
Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2017
Asgar is stalking here.
yes he does:

and he really hates us:cautious:
so much so that he doesn't even speaks to us...
at least we now know exactly who is reporting the links here:sneaky:

hey アスガル騎士団 if it makes you feel any better i promise i won't upload your games again;)
(but i can't speak for the others:p)
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Sep 2, 2017
I've heard that there's a mostly completed english version floating around of ROBFEOY. Is that actually true? I can only seem to find the japanese version.

Succubus Hunter

Devoted Member
May 19, 2020
yes he does:

and he really hates us:cautious:
so much so that he doesn't even speaks to us...
at least we now know exactly who is reporting the links here:sneaky:

hey アスガル騎士団 if it makes you feel any better i promise i won't upload your games again;)
(but i can't speak for the others:p)
Apparently they never learned the lesson from Napster. Their takedown campaign will likely backfire due to the Streisand Effect.


Oct 31, 2019
Piracy goes with the territory of software, the people that come to this site want to share H-games for free, but music, movies and AAA video games are also shared illegally on alot more sites. The fact that illegal links exist mean that people can just steal his effort and i understand how this can be frustrating, but the reason this happens is because of an archaic model of selling your product, the whole 'buy a whole product for a one time fee' is what other software-based industries have had to move away form because of piracy.

There will always be a group of people, even foreigners who will buy your product to support the dev so that he will continue to make the games they love, however you have to expect that your game will be pirated extensively the moment it is released. By those who may have a minor interest in the game or the genre, but were never going to buy the game if they couldn't pirate it.

My advice to Asgar is the same advice i give to all Japanese H-Developers -- You need to figure out how to maximize profitability from the people who are loyal enough to your brand to want to continue to pay for development over a period of time via Ci-En, Patreon or similar service.

As for ROBF itself, i promise not to pirate the game, but also not buy the game off of DLsite unless it is translated into English, ideally the game is also uncensored which is what usually happens with Steam. I do have interest in ROBF along with all other Femdom/Reverse Rape games and i want to BUY them all. Take solace at least in knowing that most people on this forum never had any intention of buying your game in the first place so there aren't many sales to be lost.


New Member
Feb 13, 2021
Can someone privately send me the link? I would really appreciate it.
Edit: I will update this comment if I got it and also try to pm others.
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Feb 2, 2020
and my link is already dead... it took me like 10 minutes too upload you know:mad:

who is reporting the links?
it has to be someone from here:cautious:

if it's the dev you can just post that you don't want your game to be shared;)
or send a pm to a moder...
wait the moder really cares about pm from devs? :unsure:


Nov 25, 2020
Looks like I hit a roadblock. RobfS4U seems to have some kind of authentication error anytime you initiate a battle after visiting Wuhan tribe area (i think that's its name) which is an area early on that you have to go through to progress the story. I'm not sure if I found anything like this that happened in robf but seems like I have a broken copy of S4U, anyone have a working copy thats not broken?

Edit: if you do PM me since we all know that the dev is stalking us here. Hello there.


Jan 18, 2020
Can someone PM the links to the latest versions of these games? especially those that are already translated


New Member
Aug 10, 2019
already bought the jap verson on dlsite however i dont read japanese an english verison would be great:D


Jan 1, 2022
Sorry for bothering you, but is it possible sent another link for this? When I tried to use the link it showed the numbers (1640035226) and View: Table and Grid. But there is nothing else and clicking on it does not seem to work.
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