I tried to get into this but I damn near wanted to put a perverbal bullet in my head. Why you may ask? Simple.
We go from being the worlds most pathetic of characters, get a odd ball of a fucking chance to turn the tables with an apparent villain arc, only to pretty much go fast pace into things. Additionally, this may as well have a the tag kinetic novel because there are fuck all of choices.
The 4th wall shit is mediocre, there is no real build up to the story other than 'here you go'. Honestly could use a bit more building the character and such in quite a bit of parts, specially early on. Balance out the pacing story wise, even early on, fine tune some things writing wise and maybe this could be a bit of a quirky game for some. For now, I can't really play this. A smidge of promise here, specially with the prospect of knocking up gals which I am slut for, but I can't give my endorsement on this mess.