About how they know Zero had this power? No clue...
Made Juggernaut faceplant into a wall.
He had to touch Rogue to disable her powers, but later he can disable it at a distance for the threesomes.
Currently does not make sense since you can engage in a threesome with no training and almost no story progression. I think the game simply glosses over the need to actively pay attention to it with Rogue (all other girls are safe by default so it only really matters when you're banging someone else and Rogue is servicing
her instead of you - or if you ask Rogue to make out with a girl and then occupy both your hands)
If Zero isn't prepared/willing to block mutant powers then they do affect him.
My headcanon is that the touch always works but the projection doesn't, and other characters actively have to look for loopholes. Xavier and Emma are both pretty smart (and emotionally stable most of the time...) so I could see them telekinetically moving
the air around him rather than his actual body. And Kitty's power doesn't telefrag so she just has to get her hand through his clothes before touching his bare skin.
Otherwise it's kinda hard to explain how he lasted an entire lesson or more not losing his "willingness" despite probably not knowing what Emma was up to.
Like if she was moving it all the way towards Zero instead of just throwing it.
If she threw it there would be no mutant power acting on it, just inertia. Same as if she just placed it right over Zero and let gravity do the trick...
This is the part I'm not sure on,
can Jean just "let go"? If so why does the nullification completely halt the object instead of merely preventing it from gaining even more momentum, and where does said momentum go? (Fundamental physics aside I just think it'd be funny if one of the more "reality/spacetime-warping" powers got either the user or Zero yeeted into a wall from suddenly absorbing residual momentum - ideally Jean of course because she's written as a completely unsympathetic bitch)
On to the other point. Zero's power isn't to block aggression.
I reckon he could block Wolverine's regen and claws, but Wolverine can still knock the lights out of him. That's why the girls can slap your hand away or elbow you in the ribs.
Oh I didn't mean to imply he could. My entire point was that he
can't so regular physical attacks still work unless they are somehow sustained by a mutant power. With Wolverine/Laura I think he
might be able to stop them from extending or retracting their claws but not outright remove them from their anatomy, and the adamantium isn't even part of their power set to begin with so that should be completely unaffected. Also you can fuck Laura to exhaustion, that shouldn't really be possible if the enhanced stamina recovery part of her healing factor was functional.
I don't know what's the point of discussing this. We probably have put more though into it than Oni did...
Fuck it, if asking the same inane question a dozen times over just as many pages is allowed overly elaborate discussions of in-game lore should be too
Just noticed Jubilee's artwork has a fang; was he going to go for the 'vampire' version of her character?
"I'm from Transylvania and I will suck you dry" *ZIP*