The game only has a single dev. So any time he spends writing is time that he's not drawing or coding.
development time.
a lot of the coding should be essentially “Copy Laura’s part, paste in notepad, find-replace Laura-Jean, cleanup a few things, re-write sections as placeholder, paste back in game, done” A week, tops.
the writing is more in-depth sure, but we are talking ... two weeks with an hour a day, one more week to proofread. Tops.
Art I can’t judge.
animations are the same, but surely not much more than two weeks at an hour a day.
so we’re at six weeks for the coding and animation. Another week for internal testing. Art takes however long it takes, then release and listening to big reports.
I guess what I’m getting at is - either Oni is more incompetent than I am as I’m pretty sure I could do the coding part using his original as a base in less than a month and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing....
Or he’s not putting in seven hours a week.