
Dec 11, 2020
Out of fear of sounding like the whiniest kind of guy that I absolutely can't stand...Is there a rough estimate for when the next update is going to drop?

I know you're working on it, and I also know that it's taking longer than usual because you've got, yaknow, an actual life?

I don't want to rush you, just get a general idea for how long it's going to take.
Morty: "Oh geez Rick! How long am I meant to hold these blue balls? They're getting heavy"

Rick: "Quit your whining, Morty. You'll get relief shortly".



Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Out of fear of sounding like the whiniest kind of guy that I absolutely can't stand...Is there a rough estimate for when the next update is going to drop?

I know you're working on it, and I also know that it's taking longer than usual because you've got, yaknow, an actual life?

I don't want to rush you, just get a general idea for how long it's going to take.
It has been harder to estimate a release window this time around. Previously, I just picked a date that worked for me and said: "give me stuff by then if you can and if not, I just put it out as-is when that date arrives", which, again, not fair to the people I'm working with. This time we are trying a much less intense crunch fueled approach, which for all the reasons said previous has taken longer.

Our current estimate (at the moment) is between 3~4 more days (so Friday/Saturday? Maybe?). Again, don't take those as a hard date, it is done when it is done. I still don't feel solid enough on it to say for sure in the release post. But as we get closer, and I have things in hand, I can better estimate the work left that I need to do.

After this release, we will look over what worked, and what didn't and evaluate anything we need to adjust for the next time.

No, it doesn’t work that way. Even when I buy regular games for my console. Games that have animations need to have at least a few gifs next to the jpegs provided or at least a video online somewhere.
I'll consider adding some sample video (mostly it's if I can remember to make and add them with all the other things I usually have to do during release) into the thumbnails with the next update. I usually only modify the main post at update time, or if there is an error on the page that needs resolving.

In the mean time, if you can't wait, or don't want to DL the game, you can click the banners link in my signature. These are all animations examples from the game (although at a lower resolution and reduced frame rate to meet the site rules). They will give you some idea of what the game animations are like.


Oct 23, 2018
Hey Night Mirror, as I said before take your time, can't rush art, but just wondering, and this is totally up to you to disclose, no hard feelings if you don't want to say. But since you're taking into consideration your health and work-life balance into the equation of your passion, which I must state is very important, no matter what anyone else says, and in no way do I want you to sacrifice something as important as your health, but if you were to put an amount of how much time you put into your work on average, (you and your team) what would it be. Again totally up to you to disclose and in no way do I want to impeach the privacy of you as an individual. your work, or your fellow team. Just a thought that came to mind and would shoot the question you.

P.S. TAKE YOUR TIME, healthy mind and body are important, do not sacrifice at all costs because of horny bastards like me.

~Love, Soup -not a professional of anything.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Hey Night Mirror, as I said before take your time, can't rush art, but just wondering, and this is totally up to you to disclose, no hard feelings if you don't want to say. But since you're taking into consideration your health and work-life balance into the equation of your passion, which I must state is very important, no matter what anyone else says, and in no way do I want you to sacrifice something as important as your health, but if you were to put an amount of how much time you put into your work on average, (you and your team) what would it be. Again totally up to you to disclose and in no way do I want to impeach the privacy of you as an individual. your work, or your fellow team. Just a thought that came to mind and would shoot the question you.

P.S. TAKE YOUR TIME, healthy mind and body are important, do not sacrifice at all costs because of horny bastards like me.

~Love, Soup -not a professional of anything.
Huh, that is a good question. I don't exactly track the time I work on this project (I don't have to bill it, so no need to carefully track my hours other than for my own personal knowledge (or to specifically answer this question...)), so all I really have is a very rough guess-timate for you.

I can't speak to the amount of time aaronminus spends working on stuff, because, again, not tracking hours, and they can say if they know/want share how long editing sessions run.

For me, this project tends to be worked on in my after work leisure time, although I'm usually watching the forums throughout the day to respond (not sure if that really counts, but long posts can sometimes take me hours to write). Outside of updates, I'm usually not doing too much on the game, maybe two/three? hours a day, here or there (as again, my goal isn't really to add my own content (failed for this update)).

