Ren'Py - Ring of Lust [v0.5.8a] [Votan]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Ring of Lust is really a mess of a game.
    Its sandbox mechanics require you to follow closely the walkthrough. Without the latter you'd have no clue at all how to progress, because some progression steps require a certain day, a certain time of the day and even progression with other characters, before a new scene can be unlocked.
    Even the walkthrough is pretty much a convoluted mess as well. It's no fun playing, because nothing is intuitive, you'll have to check the walkthrough constantly.

    Apart from that, the daz3d character models seem to look quite outdated to me. I like milfs very much, big natural tits, too and curvy bodies to some degree, but proportions in this game are too unnatural for my taste. Also some facial expressions are very much exaggerated and don't look natural to me. Partly daz3d is to blame for it, but also the dev for not taking a better look at more natural expression sets of daz3d.

    Furthermore the story is stereotypical. You've got a magical ring, which enables you to make women horny, manipulate their thoughts, lets you become invisible and even manipulate tech. Simply put, a jack of all trades.

    The family is totally stereotypical, you've got the mom, who is resistant and needs some convincing in the beginning, then there is an older sister, who treats the mc badly (in the beginning) and there is the younger sister, who adores the mc and on top of that there is the horny aunt, who doesn't need much convincing to show her slutty nature to the mc. At least there are some side characters as well, but it doesn't feel like any of the characters have got a unique and distinctive personality, other than stereotypical genre tropes.

    Ring of Lust needs some fundamential rework of its game mechanics, especially the event/scene triggers and a way more structured walkthrough.
    An in-game task list/progression tracker is really missing in this game. Most sandbox games offer some kind of in-game help, like hints for the next progression step for each npc, this game doesn't.
    The models could use some rework as well in my opinion. Personally I lost all motivation playing this mess after having started from scratch somewhere just before I reached almost half of the available content for the time being (v0.4.4.a).

    Ultimately I can only give 2 stars for RoL.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Shoin L

    This game requires a lot of work for me to give it a chance again. The graphics aren't bad, especially the female characters, but the story, development process and gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. Hopefully the developer can work on a foundation that is still positive and give the game new life. It will probably require a complete re-engineering, but it may be worth it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    When it started I loved this game. Specially Cleo and Lilly but with the time it gets more and more confusing. But nevertheless I look allways foreward for new updates. I even started a new game to have the early experience with all the characters.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The concepts and artwork on this game are phenomenal. That being said, perhaps the developers should hire a native English speaker to re-write the dialogue. It is to the point of distraction. Also, the gameplay is horrendous. Without the guide, it would be impossible. Which is not how a game should be. Event triggers need to be much more clear, and perhaps the introduction of a hint system (not a total reliance on one).
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    the graphic is good, mom/aunt/step mom is very hot and curvy. if there is a list of quest or what to do list, it will very good, i sometimes didnt know what to do to advance in the game. not to much grind. i like the game
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.4.3 - Although I think I only got up to ~v0.2 content.

    This game is a mess - I promise you, you will end up enabling skip text, you will end up enabling skip after choices, and you will end up randomly clicking different locations at different times of the day desperately trying to trigger a new event. This game is just random clicking around until something works, and there are a TON of places to click at a TON of different times.

    It doesn't really do anything new with the sex tropes - You have the mother who is head over heels for you for no real reason, the promiscuous aunt who will fuck anything with a pulse, the elder sister who vocally hates you (who the fuck does that?), and the younger sister who doesn't know what sex is. It's fine in many games (one of my favs actually), except the characters here are written particularly flat - they are literally the archetypes with NO personality added. They are tits with vaginas representing those personas. Snore.

    The writing is fairly bad (typos, weird dialog choices) and the story is same old same old (again, a setting I typically enjoy - just not when it is written poorly). The stills and animated scenes are implanted poorly; A still image will be on screen while the text is spelling out a sex scene, and then a few messages into this sex FINALLY a new image will be shown with the characters undressed and mid-sex. Eventually a quite slow, average-tier animated render occurs. Sometimes you get a couple of them.

