Almost every enemy can be stomp, except hydra. Just make sure to walk back when they try to attack, then stomp. The few enemy need to lookout which are the caterpillar, pig, try away of them until they stop. Slime need to one hit and take distance, because their attack range is bigger and almost instant.To anyone struggling with arrows: took me a bit to realize, but pressing A makes her do a very short range stomp attack, which is perfect against one-hit enemies like the leeches or the rabbits (and with some patience even stuff like caterpillars)
already in the game. read the thread, right at the start of the first level, kick the wall to the left a few times and you can pass through it. a powerup with infinite arrows is in there.This game needs a health and arrow cheat really bad...
I tried that, but for some reason all I get is the text and then the game goes back to the main menu. After that I press continue and the arrows continue to reduce.already in the game. read the thread, right at the start of the first level, kick the wall to the left a few times and you can pass through it. a powerup with infinite arrows is in there.
I can't download it. Can you post it somewhere else, like MediaFire or Mega? So that we can download with easeGallery Unlocker Assembly (English version)
This game is so weird when it comes to save file handling; the dev added some form of integrity check to the save files because of the amount of times I've modified them then it does some silly checksum handling so ive just modified the game assembly
yeah fuck that; this code is actual garbage and so are the gallery animations, lmao
replace assembly-csharp in data/managed and enjoy! i just overrode the disable_button function to call the enable function
This is a Fact (Easy Mode also Make Struggle Easier and Mobs have less hp)already in the game. read the thread, right at the start of the first level, kick the wall to the left a few times and you can pass through it. a powerup with infinite arrows is in there.
You need to actually pick up the bow. You'll know it works because your arrows will change and your number of arrows will change to infinity.I tried that, but for some reason all I get is the text and then the game goes back to the main menu. After that I press continue and the arrows continue to reduce.