When new updates do come out, it largely depends on what other projects I have going on. If it's competing with actual work, then I usually can't spend more than 8 hours a day on it. When I'm not on a paying project (like right now for example), then I tend to work 12~18 hours a day on it (during the initial implementation process (and when it was just me, the editing and stuff too (mostly, go hard till it was completed)).

This time around I (think? I) worked mostly 12 hour days to get it done during the main implementation, but have dialed that way back as I await revisions (to maybe 6~ish hours a day on average?).

Total time on this project is... a lot.

When I first started back in Oct of 2020, I was working on average 10 hours a day, 7 days a week (because it was just a project for fun then, that I had no idea if it would go anywhere at all, and the initial thrill of making it was like a new game I couldn't stop playing). I think I spent close to 2000~ hours on the first version (or maybe it just felt that way, again, I didn't closely track it)? It's been a little more than two years since I released this game, and I know just slicing along was more than 800 hours of work.

So, yeah, I've put a lot of time into this. But again, I do it because I enjoy doing it. If it wasn't this, it would be cutting down fucking trees in Ark or building another factory in Factorio (or Satisfactory).


Oct 23, 2018
Huh, that is a good question. I don't exactly track the time I work on this project (I don't have to bill it, so no need to carefully track my hours other than for my own personal knowledge (or to specifically answer this question...)), so all I really have is a very rough guess-timate for you.

I can't speak to the amount of time aaronminus spends working on stuff, because, again, not tracking hours, and they can say if they know/want share how long editing sessions run.

For me, this project tends to be worked on in my after work leisure time, although I'm usually watching the forums throughout the day to respond (not sure if that really counts, but long posts can sometimes take me hours to write). Outside of updates, I'm usually not doing too much on the game, maybe two/three? hours a day, here or there (as again, my goal isn't really to add my own content (failed for this update)).

When new updates do come out, it largely depends on what other projects I have going on. If it's competing with actual work, then I usually can't spend more than 8 hours a day on it. When I'm not on a paying project (like right now for example), then I tend to work 12~18 hours a day on it (during the initial implementation process (and when it was just me, the editing and stuff too (mostly, go hard till it was completed)).

This time around I (think? I) worked mostly 12 hour days to get it done during the main implementation, but have dialed that way back as I await revisions (to maybe 6~ish hours a day on average?).

Total time on this project is... a lot.

When I first started back in Oct of 2020, I was working on average 10 hours a day, 7 days a week (because it was just a project for fun then, that I had no idea if it would go anywhere at all, and the initial thrill of making it was like a new game I couldn't stop playing). I think I spent close to 2000~ hours on the first version (or maybe it just felt that way, again, I didn't closely track it)? It's been a little more than two years since I released this game, and I know just slicing along was more than 800 hours of work.

So, yeah, I've put a lot of time into this. But again, I do it because I enjoy doing it. If it wasn't this, it would be cutting down fucking trees in Ark or building another factory in Factorio (or Satisfactory).
Okay, thank you for your time and well-loved input on the question, ((y)) however, a follow-up question due to the information given to me, do you see yourself as a workaholic or someone whos just passionate in their craft, and do you see yourself losing interest anytime soon? (I believe you mentioned this at some point, but that was a while back so up to you if you want to update your statement)

P.S. Sorry for having you type out an entire paragraph on hours worked, up to you if you want to do that again to the follow-up question.

~Love Soup, interrogator.
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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Okay, thank you for your time and well-loved input on the question, ((y)) however, a follow-up question due to the information given to me, do you see yourself as a workaholic or someone whos just passionate in their craft, and do you see yourself losing interest anytime soon? (I believe you mentioned this at some point, but that was a while back so up to you if you want to update your statement)
Yes and no.

I do usually put in more time on things than is really reasonable, but I enjoy (or prefer) doing it that way. I don't work set hours on things (this game, or paying projects) I work to natural stopping points. Towards a project deadline, not a daily quota. If I'm not making progress on something, time to stop. If I'm in the zone, getting shit done, I'm going to ride that as long a I can.

As to how long I'm going to stick with this project, it is always hard to talk about the future, and what future me will do (and what future things will happen). At the current point in time, I have no plans to stop (and if I do, I'm sure future me will write a fucking thesis long post about all the reasons why).