    There is absolutely no sound, and no real way to understand what to do next (there is a guide but imo it's a miserable experience following it). What's even worse is I think the characters are interlinked with each other despite the game dialog giving no hints that they are. Ie, I think you have to trigger unrelated events for character A to get unrelated events for character B... It's a suspicion that I don't have the patience to verify. There is also no scene gallery, but I can forgive this since most scenes are fairly easy to replicate. All in all, it's a poor game. 4.8GB of wasted disk space, imo. 1.5 stars.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Ring of Lust is a stereotypical harem game where the MC needs to develop relationships and skills to fuck everyone around him. He get's some help from a magic ring that can be used to make the women horny.

    The look of models are decent, that's what drew me to this game in the first place and the images/animations are decent enough to get the point across. The character progression is done well enough and while at first I was bored with the game, I eventually found myself getting immersed into and enjoying the game as the scenes progressed.

    On the bad side The renderings are average, the lighting in the renderings isn't great (flat and one dimensional) and some of the models lack texture. (the MC's penis has no real texture and is a blurry mess) The game mechanics are extremely basic and this game qualifies more as a visual novel with some hunting then a true sandbox game.

    All that aside it is an adult game and it delivers the goods so I would still consider it a good effort.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating this game depends on whatever you look for porn or for game. As vector of delivering porn it's adequate or even good product, if you don't mind grind. As a game it's below average. There are no hints what should we do next. It might by only my issue but playing without walkthrough seemed impossible. I would play more if not backlog of better games.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Played with 0.4.2a.

    The game has 2 problems.

    1. Its nearly impossible to play without a guide, but the you can download the guide right now, it is always updated, so you can play it if you can read :)

    2, You have to fuck everyone to advance the story. So If you don't like someone, you still have to fuck her, because thats how the game works.

    Other than these, excellent game. The MC looks a little goofy, but not bad, and you can find your girl, because it has younger, mature, big boobs, small boobs, housewife, sporty chick, neighbour chick and so on.

    The game has animations, and the graphics improved over the years. It has some voice acting at the later part, but no music at all. Maybe that's a downside for some.

    The story is family fakecest at first, but quickly escaledes into more girls, what I really liked. Oh, and there is a hot daemon too, and mind controlling. Luckily it is not serious, so there is some humor too.

    Overall I liked it, but with a guide. Without a guide I think it is not playable, except if you are a genius :)
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Goblina Lover

    this game needs to be completely reworked, it feels like the dev is completely aimless in development, mechanics are introduced early and then dropped so hard its embarrassing, no ability to track progress ( sandbox game 101, if i NEED a walkthrough to know how to progress, its fucked) plot is nonexistant but im not going to hold it against this game since thats rare with WEGS.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    ok, here we go, I d/l'ed this long ago and played it when it was short, I liked the game and made note. I lost track of it over time, found it again, but this time I couldn't believe what a grind it was how could I have liked it???... sooooo got it unrenned and then I honeyveiwed it... The guy is an artist, a dirty minded artist :) then after I got the cheat installed I enjoyed it without the grind. I AM JUST INTO AN INTERESTING PART SO NO WHERE NEAR DONE. I am still going to reccommend this as a must d/l even without seeing the ending.

    good artwork what seems an interesting plot and its fun once you eliminate the grind.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Please listen to the reviews, this is utter shit. I decided to try it despite all the warnings hoping the models or animations might help. They don't, it is all terrible. The writing even disregarding the multiple grammatical, spelling, and straight up misuse of words is miserable, including all of that makes you want to get a melon scooper and remove your eyes so you can no longer suffer. The animations are basic at best, expressions are awful and I'm guessing the dev has never interacted with a proper human before with how bad it gets. To top it all off, without a walkthrough you will never know what to do. Please I beg of you, find something else, do not play this. I did, now my wife is gone, I'm in debt, and I lost my job.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has been around for ages and it's just as convoluted and disjointed as I remember it being 3 years ago. Still no in-game guide, and the walkthru is pathetic. This game still sucks. I can't even get to any sex scenes the game is so awful. Going to be ignoring this thread, so I don't get fooled again in 3 years, because I forgot how crappy this game is.
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4342919

    It felt very empty...days came and went like wind in the repeated the same dialogues and the same scenes over and over.

