Apr 1, 2019
So... Jean is the funner to play with, as she is not just "mash the prefered option until she is close enough you can go for another with better payoff"?
Well no, she is still just "mash the preferred option until she is close enough you can go for another with better payoff". It just makes the points of when you can change options harder to judge and slows down progress.

Mind, the cause of girls being just that stems more from a lack of more interesting events with potentially longer lasting to permanent ramifications. Having some story event of some nature for each girl, and some more group events similar to Halloween, or possibly triggered by factors beyond just choosing to do them would be more of what's needed than just obscuring the mechanics a little. Especially if some of the choices made in the events had lasting repercussions, good bad, or other. That said, it will probably be some time before any such events are added, if they ever are.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2019
The game is actually lying about her Inhibition stat. Jean starts with a hidden stat named "IX" ("JeanX.IX" if you want to mess with it in the console) at 500. Any checks for her Inhibition have the IX value subtracted from them. If she reaches 700 inhibition (displayed value), the IX value will start being reduced by half the Inhibition gain values from then on. If she reaches 1000 inhibition (displayed value) the full inhibition stat gain will instead go to reducing the IX value. There are also some options in the intro dialogue with her that can impact the IX value.
  • When you first meet her, agreeing that your name is the wrong one she gives will reduce the IX value by 5.
  • In the follow up option, any choice except "Listen you stupid..." will reduce the IX value by 5.
  • When she flashes you in her intro, responding with "... Thanks?" will reduce the IX value by 10, while responding with "Wow, those were great!" will reduce the IX value by 15.
Mind, even beyond the IX value, Jean's stats are weird.

For clarity, I will also note, when girls gain stats in Rogue-Like: Evolution the function (called Statup) has a variable called "Check" (if you're looking at the code, it's the number value after the name of what stat is being increased. If the stat is Love, Obed, or Inbt, multiply the value by 10). Before providing the points to the girl, it checks that her current value in that stat does not exceed the Check value. If it does exceed the Check value, she does not gain any stat points (there is an optional variable called Greater which will instead make it so it only provides stats if the girl has a greater value in that stat than the Check value, but the default is to treat the Check value as a cap). Note that when comparing the stats to the Check Value for Jean, it uses her displayed Inhibition, not the value reduced by IX.
  • With Obedience, so long as she has less than 800, and the Check value for the stat gain is below 800, she only gains half as much obedience from anything that would normally grant it.
  • With Love, she caps at 500 Love from Statup until her Obedience is at least 700. Any excess love is put in a variable named "StatStore" ("JeanX.StatStore" if you want to mess with it in the console). After doing this, it checks if the Check Value for the Love gain exceeds her current Obedience, if so, she gains 1/5 (rounded to a whole integer) of the Love gain as obedience. Note this only happens so long as her Obedience is bellow 700.

    However, the love gain that got put into StatStore is not gone. Rather, once she reaches at least 500 Obedience, she'll begin gaining some of it at the start of each day. If her Obedience is between 500 and 699 (inclusive) she'll gain 1 Love in the morning and lose 1 point of StatStore. If she has Obedience between 700 and 899 (inclusive) she'll gain 5 Love in the morning and lose 5 points of StatStore. If she has Obedience of at least 900, she gains 10 Love in the morning and loses 5 points of StatStore. It should be noted this only happens if her Love is less than 1000 and StatStore is greater than 0. Also note that it can result in StatStore going to a negative value, if there are say 2 points of StatStore and she has Obedience of 900.

Overall, it means that Jean is a huge pain to build relationship with quickly without cheating. Made harder as you can't even easily tell how much actions are impacting her two hidden stats, since unlike Love, Obedience, Inhibition, and Lust, any changes to the values of IX and StatStore do not pop up handy little numbers to let you know that the thing you did made a difference, and there is no in game explanation of these systems.
Damn, I have no clue about programming stuff, so all of that looks like Saturn runes, but it seems there is a lot of work behind every single little thing in the game, so I guess it's a challenge to actually make your own game; solid reminder to never try myself.


Active Member
Mar 20, 2018
Damn, I have no clue about programming stuff, so all of that looks like Saturn runes, but it seems there is a lot of work behind every single little thing in the game, so I guess it's a challenge to actually make your own game; solid reminder to never try myself.
Well, RL is shockingly complex for a trainer. Granted, most of the girls behave damn near identically so a good chunk of their behavior is probably just copied and pasted from a pre-existing girl, but still.
Oct 31, 2017
^ Pretty much. Lately I've been thinking that the analogy of a swan swimming fits pretty well for this game, as if you take a peek behind the curtain, even at the game's simpler moments, you'll see Oni has wrangled a small army of hamsters that are trying their hardest not to get in each other's way as they do their job.

