I got pissed at this game a few days ago and decided I'd try to mod the shittiness out of the gameplay. Still working on it, but I've got a few neat features working that I'd feel bad not to share:
* Unlocks "Talk to someone" for visitors at the casino & clinic, and opens up the list of talk targets to everyone in a map, for everyone in the map except guests
* Unlocks "Talk to someone" for the date spots with some sweet custom walk pathing (you get to schmoove right into date position), and again gives you the whole map to talk to (not sure what'll happen yet if you leave/interrupt a date, still need to test that out)
* Once you've talked/friended with strangers you can call them over, ask them out, all the non-unique things you can do with coworkers, although some interactions can be janky (I didn't do much of anything for this, it just kinda worked out)
Other To-Dos:
* Clean up edge cases around states & interactions
* Fix clinic workers not being able to do "Socialize" with patients in the chair
* Make sure these unlocks are available during autoplay
* Overhaul how guests work in non-private rooms (it sucks)