- Aug 28, 2018
- 2,018
- 4,096
Awesome, thank you for the super comprehensive answer!Yeah the quests primarily can be completed at any time before the endgame quest start. Aside from the Oakshire quests. I believe Emek's Rest has the same warning as Act I's ending though. Where the game prompts the player to save. However this is more a warning for the two different Emek's Rest ending routes. Rather than the associated DLC h-scenes and side-quests. I would check with the guide to make sure you miss no h-scenes since you're new to the game. The only side-quest that I'm not 100% on would be the rescue Jerrah quest. (I just haven't done it in a while so my memory is a little fuzzy on that one). I would double check that the quest is required for the main Emek's Rest quest and not optional. (Due to the characters that need to be present for it). I believe that side-quest is required though. As most of the side-quests can only be completed after the main Emek's Rest quest ending. If you're nervous about missing anything in Emek's Rest, just do as much as you can before the prompt, and then everything should be good regardless. (Just in case something gets bugged; I used to get lots of bugs when the DLC first came out).
While not necessarily side-quests, you should know that Gajah and Galhart do end up leaving during Act III. (I don't believe that's changed from previous versions). Which means you can't get the various h-scenes with Galhart if you don't do them before he leaves. And it's been a long time since I've done a full female playthrough, but I believe Gajah's Castle h-scene can only be completed in Act II.
And I haven't tested all the responses to the newest character Kara either. So I can't speak for her. Hopefully that's helpful.
I save a lot so if I miss something I can always take a few steps back but my main worry was missing a lot of other content by mistake. Thanks!