edit: Sorry guys, fixed up some stupid errors I made with the public sex system. Re-download if you snagged version 0.974a.
edit2: Fixed another dumb error with Kitty being able to masturbate. Poor girl. Also one involving Rogue throwing her clothes back on after certain sex acts. Version c. . .
* You can now choose masturbation directly form Kitty’s menu.
* I added a whole list of new generic chit-chat, resulting in more natural conversations.
* Xavier can now catch you and Kitty in the act. Be prepared.
* Crowds should no longer creep on you when having threesomes in your own rooms.
* Rogue and Kitty should now leave the shower after having showeved, after you leave.
* You should be able to reach Kitty’s room through all the same methods as Rogue’s, but only after meeting her. In the last build some options were still firewalled.
* You can now explore Xavier’s office again once per day, in the previous build you could only ever do it once.
* Fixed an issue with characters cleaning cum off after agreeing to leave it on, let me know if this happens again, and how it plays out.
* I added a variable correction system. If you ever have an issue where it says “K_Date not found” or any other variable, try going to the player room, opening the Tutorial, and running “Statchecker.” This should fix any missing variables, although I’m still not sure why variables occasionally slip through the cracks.
* I fixed a few issues related to characters changing in and out of Gym clothes in the Danger Room, but let me know if any other issues occur around that.
* I fixed a simple error with characters contradicting themselves over classroom seating.
* I fixed some scheduling conflicts surrounding Rogue’s flirty Classroom scene, it should fit more naturally into the curriculum.
* Probably some other little things in there, but unless I broke something new, this version should be a lot smoother. If I did break something new, buckle up.
Known issues:
* doing sexy stuff with Kitty while Rogue is around can cause Kitty’s jealousy action to play instead of Rogue’s. This is very weird, but will be fixed next time.