Version 1.0
You've got the spark of something greater, you just need to tend it right.
I got about an hour into this game, but found so many things to criticize I had to stop. Apologies if something if off-base because of my limited playtime.
I gave this 1 star because 'Visual Novels' are made of writing and pictures.
Your pictures are fine. There's a good degree of variation between characters, and even some specific examples of unusual design choices, like "Mi Pene" Enrique, the BBEG.
But you also make some pretty lame choices too. The girls are mostly thin white women with nice boobs, albeit with reasonable proportions, a surprisingly rare quality.
Your writing is aggressively NOT fine.
I'd like to start with what the good was:
1. Your characters have good structure. A few more details and a lot more development and they'd be incredible.
2. The guy cousin who said he'd fuck his mom is iconic, more of that please
3. Your pacing is good. Seriously, the story moves at a perfect speed. If your characters made more sense, you'd be in a very good place.
Now the bad:
First thing: women don't look at muscles like men look at boobs.
Like, they DO appreciate them, but more as a sign of dedication and effort.
There is a certain subset of the population that value them, but it's more kink than vanity.
Also, it seems like you don't think about people's perspective before you write from them. The men in your story are written well enough, there where most of the good moments are, but the women are...
Honestly, they're barely even people. You don't seem to really understand a woman's perspective, and that's coming from someone who only knows it by being related to one.
If you want to know what I mean, investigate "the female gaze". Politics notwithstanding, your writing gets better the more you understand about the world.
Another thing to improve is the relationship between characters.
Those three temptresses should be tearing each other apart. Toxic people next to toxic people is like trying to put a fire out by throwing fire at it (you get more fire, is what I'm saying).
The cousin and her friend should have some kooky shit going on between them, have you ever met women who are best friends? They know each other so well they speak a different language 1/2 the time.
Honestly, more "I'd fuck my mom" but just other characters saying it to each other instead of the MC will do most of this for you.
You do it pretty right by having the stepmom abuse the nurse. Think of how your characters should treat each other, not just the MC
That said, the father is a dumbass motherfucker and I'm here for it. Like, it definitely does NOT make sense that he can't tell his wife and stepchildren are the first, second, AND third coming of the anti-christ, but it's very funny. It's a genre staple of these "revenge on the step-bitch(es)" stories, and you do a good job with it. "Now I know y'all don't see eye to eye" ass lmao
Last important thing is porn. I'm a sadist with a daddy kink so big that it's only dwarfed by my insecurities, and I couldn't begin to be interested in this game. It's weak. Honestly, the lack of personality in the characters made me more sad than anything, and it I can't get hard when I'm sad.
On the off chance you read this, thank you.
I'll make sure to give your next game a try.