Hell, I honestly assumed Xavier's office was set up to let you have one choice before it booted you out, regardless of success or failure. I definitely didn't imagine it was set up as CertainlyNotThatGuy explained it a couple of pages ago (thank you once again for the explanations btw), as that downright seems overkill. On the other hand, maybe I've gotten too used to the basic logic that a lot of other games on this site end up using.


Mar 8, 2018
The game is actually lying about her Inhibition stat. Jean starts with a hidden stat named "IX" ("JeanX.IX" if you want to mess with it in the console) at 500. Any checks for her Inhibition have the IX value subtracted from them. If she reaches 700 inhibition (displayed value), the IX value will start being reduced by half the Inhibition gain values from then on. If she reaches 1000 inhibition (displayed value) the full inhibition stat gain will instead go to reducing the IX value. There are also some options in the intro dialogue with her that can impact the IX value.
  • When you first meet her, agreeing that your name is the wrong one she gives will reduce the IX value by 5.
  • In the follow up option, any choice except "Listen you stupid..." will reduce the IX value by 5.
  • When she flashes you in her intro, responding with "... Thanks?" will reduce the IX value by 10, while responding with "Wow, those were great!" will reduce the IX value by 15.
Mind, even beyond the IX value, Jean's stats are weird.

For clarity, I will also note, when girls gain stats in Rogue-Like: Evolution the function (called Statup) has a variable called "Check" (if you're looking at the code, it's the number value after the name of what stat is being increased. If the stat is Love, Obed, or Inbt, multiply the value by 10). Before providing the points to the girl, it checks that her current value in that stat does not exceed the Check value. If it does exceed the Check value, she does not gain any stat points (there is an optional variable called Greater which will instead make it so it only provides stats if the girl has a greater value in that stat than the Check value, but the default is to treat the Check value as a cap). Note that when comparing the stats to the Check Value for Jean, it uses her displayed Inhibition, not the value reduced by IX.
  • With Obedience, so long as she has less than 800, and the Check value for the stat gain is below 800, she only gains half as much obedience from anything that would normally grant it.
  • With Love, she caps at 500 Love from Statup until her Obedience is at least 700. Any excess love is put in a variable named "StatStore" ("JeanX.StatStore" if you want to mess with it in the console). After doing this, it checks if the Check Value for the Love gain exceeds her current Obedience, if so, she gains 1/5 (rounded to a whole integer) of the Love gain as obedience. Note this only happens so long as her Obedience is bellow 700.

    However, the love gain that got put into StatStore is not gone. Rather, once she reaches at least 500 Obedience, she'll begin gaining some of it at the start of each day. If her Obedience is between 500 and 699 (inclusive) she'll gain 1 Love in the morning and lose 1 point of StatStore. If she has Obedience between 700 and 899 (inclusive) she'll gain 5 Love in the morning and lose 5 points of StatStore. If she has Obedience of at least 900, she gains 10 Love in the morning and loses 5 points of StatStore. It should be noted this only happens if her Love is less than 1000 and StatStore is greater than 0. Also note that it can result in StatStore going to a negative value, if there are say 2 points of StatStore and she has Obedience of 900.

Overall, it means that Jean is a huge pain to build relationship with quickly without cheating. Made harder as you can't even easily tell how much actions are impacting her two hidden stats, since unlike Love, Obedience, Inhibition, and Lust, any changes to the values of IX and StatStore do not pop up handy little numbers to let you know that the thing you did made a difference, and there is no in game explanation of these systems.
Can you put this in 20 words are lest I really don't understand


Active Member
Jul 28, 2019
Well if you think about it, all the girls save for ms. frost and jean are easy, but dont tell them i said that.
yeah, you'd think storm would be harder than emma, since they have the same issue of being a teacher but while emma avoids doing jean's mind-tricks she can if she gets in trouble, storm can't.
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May 17, 2020
yeah, you'd think storm would be harder than emma, since they have the same issue of being a teacher but while emma avoids doing jean's mind-tricks she can if she gets in trouble, storm can't.
i mean, Storm always was a bit more... liberated, even in the comics. I mean, she spent quite a while as nudist while playing weather goddess in Africa iirc.


Engaged Member
Mar 9, 2018
Nah I'd say late December, early January. The reason is because he wants to toss the update with jubes out as quickly as possible, he hasn't touched Jean for her second pose at all... No surprise there tbh. Of course then we get 0.998 with jubes sex poses late spring.
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