The latest update is 0.974j that I posted here several weeks ago, now 0.975 should arrive in two weeks according to Oni.
Just a status update saying he's working on kitty sex position and in the comments he says that next version should arrive in two weeks.There was an update posted on the 6th. No one has said yet if it was just a status update or a game update.
I'd like it to be a game update but if it were just a status update I'd like to know that too.
That sweet member berry pie, thanks for thisThere's just no sound. Play this on loop.
He's just very very slow. Mainly due to him refusing help with it abandon again??? :''( i played this game long ago then forgot about it then saw it on here and and the game dev was working on it (reworking the game without new content), now it seem like its going to be abandon again :''''( i really did like this game... oh well maybe in the next few month when i forget about this game again maybe the game dev will surprise us and launch a new version with some new content...