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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Sandboxes, why I hate them, and why I took it out.

tldr; most porn games don't really have sandboxes, they have boring grinds that waste my time.

There is no tag (well, maybe Scat (if you like it, that's fine, but not my thing)) that will make me click away faster from a game other than Sandbox. A game needs to have something truly special to make me endure the pain of a sandbox. But why do I dislike them so much? Simple, in most porn games, they aren't sandboxes, they are a boring grind of randomly clicking around (or following a guide, in or out of game) until the story decides to happen.

First, what is a sandbox? If you've only played porn games you might think it's clicking from room-to-room, wandering around until the story finally slaps you in the face. And, that isn't a sandbox at all. That's a wandering mechanic (I think popularized by "Milfy City"? and just copied over and over into every game since). So what's the difference?

Let me change the representation to help paint a clearer picture of what's really going on. Rooms/locations are just an affectation, at the end of the day, what's really happening is that the player is clicking on menu options. Some options take you to more menus with more buttons, some options take you to events.

In an actual sandbox game, most of those buttons will take you to an event (even if it's not the event you were looking for). Yes, some will still go to "sub" menus to do things like "navigate" or "manage", but most of the time clicking the button will launch an event, or give the player an interesting choice. And that event usually won't require that you have clicked lots of other buttons or watched other events first. There can still be story progression, but these are usually self contained, with maybe the occasional influence.

A good example of an actual sandbox porn game would be something like "Degrees of Lewdity", or "Corruption of Champion". Where the player can (at least try and) take the actions they want, without being required to do non-related events first.

In most porn "sandbox" games that is not the case. Most menu buttons don't do anything, they have no events or choices at all behind them, or they tell you to click some other button first. Instead of making interesting choices, and playing just the parts of the game you want, you're still playing a mostly liner game that either gives the illusion of choice, or forces you down a specific path. Want to see this character's next story scene? Well, maybe go talk to all her friends first and do their scenes, then come back. That's simply not a sandbox, but that's what most "sandbox" porn games do.

Or, a simpler example: let's say we have 30 buttons to click. 10 navigate and the other 20 all launch an event or choice. That's a sandbox. Have 30 buttons again, and again 10 navigate, but this time only 3 buttons launch an event or choice, one of which requires you to have click one of the other of those 3 buttons first, and the other 17 buttons don't do anything. That's a wandering game.

"Rick and Morty - A Way Back Home" by Ferdafs, falls into the porn game "sandbox-like" sand-pit of a wandering game. You can't just do one character's story, you MUST do other events first to advance, and a lot of clicks just don't do anything at all (I'm not talking about bugs, I mean when the game is working as intended). Summer is a good example of this in that you HAVE to do things with Tricia first before her story even starts.

And, that was my issue (well, one of many issues, but specifically on topic here the sandbox issue) with the original game. The wander mechanic is fun maybe the first or second time you do it, then it's just a chore. It's not an activity I ever looked forward to doing, and it was never that different from the last time I had to do it. To quote one of my favorite review lines: "You should never, ever, ever, reach that point where you're like 'eh I'll check it later' in a game about checking rooms!" And that's the wandering mechanic in a nutshell. I never want to do it. I have to do.

So a liner game is the solution, right?! That's why I ripped out the "sandbox" stuff an stomped on until I broke my foot? Eh, it's got its own design problems. In place of that wandering mechanic, there is more dialogue to help ease scene transitions, arguably more clicks in most cases. I am stuffing a square peg into a round hole, the story wasn't designed with linearity in mind. While I got it to mostly fit, it's not perfect and does have some issue with the order of a few events, as well as some abrupt transitions. But I would argue it has at least four big advantages:

First, there is no looking for the story, it's all there, you'll see everything.

Second, you don't have to waste hours trying to find the right button to click to take the next step.

Third, things can happen in a much more logical order (for the most part). You're not suddenly confronted by a girl who says she will never ever let you fuck her, right after the scene where you fucked her.

And fourth, it lets events be even more connected because the order they are seen is fixed. We don't need to worry (for the most part) if another event happened or not, and what influence it has on the current event.

