r3.7 Status Report
It has been a while since I've done a proper game status report (r3.6J threw a wrench in the normal flow of things (and it sounds like there might be more of that to come...)), and I've been thinking about doing one for a couple of days now. Ferdafs seemed to indicate end of October for new content (which means early November for us), but it also sounds like there are some medical issues that might either delay or reduce the content of that update. So how much of what, and when, we are going to get from Ferdafs is a bit unknown unfortunately.
I will still do my best to deliver in a timely manner (no major delay like we had with r3.6J, where I wasn't home and unable to do this kind of work). It will depend on how much content there is, but as always, I'll do regular update reports once I'm actively working with the new content.
For now, all I can do is talk about the stuff I've been working on! Which... isn't going to be very exciting... temper your expectations.
If you've been following along the last half dozens pages, a lot of corrections have been sent my way, and I've been fixing typos and art anomalies across the game. While it's not new content it is improvement.
I've also been hard at work continuing on blinks. I'm slowly (very, very slowly) closing in on having them finished, just a week and a half of game time left to fill.
Here is my current work sheet (ignore the numbers). Anything in green is blink completed (all days before and after this snap shot are done). It is a slow tedious process with no real automation (like I had with slicing). Some characters are very fast (like Morty, Summer, Morticia, and Jessica) and other characters are very, very slow, (anyone with eye lashes, such as Beth and Tricia).
Luckily, this isn't a task that HAS to be completed before r3.7 (with r3.6J update only some of the blinks were done), so there is no deadline. But I would like to get it done and out of the way.
There is also a small new interaction between Summer and Morticia WAYYY back in day 3.
JLP603 pointed out that there is never actually an intro scene between the two. So I added a brief interaction, nothing groundbreaking just extra dialogue.
I also have a new "major" choice I wanted to roll out with the next update, but... well, the short version is that I'm having trouble getting it to fit (that's what she said). I haven't given up on it, as I think its inclusion would be of benefit to some players. But everywhere I try to stick it feels... unnatural (mostly too early or too late). I'm going to give it one more week of dev time here, but if I can't get it to work, I'll most likely pull it out.
Along the line of things coming out, the new Wild Summer at the Pool scene has stalled. I haven't heard from
sassy_mendigo for a while now (I hope you are doing okay!) but I'm going to pull it's placeholder out of the game for r3.7. Again, there is no rush to make this scene, it can always be put back in later if when I hear from sassy_mendigo again, and they want to keep working on it. But, without art I can't move forward on it.
Beyond fixes, there is no other new content (from me) planned. Yes, I know the request list is getting big, but again, it is just the request list, not the coming soon(tm) list. I will give it a once over (again) today, and see if there are any small things I can slip in (that's what she said), but most of it is large edits (often with art I don't have/can't make).
Anyhow... thanks for reading. Thanks for playing! Stay awesome!