- Quicksave in the commons and savescum until you catch her masturbating in the shower
- Pick the first dialogue option, then hover over "Rogue... [jump in]" and spam click. This will boost all three stats without incrementing lust, and though it increments the clock, it doesn't count as an action that ends the scene. This has been in the game a long time but never been addressed I guess. Use it to grind her stats to 901 / 701 / 701, then start selecting the last dialogue option ("You look like you have things well in hand" or whatever) to get to 901 / 801 / 801. Alternatively you can use the last dialogue option for the whole process, it increments faster but you have to actually look at what you're doing.
- Day 2, take the morning class so rogue stops being hostile, she'll come in and sit next to you; if she sits across the room, reload
- Savescum again to get students and not the professor