Is it perfect, no. Is is better, I would say yes, but a lot of that comes down to personal opinion. If you enjoy the wander mechanic, by all means enjoy it! Don't let some random person on the internet tell you what to like. Am I ever going to put it back in this game? Fuck no.
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Oct 31, 2017
Sandboxes, why I hate them, and why I took it out.

tldr; most porn games don't really have sandboxes, they have boring grinds that waste my time.
It pains my heart as a sandbox fan but I do fully agree with you. Actually, your sandbox complaint can be applied to pretty much the entire porn game landscape, there is no need for RPG mechanics (reach x affection/lust points for certain event unlock), there is no need for turn-based battles, block puzzle games, or anything that isn't about the main point of a porn game, porn.

But I do see the point for why this exists (and I'm pretty sure you know too), and it is to add length to the game. Even shorter RPGM games of 2 hours could resume into 20 minutes if you cut the walking and battles.

But I won't talk about something everybody already knows. I will actually make a point about how could a porn benefit from a sandbox or anything that isn't the scenes themselves; Make the damn mechanics for the porn and about the porn.

A sandbox for example should serve to immerse the player into the fantasy, making the world believable and interactive, make the player feel a part of the world and want to fool around with it, not a backdrop to play CGs and animations. Have an interactive environment (that results in side-scenes) and for the love of God, condense it. There is no need for huge worlds, ever! The Yakuza series does this well, even better than other open-world games, it's small and dense and every corner serves a purpose for gameplay.

For porn games reference of good sandbox I would say that does it well, their stories barely take place more than a city block or building, the games are short and condensed with an over-arching plot that keeps evolving and changing the landscape, the mechanics are there because of the characters' motivations. There is only one game of them that involves combat and it is because the main character is playing pretend and the whole story and scenes are about this premise.

Anyway, the porn in porn games is the gameplay of porn games, everything in a porn game should be for porn and not something else.


Engaged Member
Mar 1, 2018
I look at it slightly differently. When it come to H-games, I want to play a game with porn, not see porn stuffed into a game. If I just wanted fap material I'd troll Pornhub, Hentai Factory or any of a thousand other pic sites. If the story is good and the mechanics are decent I'll sit through a lot of 'grinding' for my pay-off.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
I look at it slightly differently. When it come to H-games, I want to play a game with porn, not see porn stuffed into a game. If I just wanted fap material I'd troll Pornhub, Hentai Factory or any of a thousand other pic sites. If the story is good and the mechanics are decent I'll sit through a lot of 'grinding' for my pay-off.
I agree that games with porn are more alluring than just porn games. If the game doesn't have story or characters I'm invested in, then I usually won't stick with it, or skip through to see scenes then delete it. And I have played some very good RPGM (of all things) that are great games (and very grindy), but also have porn.

My big issue is when the mechanic itself isn't fun. Grinding can be rewarding (look at things like Minecraft, collecting the blocks and building with those blocks is the fun, the reward). But so often the wandering to find the story isn't fun. The reward can let people overlook it, but again, it's never something I WANT to do, and that's a big problem.

I've played a LOT of games with "sandbox" elements. Even for the games I really like that have "sandbox" mechs in them, the sandbox is always the worst part (at least for me).
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Mar 31, 2020
Anyway, the porn in porn games is the gameplay of porn games, everything in a porn game should be for porn and not something else.
I also hate mindless grind, BUT, I would argue the more kinetic you make a game, the less rewarding the lewd scenes are; particularly for taboo themes.
Porn where people are just down to fuck is called hardcore, and there's an infinite supply.
Instead, porn with taboo themes need a certain set up that's nuanced and believable.

I think taboo themes only work if there's significant persuasion work involved from the MC, and you can deliver that with great writing or great gameplay mechanics or ideally both.
As for gameplay mechanics, "press Space X amount of times" doesn't cut it - it dillutes the sense of struggle.

When done well (which is rare), sandbox games are effective at simulating a household that's normal at first, where the player has actual agency and by their own actions family relations are progressively corrupted until you get in their pants.
If there's 0 work demanded from the player then it's all inertial. Might as well be a comic with customizable character names. Most VNs on F95 are like this.
If there's too much work then it becomes grind; fuck that, life is too short. Most sandbox games on F95 are like this.
If there's just the right amount of work, it makes the fantasy work - it becomes compelling and addictive and you'll keep coming back.
A good example is (modded) SuperPowered, which on one hand is dementedly complex, but once you get into gear, the gameplay loop is very rewarding - the possibilities feel endless.

