
Dec 16, 2017
Updated game from 16.11.23 and - no visible version change in game menu, also no changelog on site -> it's says only bugfix.


New Member
Feb 27, 2021
Here is a full save to share

Copy and paste these two files beside the Room.exe will do
It works like a global save file for the gallery and the profile of the girl

It works like a collection of save slots

If you want to change the save files to experience different condition. I have a few files with the conditions already set up.
Realistically you would only need the High Love High Dom save files, since the condition will allow you to go to any of the route with the best conditions. In the High love High Dom save lots, the 4 save file from the bottom is the last week of the game. You can choose to go pure love route or the violation route. The very bottom file will allow you to see the best ending for the pure love route, which is the Marriage ending.

The save file also contains all gallery unlocked. It is finally achievable with the shopping option bug fixed

If you want a guide on the endings, I wrote a guide on page 8, at the bottom of the forum.

It is a really good game that has a slow and realistic vibe to the growth of the romance. It feels sweet. Please do experience the pure love route.
thanks a lot. need more people like you in this forum. you know "us" to well.


Oct 3, 2022
Here is a full save to share


It is a really good game that has a slow and realistic vibe to the growth of the romance. It feels sweet. Please do experience the pure love route.
Thank you, I dunno if my copy is outdated but I already experienced both sides of the Pure Love Route and it really is worth every second it takes to complete it.


Aug 23, 2017
Since the person that uploaded it, uploaded a scuffed translation. I am fixing the OP now.


New Member
Jun 22, 2019
Ok guys, I think I figured out how to get the Love Slave route aka moving the needle to the right during the Violation Route.
*Firstly, it is helpful if you get the Dom level in her profile to be fairly high or yellow.
Now, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage =
(1) Make her cum once
(2) Insert penis
(3) Keep thrusting and be mindful to choose the Slow or Rough that the red arrow is pointing to
(4) Keep making her cum by continuing to thrust BUT do not cum yet
(5) When her Pleasure Meter no longer increase even if you choose the red arrow action, then that means you should CUM OUTSIDE.
-By the 3rd stage/event, the needle should already be in the Love Slave section.
-4th stage is just Blowjob in the bathtub and I don't think it matters what you choose.
-At this stage, she should already be your submissive bitch.
-BUT even so, DO NOT CUM INSIDE of her in 5th stage.
-GODDAMN that Vibrator sound in stage 6 is annoying!
(6) At the last Stage (Stage 6), if you make her cum repeatedly until it becomes the last RED BAR, she will faint and it will make the needle move to the left.
*Edit = I may or may not be right but I don't think cumming inside matters much but rather it it the "Strike" command. Maybe slapping her is the real factor. But I cummed outside just to be safe
*Edit no. 2 = I think I've narrowed down the factors. Following my guide and never cumming inside her + not hitting her during the foreplay will move the needle to the right. Follow my guide BUT cumming inside her + not hitting her will no move the needle. I think hitting her during foreplay moves the needle to the left.
I came inside her everytime and slapped her a few times so I don't think that will prevent you from getting the brainwashed slave ending. I think you are on point with the high Dom value and making her feel good being key to moving the needle right though.


Active Member
Sep 12, 2021
I'm stuck.
I'm lv4 survey, i have 2 idle cameras, I have the fog protection lotion, I have found the bathroom light, got the prompt I could place the next camera there, but when I try to place it, it doesn't work, the bathroom doesn't get a placement highlight.

Huh...ok, so, I could place the camera, in the toilet's ventilation.
Even though I hadn't scouted the area, and I'm still stuck since the mission won't update, I can't scout other spots or place new cameras.


New Member
May 26, 2022
I'm stuck.
I'm lv4 survey, i have 2 idle cameras, I have the fog protection lotion, I have found the bathroom light, got the prompt I could place the next camera there, but when I try to place it, it doesn't work, the bathroom doesn't get a placement highlight.

Huh...ok, so, I could place the camera, in the toilet's ventilation.
Even though I hadn't scouted the area, and I'm still stuck since the mission won't update, I can't scout other spots or place new cameras.
same here, all mission targets are green but I'm not able to place any more cameras.
Did I miss something?!


New Member
Aug 23, 2017
I'm stuck.
I'm lv4 survey, i have 2 idle cameras, I have the fog protection lotion, I have found the bathroom light, got the prompt I could place the next camera there, but when I try to place it, it doesn't work, the bathroom doesn't get a placement highlight.

Huh...ok, so, I could place the camera, in the toilet's ventilation.
Even though I hadn't scouted the area, and I'm still stuck since the mission won't update, I can't scout other spots or place new cameras.
same here, all mission targets are green but I'm not able to place any more cameras.
Did I miss something?!

I had the same problem and, as someone else suggested in this thread, I went and took a "Survey" action (even though I was at max level). This solved the issue as I was then able to place the camera in the bathroom -finally!
My guess is that you have to do the actions in order, even though all lines are green in the objectives list.

I'm not sure if this is the only way (another poster also mentioned clicking repeatedly on a spot to "force place" a camera), but I hope that helps.

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Jun 19, 2020
Welp, best advice for anyone that wants to do this without a guide:
Save every week.
Quick save before making any decision in survey, or walk. This allows you to explore all of the options.
Always check her profile, so that you can see how you are doing.