As I've said, if Ferdafs keeps on putting out updates, my plan is to keep bringing them into the renpy game. When Ferdafs wraps up his game, I'll wrap up mine (again, hopefully in the far future, cuze I'm not ready to be done yet).

For the most part, this project is fun. This is my leisure activity, my hobby. After a long day of work, I relax by working on this game, the same way people play video games, or watch TV, or knit, or whatever the hell people do in their free time.

Will it not be fun at some point? I donno, maybe? I've been at it for more than 2 years and still enjoying it, so that's a good sign.


Oct 23, 2018
As always thank you @Night Mirror for your time and effort not only to comments and messages like this but to your games, especially RMAWH, I hope you see that your work is admired by a lot of people and that not everyone is just numbers. Hopefully, I can say that a lot of people respect your work and dedication to the community, like you said you are constantly on and ready to answer questions even if they may be repetitive, difficult, or unique, I must applaud. I hope you and your team continue, as obviously, I couldn't ask for anyone better to do such a project, and I'm glad you answered thoroughly.

P.S. I hope I didn't sound like a fanboy, but thank you, and salute, would love to chat more but hey look at the time.

P.P.S. Can't wait for the release, and then the quick fix days after.

P.P.P.S. Just noticed recently I'm in the credits, so thanks and cheers.

Love Soup, (Not) your best fan :geek:.


Oct 13, 2021
Hey Night Mirror, as I said before take your time, can't rush art, but just wondering, and this is totally up to you to disclose, no hard feelings if you don't want to say. But since you're taking into consideration your health and work-life balance into the equation of your passion, which I must state is very important, no matter what anyone else says, and in no way do I want you to sacrifice something as important as your health, but if you were to put an amount of how much time you put into your work on average, (you and your team) what would it be. Again totally up to you to disclose and in no way do I want to impeach the privacy of you as an individual. your work, or your fellow team. Just a thought that came to mind and would shoot the question you.

P.S. TAKE YOUR TIME, healthy mind and body are important, do not sacrifice at all costs because of horny bastards like me.

~Love, Soup -not a professional of anything.
When there isn’t an update, it varies wildly. I have a big project on the back burner that gets chipped away at (polishing the entire script for the game from beginning to end, {release date tbd}). I’ll sometimes go days without touching it and sometimes throw 8 hours at it, it really depends. I’ll also occasionally do a side project like adding extra responses to the nickname system or maybe an attempt (emphasis on attempt) at an art edit. It’s a bit loosey goosey.

When NM has an original scene I like to get more hands on. Early that means big picture conversations but after implementation its treated as any Ferdafs scene, with perhaps a bit more leeway to timeframe/urgency. Maybe 4-6 hours per day on average (on the days I’m working).

When a Ferdafs update drops, it’s all hands on deck, 10-12ish hour days when I don’t work irl, when I do it’s more like 6-8. My process is one of iteration, so every update scene has actually been rewritten at a minimum 3 times and often it’s 5+.
The other time suck is prep, in which I have to refresh myself on the relevant characters and their arcs/what’s known and not known/where they will end up (if the scene goes in the past, which necessarily takes more work due to ripple effects into the future, which I also try and squash when I can).

I’ll play the raw implementation, draft up a goal document (Character X shouldn’t know Y, what if they did it this way instead of that way, needs more erotic/emotion, etc.) and then set to work on passes until I’m happy (which can sometimes be a lot). It goes to Night Mirror who keeps my overwriting tendencies at bay, points out aspects we disagree on (which we hash out well together) and he often comes up with solutions that address both our problems… then it’s “Pass 2” (really like pass 4-5 on my end) where it’s really taking shape, last minute rewordings for flow and snap, then back to NM, then I get last looks for objective spelling errors and then it goes out.

While crunch mode worked, it was only barely. One bad situation (even me falling asleep on keyboard) could cause a delay, and it was decided together that there should be a bit more wiggle room. Needless to say the fire is still under our ass, but sleep and food are had. All good!


Oct 23, 2018
Thanks @aaronminus for your views on the matter, very thoughtful and informational, I wish you the best of luck in your work, and I hope you get the applause and gratification you deserve, it is seen that with you, something like RMAWH could not work without you. As seen in earlier releases more pointers, and corrections came from the community compared to more current releases. So thank you and love from me, I mean whos Night Mirror anyway.