I hadn't played Ferdafs' original before playing this game. The first playthrough was incredible because the writing is outstanding, but now I find there's little replayability.
Give me a game with good writing and a good gameplay loop that feels fresh over time, and I will probably fap to death.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
I also hate mindless grind, BUT, I would argue the more kinetic you make a game, the less rewarding the lewd scenes are; particularly for taboo themes.
Porn where people are just down to fuck is called hardcore, and there's an infinite supply.
Instead, porn with taboo themes need a certain set up that's nuanced and believable.

I think taboo themes only work if there's significant persuasion work involved from the MC, and you can deliver that with great writing or great gameplay mechanics or ideally both.
As for gameplay mechanics, "press Space X amount of times" doesn't cut it - it dillutes the sense of struggle.

When done well (which is rare), sandbox games are effective at simulating a household that's normal at first, where the player has actual agency and by their own actions family relations are progressively corrupted until you get in their pants.
If there's 0 work demanded from the player then it's all inertial. Might as well be a comic with customizable character names. Most VNs on F95 are like this.
If there's too much work then it becomes grind; fuck that, life is too short. Most sandbox games on F95 are like this.
If there's just the right amount of work, it makes the fantasy work - it becomes compelling and addictive and you'll keep coming back.
A good example is (modded) SuperPowered, which on one hand is dementedly complex, but once you get into gear, the gameplay loop is very rewarding - the possibilities feel endless.

I hadn't played Ferdafs' original before playing this game. The first playthrough was incredible because the writing is outstanding, but now I find there's little replayability.
Give me a game with good writing and a good gameplay loop that feels fresh over time, and I will probably fap to death.
Yeah, I would agree, this is more of an interactive story rather than a "game". Like books, or movies, or tv, it's really made to be played once, maybe twice, but not daily, or again and again, maybe just revisit favorite scenes via replay.

Now give me a R&M VR porn game and I'd be all over that!
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New Member
Aug 7, 2017
Hey sorry if I'm an idiot. Im trying to add the update patch. Im on Mac and im trying to extract the contents of the patch in the game file but im not getting a prompt to overwrite. Which specific folder should I be extracting it in?

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Hey sorry if I'm an idiot. Im trying to add the update patch. Im on Mac and im trying to extract the contents of the patch in the game file but im not getting a prompt to overwrite. Which specific folder should I be extracting it in?
For Mac, extract the whole "game" folder in the rar file into: "../RMAWH.aap/Contents/Resources/autorun/" the folder should already have a "game" directory there and this will update the scripts and add in the new images for the update.
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Jul 25, 2019
Hey sorry if I'm an idiot. Im trying to add the update patch. Im on Mac and im trying to extract the contents of the patch in the game file but im not getting a prompt to overwrite. Which specific folder should I be extracting it in?
I'm on Mac too. Honestly it's easier to just reinstall the new 3.0 update as a whole and delete the 2.0 one. Your saves will still be there.
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Dec 27, 2017
Very good continuation + addition for the already existing part of the game!
Please keep up the good work! "
I have some ideas / wishes for future parts.

Tricia: The sex / rape scene was very good and I hope you could add to this or other existing scenes. Because certainly not many will come in the future.
For example:
1) Meet her parents
2) The scene in the whirlpool. Morty could theoretically have sex with Tricia, Jessica and/or Reka.
3) In the Summer / Tricia scene, Morty could have a choice of both , or at least one of them.

1) Jacuzzi
2) Unfortunately only two scenes with her alone. But you could also build a sex / rape scene into both of them at some point.
But there would also have to be clarified about Virgin? and birth controll

That was unexpected, but very good.
It's just a shame that Morty didn't tell her to get completely naked. But maybe that could be changed later at some point.
Only, in the end, Morty might have a choice where he comes (in or out).

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Very good continuation + addition for the already existing part of the game!
Please keep up the good work! "
I have some ideas / wishes for future parts.

Tricia: The sex / rape scene was very good and I hope you could add to this or other existing scenes. Because certainly not many will come in the future.
For example:
1) Meet her parents
2) The scene in the whirlpool. Morty could theoretically have sex with Tricia, Jessica and/or Reka.
3) In the Summer / Tricia scene, Morty could have a choice of both , or at least one of them.
Glad you enjoyed it!

