I actually really liked the sonar-checks he had in there that told you what room everyone was going to. He should let you buy jewelry in the shop that has tracking chip in it and make that a feature. As an added bonus, maybe if you buy the jewelry, you could cheat on your girlfriend without getting caught. Right now, I do NOT suggest doing that, as the feature is buggy and she will dump you again immediately after forgiving you, since (like real life) she neither forgives nor forgets.
It is safer to put off Rogue calling you her boyfriend until after you have both Kitty and Rogue to a high enough stats. You actually can't put it off forever because eventually she will just kick in your door and announce she doesn't care what you say, you are her boyfriend. Then accept being her boyfriend, break up with her immediately, tell her you are seeing Kitty, and if both girls are a high enough stats, she'll come up with a solution that benefits everyone.
If he has added Kitty jealousy into the game, then you will have to try and get both girls high enough without them getting jealous. Previously, your character would just announce that Kitty said it was fine with her, even though you never talked to her. It was probably just place holder text until he got that conversation into the code.
I've been through his code, and some stuff is great, and some stuff is clunky. There are a few places where just one or two lines would fix some big problems, but he is getting there. He is starting to outsource some of the stuff for the game, but from his Patreon, I don't think he is spending most of his time on the game or the art, he might have some real life stuff that is tying him up.