Where you at?!
Let's go! Mod her into this game!
Even something simple like just giving her hairstyle to Rogue or Laura would be enough
See my quote from ages ago about how Oni codes in a nutshell:
Basically retooling everything from the ground up. The problem is that there are ways to do what Oni wants, but because he had started off as a coding exercise, it uses very basic programming methodology to do everything. It's great to learn and use when you are starting out. But In order to optimize and get everything to work properly at an advance knowledge level of programming so that you could scale everything up, you would basically need to reprogram the game... and the updates are Oni's money maker.
So he's basically painted himself into a corner so to speak. The problems Oni is encountering is the same kind of thing that plagues companies with multi-billion dollar revenues. If they stop to reprogram/retool everything, they lose out on potential revenue but they need to constantly patch everything in order just to keep things running. See COBOL and the banking system as real life case study of it in action.