GB (V0.19) without any animations is just HUGE. The Renders are well-made, but there are too many scenes overall. E.g. Character A goes from position X to Position Y which is 5 steps away, you have 5 images of Character A walking. This is not really needed.
    I am not that guy who wants animations, but I also dont think it makes sense to blow up the size of the game with meaningless renders.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    best game i've played
    It's so good I can't wait for new episodes
    Congratulations to Kalyha for making such a beautiful game
    I hope the game will continue for a long time and I will continue to play with pleasure.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. It may seem to start off slow, but the build up and the corruption of the mother character makes this an amazing game. One of my favorite games on this site, would recommend highly if you haven't tried it yet.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 submission and corruption game... One of the gems of the site.

    Simple renpy story mode with simple and obvious choices. Easy playthrough style to get to where you want to go. There are several women to bring into your harem, each with a different storyline angle. Great renders, and you can tell a lot of work goes into this one.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Really liked the game. The characters are good and it has some stuff I just really love, like heels, tits, deepthroat and anal. I love the story, the inner thoughts of the characters and the graphics.

    One thing I don't really like, is that the main character is sometimes just stupid. I like him being evil and having an extreme urge to satisfy his desires, but especially in the dialogues with Jenna he really is just a stupid baby and there it is really cringe to read.
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  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Tough one to review for me. The art is good, actually really nice. Lots of MILFs, heels, Big boobs, lots of content.

    The Dev makes it pretty clear that the MC is a asshole, socipath, and a really bad guy. So a little unfair to complain about the MC when it is made that way and it is intended.

    That said, immersion is a big factor for me, whether its a porn game or otherwise, I tend to get into it, rename the character and mostly you find an ability to relate and be immersed. Not so with this game, it was impossible, unless you are a really fucked up person, socipath yourself you cannot relate to this MC at all, he has no redeeming traits. He NEVER treats anyone even a little nice.

    The women practically all despise him, receive no pleasure from him at all...none. Even in a corruption game, eventually in almost any game most of the ladies start to enjoy it, develop an attachment, ....nope. "I hate him, He has a big dick but doesn't know how to use it...That was disgusting, his sperm makes me wanna puke, I feel dirty and he is the most horrible person in the goes on and on.

    Absolutely nobody likes him, his mom thinks she has to do these things and receives no pleasure...

    Its a bit of a shame, as I see a little nicer side, easier corruption path or even a little romance ....but even if its written in later he is still a shit. Unredeemable, emotionless, socipath...that only a rate person could relate to...and if you get off on that, well , its not me.

    Art is really good for honey select which is rare, lots of content, but also allot of cock blocking, rare penetration and ....well nobody has enjoyed sex with this MC yet, so if you are a worldclass ass, underperforming useless in the sack, abusive, emotionless, and care absolutely nothing for every human being on the planet...well give it a go.

    That said, the DEV is pretty clear of his MCs attitude. I gave it three stars as the art is good, story is ...meh, but lots of it. Just cannot relate, and can't believe many others can relate. Mainly three stars as there is no option to take it a little easier and actually care about all. A lighter option would be good, as it is, no matter if you degrade them, or compliment them....same path.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game 5 stars because of the following:
    • It's Not a "Slow burn". There are side characters that distracts you from the main corruption.
    • The MC character is constant, his a dick head but at least his always a dickhead. The moral decisions lie in the corruptee not the corruptor.
    • It's mainly financial/blackmail corruption which is more believable than "arousal" corruption.
      ".. my s*n massaged my shoulder this one time I must want to have sex with him..."
    • A lot of sex scenes.
    My only issues/concerns are the following:
    • A lot of pointless renders.
    • Even though we are at 0.17 I think we are Half done. Corruption games "Should" end when you have corrupted the "Slow burn character" i.e. Mom. I'm concerned this "story" is going to go on for years and years instead of concluding, freeing the dev to move on to something else.
    Great game. particularly if you like an Evil MC.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has only fake choices and is mostly a kinetic novel. Their is a ton of dialogue before anything interesting happens your hand will long be tired of clicking through text. The Story it self isn't very interesting either and the characters our generic.

    The only redeeming quality is the renders.