apparently someone have never heard of the fate series
To be fair, the first game has six sex scenes in all three routes, two on the first, one in the second and three in the third. Short ones. In a visual novel with about as much story content as Lord of the Rings.
Did not finish Hollow Ataraxia yet, but it seems to be going a similar way, since I did not get any scene yet.
But again, that's basically the same as Tsukihime. More scenes overall, but I think it was an average of three per route tops, I think it is still just two. More total scenes, but that's because there are two more routes.
Kagetsu Tohya has more scenes, but that's because it is lulling you into a sense of "this is just a fun fandisk" until you advance enough you get the meat of the story.
Hollow Ataraxia skips that and gives you some story even before the fun parts of the fandisc, so I don't expect as much sex scenes as KT had.