Talk to the girls, be nice to them, fuck themCan someone please give a walktrought
Talk to the girls, be nice to them, fuck them
Talk to the girls, be mean to them, fuck them
There is your walkthrough
It's essentially a thirst meter; I never figured out if the numbers meant anything however as they changed at random in my instances.what is red button I click on it time to time and it just gives random numbers
I'm still not sure how I feel about the fact he just isn't gonna base her off the original Jean grey from Evolution... I guess disappointed would be the feeling? I mean she doesn't look bad and I feel like she'd still be a good addition but I still stand by all those comments I made back then when he first showed her design off that just like Rogue and Kitty she should of been based off her original look from the show. I know Emma isn't in Evolution so her looks is more closely resembling Wolverine and The X-Men and as for Laura her age in Evolution is the main reason for concern so he went and changed it as well as her look to be more in line with how she looks in the comics.View attachment 678270 View attachment 678271
That expression is one of someone who has realized they've gone and trusted the wrong fart.
That's actually quite common with patreonIts just incredible how he treats his patreons... After being quiet for months, saying somethink like "ive been getting a lot of requests" feels like "ok, so be it, here is your tiny bit of info, dont bother me again"
damn it almost sounds like people have something else to do than work on fan game 24/7Its just incredible how he treats his patreons... After being quiet for months, saying somethink like "ive been getting a lot of requests" feels like "ok, so be it, here is your tiny bit of info, dont bother me again"
she looks good... thing is, she doesnt look like jean, AT ALL, if anything she looks more like april o'neil from the original TMNT cartoon mixed with janine from the"real ghostbusters" cartoon... because of that i really have no idea how to feel about her design...View attachment 678270 View attachment 678271
That expression is one of someone who has realized they've gone and trusted the wrong fart.
You made me go look at oni's patreon & there's not gonna be a new version until mid-June as Oni said himself in response to a post on the patreon.New version! New version! New version! There is Jean Gray).
Jeans in and apparently similar interactions such as dates whereas it'll probably be bj, handjob, maybe titjob/footjob?Is there any confirmation on what exactly will be in the new version, or will we just find out?
Such as, what Jean will be able to do
She looks like Jean from the Ultimate comics around the mid-2000s.she looks good... thing is, she doesnt look like jean, AT ALL, if anything she looks more like april o'neil from the original TMNT cartoon mixed with janine from the"real ghostbusters" cartoon... because of that i really have no idea how to feel about her design...