The colors for the mesh tops are wrong. From what I can tell the modder applied a color tint overlay (so to speak) instead of changing the actual color directly. It's most easily noticeable with the red colored mesh top--it looks brown, not red, which suggests that the original green color of the mesh top was still present when they added the red layer to it.
I'm not exactly sure of the process on how these changes were made so I probably have terminology/procedural verbage wrong, but hopefully this makes sense. I'm also not an artist, so if I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about, that's why
It's not just the "red" top that shows signs of this, it's all of them. If you look through the rest of the colors for the mesh top you'll see that they all look like slightly re-tinted versions of the original green. The white actually has a very very light green hue. The black is a very dark green. The yellow is yellow-green.
If you look closely, you can still see a green outline on every one of the recolored mesh tops.
To be clear, I don't think these tops look bad, and I don't even really think that they need to be recolored again necessarily. Maybe just rename the menu options to more accurately fit the colors displayed?
I dunno, it doesn't bother me either way. I like all of the new mesh top colors even if the menu options are inaccurate. Personally, I don't think it's a big deal, your time is probably better spent creating new clothing than re-tooling stuff you've already done (or whoever did these, again I'm not sure who the modder was but props to whoever). I think "fixing" the menu options is probably a faster solution, but even that's probably not really necessary. That's just my opinion though.