Ok, so version e was slightly stable, I will put out a hopefully even more stable version f soon, but also plan to add some new features (including a more stable way to load previous saves) before I wrap 0.991 and move full into 0.992 development.
That out of the way, I wanted to have a discussion about Jean in the game. What do you guys think? Do you like how she behaves? Hate it? Want some changes here or there? Does the art work? Are there simple options that you think would improve her significantly?
Her stats definitely work differently than the other girls, there's a lot of tweaking numbers behind the scenes with her. I intend for you to be able to advance her through a positive, romantic angle, or through a more obedience-based angle. Have you guys been having luck with those? Have you been hitting any unexpected walls and not known how to progress past them? I'm not saying I got all this right out of the gate, so I'd like to know if there are any particular areas that could use a boost. I do expect her early and middle-game to be harder than her endgame.
Try to keep responses to be about gameplay and design stuff here, not so much bug reports. Keep those to the 0.991e/f threads please, just to keep things organized.
Edit: If you want me to make a suggestion on Jean make some and I'll compile something for Oni. I didn't get too far with her as I got bored due to no animations to see besides a handjob and played with her clothing options that's about it.