Is it possible for you to point out where I can double check some of my mistakes, like throughout the story or especifically bad in certain parts? (I'm always trying to improve and studying mistakes is an efficient way to learn)
Don't worry about it, I'm happy to help. All I did was fix some spelling mistakes which I assume were typos, and I noticed you always spell strength as strenght, so that was one of it, also there was a certain passage, I forgot which one but the way you translated it seemed very directly translated, I changed it to something more 'erotic' by saying 'my pussy juice is flowing' or something along those lines. I also added a lot of single quotes for words like dont or wont (making it don't or won't). Anyways, GOOD JOB ON THE TRANSLATION!!! I liked it considering it was one of your first translations.
and the reply u sent, I think u meant 'especially' <-- im not trying to be nitpicky, i just thought that you should know just in case