When it's going to week 2, you can save the gamehow to save the game
I prefer the domination route, it has more positions.holy shit the romance route is a million times better than the violation one. and i'm not even a vanilla kind of person.
It's TyranoBuilder of all things.Hm. Could be fun but.. this looks like it was made in one of those giga-shit Japanese game engines that are probably 500 years old and barely work... I wonder if this will actually be playable. Oh well, one way to find out.
Sadly, all assets are pre-rendered GIFsWaiting for uncensored mods
I prefer the domination route, it has more positions.
Get her domination to max in her profile before starting the rape routeI FIGURED IT OUT, I make her cum once before I insert then cum twice after I insert (I go like 10-20 more red spots after the second cum just to see) and then I cum outside Edit: Took me 2 attempts at the second stage to get it go up will update as I go Edit#2: the third one went up the first time she cums a lot more tho