Now that we at least know what happens with Tricia's virginity I'm more inclined to do stuff with her earlier on. It won't be the same trick twice regrow and memory wipe, I've already done that so it will be something else. But I do need to think on it.

"Meet the Parents", it is in my request list, now I need to do a review on it and see if I think it can work there. I know the art supports it but I'm less sure about the story. My gut feeling is yes, but until I do some writing/art creation I won't know for sure.

"Hot tub" is most likely a no go. Art and current story don't feel like they lead to more in scene action. I think there is room for like a sleep over scene (instead of the S&M club) but, that's all new art... so... yeah... probably not... Still, adding both into the request list (hot tub action and sleep over fun) because why not!

The Summer "3-way" scene is also one I might do, both with an anal option for Summer or vag option for Trish. Need more review and some thinking on it. But added to my list.

1) Jacuzzi
2) Unfortunately only two scenes with her alone. But you could also build a sex / rape scene into both of them at some point.
But there would also have to be clarified about Virgin? and birth controll
"Hot Tub" for Reka, similar issue as Tricia.

And I believe you already requested sex with her and the furry suit and I still think it's a no go for now.

So, prolly no edits for Reka in her existing scenes.

That was unexpected, but very good.
It's just a shame that Morty didn't tell her to get completely naked. But maybe that could be changed later at some point.
Only, in the end, Morty might have a choice where he comes (in or out).
Uh, I haven't changed anything in the Nancy part of the Summer "Sleep Over" scene (which is what I think you're talking about?) But, yeah, I think having a few ending options for her would be doable. So, added to the request list.

Thanks for the suggestions!
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New Member
Jul 11, 2020
as i said on my review, the game is awesome, but i think it would be cool to add trans content, it could be optional but it will add some variety to the game and some space to LGBT community, it would be pretty nice in my opinion, the game would still be awesome with or without it.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
as i said on my review, the game is awesome, but i think it would be cool to add trans content, it could be optional but it will add some variety to the game and some space to LGBT community, it would be pretty nice in my opinion, the game would still be awesome with or without it.
So... I'm not really an artist, I can edit existing scenes when the content is close enough, but new scenes (especially with new characters) are going to be very rare.

Although, since I have you here, you said in your review that you found some typos, it would be awesome if you could share them (or at least approximately where they are) so I can fix them. I'm just one person and finding them all is pretty impossible.
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New Member
Jul 11, 2020
So... I'm not really an artist, I can edit existing scenes when the content is close enough, but new scenes (especially with new characters) are going to be very rare.

Although, since I have you here, you said in your review that you found some typos, it would be awesome if you could share them (or at least approximately where they are) so I can fix them. I'm just one person and finding them all is pretty impossible.

sure! I just gotta review it when I have some free time and Ill write down what I find.
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New Member
Jul 21, 2020
Uhh, Windows Defender quarantined the r2.0 -> r3.0 update patch, saying it has "Trojan:Script/Sabsik.FT.A!ml". Downloaded from nopy.

Anyone else see this?


Jan 2, 2020
how do you make the game look like the previous versions? you know, choose which place in the game to go, see the missions, choose which planet to go to.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Uhh, Windows Defender quarantined the r2.0 -> r3.0 update patch, saying it has "Trojan:Script/Sabsik.FT.A!ml". Downloaded from nopy.

Anyone else see this?
I didn't upload the nopy stuff (I don't have an account), just the mega link, so I can't speak to its integrity.

A Quick google search says it might be a false positive? If you're concerned I'd say do a bit of googling, but the rar for the patch should only have script files (plain text python, .rpy files), an image package (.rpa), and the new loading screen images.

Edit 2:
Just DL'd the nopy one and compared it to my local version and it appears to be file identical. Ran windows Defender on both (my original copy and the nopy DL) and it says no threats. So, I'm gonna go with a false positive? Not sure what's causing it.

how do you make the game look like the previous versions? you know, choose which place in the game to go, see the missions, choose which planet to go to.
The "sandbox" was not implemented for this remake, it is presented in a liner mode instead.
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4.90 star(s) 96 Votes