Yeah, the thing is this game is in a very comfy cycle and I really doubt it'll abandon it. Hell, I think this game will continue in this cycle until something shakes things up massively, like a mass exodus of patrons, the total sanitation of Patreon of +18 content, an asteroid destroying Earth or the heat death of the universe.
If Oni takes an update or two to add new quality of life improvements or content to the existing girls, like new clothes, a new location, new activities or things like that, he will have to do the same thing to all future girls, which will increase update times and possibly piss off some patrons, both those that want more updates and those that want new girls or more content.
After all, adding a new girl is the best way to create a substantial amount of content and make updates look "big", you have to do all her events, see her conversations and her reactions, fuck her, etc. Meanwhile, adding content to existing girls or something new will make the update look small, because if you have them all in 1000 in all stats, seeing the new content is easy.
The only thing we can hope is for him to continue what he is doing and adding a tiny amount of extra content to a girl with every new patch, this time is the second sex poses, let's hope that, when he is done with this, he adds new clothes.
P.S. If he does add new clothes, then please tell Oni to give Emma this dress as dating clothes. Ok? Cool, bye!