So Jean's personality is rough, but since I mainly play the master/slave route way in this game, it just means she'll be more fun to break.
With the other 4 girls, I have a set speedrun strat for each of them if I'm just trying to get straight to the sex scenes.
I don't know if something like this would be possible with Jean though. Currently it's very hard to grind out points with her. Probably just needs more testing on my part. I haven't done too much with her yet.
Her art is decent. I like the way she looks nude. Hopefully Oni gives her a good sex position, and not some weird looking like Laura's (even though Laura's has grown on me at this point).
Overrall, I'm looking forward to future updates still. I've been playing every update since before Kitty was even a thing, so I'm in it for the long haul at this point.