However, I would also love to hear from kimlana and see how they're doing, and what work might look for them. I would always love to hear from all of you guys, I hope you see that without you and your fellow mates, nothing like this can be done on such a good level. I mean sometimes I look at this and think, "How the hell is this story and game better than most modern games" and then I remember I'm playing a Parody Sex game of Rick and Morty and shouldn't be thinking too hard on as a consumer.

P.S. Seriously guys, keep it up and take your health into consideration. Bless.

Love Soup, God Speed You Magnificate Bastards.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
However, I would also love to hear from @kimlana and see how they're doing, and what work might look for them. I would always love to hear from all of you guys, I hope you see that without you and your fellow mates, nothing like this can be done on such a good level. I mean sometimes I look at this and think, "How the hell is this story and game better than most modern games" and then I remember I'm playing a Parody Sex game of Rick and Morty and shouldn't be thinking too hard on as a consumer.
kimlana only worked with us for a brief period and vanished without a word a while back. Profile says last online in Nov of 2022, and I think last I heard from him was August of 2022?

While not insignificant he didn't stick with the project very long. Some of the project contribution from kimlana were: corrections included days 0-13, some reworking of the age choice with Rick, some scene suggestions at the Water park, and additional suggestion about how some of the player choice was handled.

At the current time it is primarily just me and aaronminus working day to day on the project (and everyone in the forums that gives us feedback and corrections!).


Oct 13, 2021
kimlana only worked with us for a brief period and vanished without a word a while back. Profile says last online in Nov of 2022, and I think last I heard from him was August of 2022?

While not insignificant he didn't stick with the project very long. Some of the project contribution from kimlana were: corrections included days 0-13, some reworking of the age choice with Rick, some scene suggestions at the Water park, and additional suggestion about how some of the player choice was handled.

At the current time it is primarily just me and aaronminus working day to day on the project (and everyone in the forums that gives us feedback and corrections!).
And of course some awesome contributors! Cool stuff cooking (tbd) :cool:


Oct 23, 2018
kimlana only worked with us for a brief period and vanished without a word a while back. Profile says last online in Nov of 2022, and I think last I heard from him was August of 2022?

While not insignificant he didn't stick with the project very long. Some of the project contribution from kimlana were: corrections included days 0-13, some reworking of the age choice with Rick, some scene suggestions at the Water park, and additional suggestion about how some of the player choice was handled.

At the current time it is primarily just me and aaronminus working day to day on the project (and everyone in the forums that gives us feedback and corrections!).
Oh....well now all my perfect English is fucked, I worded everything as a team of three, and I thought Kimlana was someone who is active, well shit. I blame you for wording it as if he was. Welp, still nice to know, I would love to chat more, but seriously sleep is important.

By the way, I do have some minor pointers about 3.7f so hopefully tomorrow I can get back, I know it's a simple point, but I think it can wait, again I would love to ask and ask away, but again everyone needs their sleep. So cheers.

P.S. I can only give you so much fucking love and appreciation before it sounds annoying, so no more from me.

Hate Soup, Fuck.

Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Is there a way we can contribute financially to the project? I'm thinking regarding the storage issues that you're experiencing
Hey, thanks for wanting to support my work! Even though I don't accept any monetary compensation for this project, it still means a lot to me that people are willing to give.

I don't have any storage issues (my main work rig has one 1TB SDD and two 2TB NVMes), and while the production version (and archive) of this game is large, it still isn't that big, a few hundred GBs at most?

A lot of the work I'm doing to try make things smaller is not for me, but for players.


Oct 23, 2018
Graphical error, or bug, whatever you want to call it. Anyways for pictures used in the day selector segments used in the top bar, the old garage picture is used, the one with the white calendar, compared to the new one. These errors can be seen for days 8,9,13,18 and 23 both fanciest and regular versions. See the picture for reference.
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Night Mirror

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
Graphical error, or bug, whatever you want to call it. Anyways for pictures used in the day selector segments used in the top bar, the old garage picture is used, the one with the white calendar, compared to the new one. These errors can be seen for days 8,9,13,18 and 23 both fanciest and regular versions. See the picture for reference.
Added to the Art section of the bug list. I'll try and get to correcting them. Thanks for the heads up.

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