    I don't like being negative, as a lot of work goes into these games, but once you maxed your stats out it was very grindy...the ice queen, plain Jane librarian turned out to be the most 'interesting' and 'forthcoming' character in the game.

    As ever, this is only my point of view...I poured a bunch of hours into the game and experienced a lot of the content. It's an okay game, but nothing more than that.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2755092

    This game could have been a lot better, unfortunately, without the so called "walkthrough", you are bound to go into an infinite loop.

    This is by far one of the worse sandbox system I've had the displeasure to experience. Some are vague... This one, tells you nothing. Not even so much as a hint at to what you have to do.

    The "walkthrough" is so poorly written, it is barely readable in some areas, and should you be unlucky enough to somehow, magically, get ahead of it, things will not longer work as written in it either.

    Graphically, the characters and the renders, are very poor.

    This one also has a massive grind, of well, everything. But not only do you need to grind various stats, there's no indications of what is required to unlock things either... You're basically wearing a blindfold, and navigate in the dark about what you have to do, and what needs to be done, or even what's left to be done.

    Considering how the game looks visually, a blindfold is actually recommended.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is number 3 on my list of "when I get my finances correct I will support the dev" list. Sure the animation is choppy sometimes but the story is good.

    you can't play this game without a guide don't even try it, but godamn the scenes and the and interactions are so hot you won't even care after a while.

    I have been following this game since 2.6 relase and I came back to it whenever I see a michelle update because she is my go to girl in this game, but the game itself with all it's content is so good, if you would follow the walkthrough you will have a quite a fantastic time on your hands.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Holy crap I just tried this 'game' and the grammer and spelling is horrendous. Any boner I could have is lost because of trying to translate the broken as hell english. I couldn't get past the beginning because I was staring at all the mistakes. And then after coming back here to write this do I realize the game has been in development for 4 YEARS! Obviously the writer gives less of a shit about this game than I do. For those wondering if this is worth your time the answer is a hard NO.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Yeah, this is not worth the download. the triggers for this game have been messed up since the beginning. Te gameplay is so very bad that i was almost thinking they had to have done it on purpose.

    Do yourself a huge favor and move on to the next one.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    If you're considering playing this game, do yourself a favor and skim over the walk-through first because you're going to need it. Some of the steps you have to take are plain ignorant. I mean, the story is ok enough, but to accomplish a task you may have to repeat several steps only on a certain day 4 or 5 times but remember to skip it once or you have to start over while hopping on your left foot.........
    Sounds weird? Well, It's kind of like that. lol Very poor effort.

    The MC seems to me to look older than his mom a lot of the time. His younger sister looks strange but I'm not sure how.....might be the giraffe neck that some of the characters sometimes have.

    Irregardless of where the Dev is from, the grammar is horrible and clunky. I'd imagine that will be easily corrected with a little help if they want it. I say this with all due respect for the fact that they even tried. It's gotta be tough. But the game has been out 6 years and the dev can't even bother to correct spelling/grammar errors or improve the poor story telling. Surely there are other devs that are trying hard and deserve your support and patronage.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Played 0.3.8 version. I wonder low points of this game. Well yes there seem to be some weak points and features in this game. Some things are more important than others. I like playability and immerse way over other criterias. I also like characters and sexual content. Cons are ballon like mega tits and mc's horse dick. I am in about halfway and I have enjoyed playing this so far.

    I almost skipped this because of low ratings and missing tags, glad that I didn't.