There, a no guide 'guide'.
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New Member
Jan 1, 2022
(GUIDE) MacroGuide to the Week "8 hours of Gamplay"
Pure Love Route (Is Kinda Griddy and the Pregg end is kinda chance)

Week 1
D3 You can meet Yume at Shooping Distirct
D5 You can meet Yume at Electronics

Yume introduces Konno to You [Profile Unlocked]

Week 2
D1or2 Met Yume on front of her 0ffice or Meet Konno at Electronics {You can do the other later}
D3 Met Yume at shooping district
D4 Yume at Office
D5 [Unique Dialouge If you to her Office] or Go to Electronics to Meet Yume and Konno

Week 3
D1 Yume at Office (choose option 2 [Dom up])
D2 Yume at Electronics (Option 2 [Aff up])
D3 Yume at Shopping District
D5 Yume at Office [Aff up]

Week 4
[No Dialouges in Days]

Dialouge with Yume (Option 2 [Dom up] Option 3 [Aff up])

Week 1
D1orD2 Konno at Shopping District (Option1 or 2[Aff up] or Yume at Electronics (Option 1[Aff up] Option 3[Dom up]) {You can choode the other later}
D3 Konno & Yume at Shopping District [Info Add]
D4 Yume at Office (Option 1 [Dom up] Option 2 [Aff up])
D5 Konno at Shopping district [Aff up] or {EX}Yume at Office

Dialouge with Yume [Info Add]

Week 2
D1 Yume at Electronics {Bonus dialouge at the next day Shopping district}
D2 Yume at Shopping District (Option 2[Dom up]) or {EX}Yume at Electronics
D4 Yume at office [Info Add]

Week 3
[No Dialouge]

Week 4
[No Dialouge]

Week 1
D1 yume at Shopping District
D2 Yume at Elctronics (Opiton 1 [Aff up] Option 3 [Dom up])
D3 Konno At Shipping District [Aff up] (EX}Yume at Electronic or Office
D4 Shopping Distrcit {Extra Dialouge}

Extra Dialouge

Week 2
D1 Yume at Office (Option 1 [Dom up] Option 2 [Aff up]
D2 {EX} Yume at Office
D3 Shopping Distrct {Extra Dialouge}
D5 {EX}Konno & Yume at Electronics

Dialouge (Choose Option 2, Option 1 [Alert up])

Week 3
[No Dialouge]

Week 4
[No Dialouge]

Week 1
D1 {EX}Yume at Shopping District
D2 Yume at Shopping District (Option 2 [Dpm up] Option 3 [Aff up])
D3 Konno at Shopping District [Aff up] {EX} Yume at Electronics or Office

Week 2
D3 Yume Office (Option 1 [Aff up] Option 3 [Dom up])
D4 Yume at Electronics Capsule Machine
D5 Capsule Machine 2 (Option 1 [Dom Up] Option 2 [Aff up])

Week 3
D1 Capsule Machine 3 [Aff up]

Dialouge Stalker

Week 4
[No Dialouge]

week 1
D1 Konno at Electronic (Option 1 or option 3 [Aff Up])
D2 Yume at Electronic (Option 1 [Dom Up] Option 2 [Aff up])
D3 Konno Electronic [Aff up]

Week 2
D1 Yume at Office (Option 1 [Dom up] Option 2 [Aff up])
D2 {Ex} Shopping Distrct or Office
D4 {EX} Yume at Shopping District
D5 Yume at Shopping Distrct [Aff Up]

Week 3
D2 {You can do an EX office from W2D2}

Week 4
{No Dialouge in Days]

Dialouge (Option 1 [Aff up] Option 2 [Dom Up])

Week 1
D1 {EX} Yume at Shopping district
D4 Yume & Konno at Electronic (option 2 [aff up] Option 3 [Dom up]) [Info Add]
D5 Yume at Shopping District [Aff up]

Week 2
D1 No Dialouge when walking but there's after the day
D2 Konno at Electronics [Aff up]
D3-5 {EX} at Electronic and Office 2x [You can do Craft or Survey 1 time maybe the do the EX later]

D1 {DO EX That you missed}
D3 {EX} Office

Week 4
No events

*//* At this point is baisically a Dating if you're doing a Pure Route
Week 1
D1 Yume at Electronic (Option 1[Aff up] Option 2 [Dom up will also makes her sad])
D2 {EX} Yume at Shoppig Distrct
D3 Yume & Konno at Shopping District (Option 1 [Aff up] Option 3 [Dom up]) or {You can also do this at OctW1D5} Yume at Office (Option 1 [Dom up] Option 2 [Aff up])
D4D-D5 {D5}Do Yume convinince store Dialouge or {EX} Yume at Shopping District or Konnon at Electronics

Week 2
D1 Yume at electronic [Aff up]
D2 {EX} Shop or Office
D5 {EX} Shop or Office

Week 3
D1 {EX] Shopping
D@ {EX} Office

Week 4
No Dialouge

Konno ring your appartment (Option 1 [Konno End] option 2 [Love Route])

I try to add up this thread for other end if I decided to comback
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